YAY Nook Color!!

Sep 09, 2011 19:06

While the entire city of San Diego, California was powerless for 12 hours yesterday, what was I doing ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

pfodge September 10 2011, 02:13:12 UTC
I've been hinting to my husband for one for my birthday. I have the Nook 3g which I love. My daughter has the Nook Color. I really like it. I have a little over two weeks to talk him into it.


1bongo1 September 10 2011, 02:40:25 UTC
Just tell him the fact that it provided entertainment in a stressful atmosphere made it awesome. (My g-baby used it to play Angry Birds after I went to bed).

The fact that I used it as a light to find my way to the bathroom made it priceless.

How could he say no to that?


pfodge September 10 2011, 02:44:57 UTC
The fact that I used it as a light to find my way to the bathroom made it priceless.

LOL....I'll have to try that one.


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