Unicorn Club #11: Angels Keep Out

Jun 15, 2010 10:43

I was going to do a recap of Unicorns 15 but my computer ate it without autosaving (you let me down Bill Gates!) and since that was last summer, someone has snuck in with a recap of that one since then. And I missed it somehow. So, in hopes of scoring some swag, (hey, if Jessica can be motivated by greed, so can I!) I’ll break out a different Unicorns book. (though I was considering SV Senior Year 3 which has a back cover that says “This girl will do anything for me. Wash my car. Make my bed. I bet she’d floss my teeth if I asked her to. Just like all the others. Except she’s Elizabeth. And somehow that makes things a little more complicated.” Which is the creepiest back cover I’ve ever read. And though I never read a SV Senior High book, that one might be next on the list.)

Anywhoo, Sweet Valley Unicorns 11: Angels Keep Out. I’m pretty sure there is punctuation missing on that, but it has been a long time since English class. Shouldn’t it be Angels, Keep Out! ? Whatever. The cover shows 4 Unicorns (sorry, no pic yet) around an easel that has a “Top Secret Party Map” on it. But all it is is some poorly drawn houses, dotted lines from “Family Circus” and an X marking the spot of the party. No other references, no north, no landmarks, nada. So I defy anyone to actually use this map to make it to the party. Whatever. On to the story!

We start off with the Unicorns volunteering at the Sweet Valley Child Care Center. Apparently their punishment from one of the previous books was to volunteer at the center, and they liked it so much, they are still doing it after the punishment has ended. I’m not really buying it ghostwriter, but whatever you need to get your plot going. But all is not well at the SVCCC; they are running out of things at an alarming rate-no graham crackers! The horror! Lila would have her dad donate some money, but he is overseas right now and doesn’t know how to wire money from a distance. Or something. Sweet little Gabriella, one of the kids at the center, mentions that she heard from her brother (a cute 8th grader who apparently doesn’t know how to babysit) that the Angels club was the coolest club at school, not the Unicorn club. GASP. And then GASP again! WHAAAA? The Angels club is of course formed by Elizabeth and the other girls who were too uncool to be Unicorns. And Mandy was a member in the last book, but she has since returned to the Unicorns. Not a choice I would have made, but maybe Mandy’s chemo did something to her brain. So to hear the Angels be called cooler has Lila and Jessica up in arms. They are having a meeting that weekend at Jessica’s house (as ghostwriter reminded us several times) and will do something, anything to keep rumours like that from spreading.

Scene change! Jessica runs into Elizabeth’s room to share a “hip” song (yes, she used the word hip) that is playing on the radio (this is before MP3 players people!) but instead of studying, Saint Elizabeth is staring at herself in the mirror and doodling “Todd” all over her notebook. Todd, Todd, Todd. Nope, it doesn’t get better with repetition. As George Carlin says, it isn’t a great name. Anywhoo, Jessica, not being as slow as usual, puts two and two together and figures out that Elizabeth is in love with Todd. Jess always thought she’d be the first to fall in love, but she is used to not getting what she really deserves (a huge allowance, her own phone line, etc.) but other than that weird foray into crazy-town, Jessica isn’t so heinous in this scene. She gently teases Elizabeth and then tells her where she can come for some boy advice, because Jessica is the boy guru of course. We also are reminded by Jess that Todd is cute, very cute, but with the personality of a math quiz. Sounds about right. But now Jessica has some ammo when Liz calls her boy-crazy-ammo in the form of pages of Todd, Todd, Todd written in a notebook.

Friday at lunch, Liz is daydreaming about how perfect Todd is (yuck) and sitting with the other Angels at their table: the Angeliner. OMG, ghostwriter, really? The Unicorner wasn’t terrible, and kinda clever in fact, but the Angeliner? Gag me with a spoon. The next couple of paragraphs are all Todd, Todd, Todd and I’ll spare you the dream sequence, but then the Angels hear Mandy laugh and get a little sad. As mentioned before, Mandy was a part of their club until recently and she is a fun person who is also the best dresser in the school, so it had been great to have her as part of the Angels. So the Angels are depressed, so Elizabeth suggests a meeting/party at her house on Saturday.

Did you catch that? The Angels are having a meeting on Saturday. But, but, but…isn’t that when the Unicorns are having their meeting/party too? It has only been about six pages, but I’ve forgotten. ::flips pages:: OMG, guys! It is! What is going to happen?

Saturday! The Unicorns are meeting at the Wakefield’s house and chilling by the pool. They are trying to come up with ways to improve their image at school. They want to advertise, but they don’t have the budget. Kimberly suggests a HUGE party and they all agree. They can hold it at the Wakefield house (what, Lila’s mansion is too far away?), and Jessica’s dad will barbeque, etc. Uh, darlins, parties cost money too. And parents don’t like it when you volunteer them without a word. I see trouble on the horizon. Mandy convinces the girls that they simply HAVE to invite the Angels to the party if they are inviting everyone else in the school. The other Unicorns reluctantly agree, and the plan is set into motion.

Up in Elizabeth’s room, the Angels are having their meeting. Elizabeth is trying to pick out the perfect outfit to wear to school to appeal to Todd but she hasn’t let the other girls in on her crush. Which turns out to be a good thing, because the other Angels think having a crush on a boy and talking about boys makes you stupid and shallow. Liz is…crushed. She feels like she is turning into a Unicorn because she likes a boy. So, by that logic, if she liked a girl she would become….what? Nevermind. Later that night, Liz is still feeling down because Mandy choosing the Unicorns over the Angels makes her feel like a loser, so Alice suggests they have a party. What an incredible suggestion! They can invite all their friends, and Elizabeth thinks about how she can invite Todd, Todd, Todd…to her house! OMG! But then she castigates herself in her head (and the constant talking to herself isn’t worrying her, but the crush is?) and thinks that she is becoming a Unicorn with all her boy-thoughts. Half Unicorn, half Angel, all stupid.

At dinner, Jessica says that she wants to have a party for everyone at school next weekend, but if that is too soon for the parents, then the weekend after that might work. Liz rains on her parade by saying that she is already planning a party and already has mummy’s permission. Jess rants until Mummy finally speaks up and says that she did suggest the idea. Pops chimes in and says that the two clubs should throw a party together. Super idea, Ned! But of course the twins hate the idea. Jessica decides she’ll move the location of her party so nyah!

Reality break. Who is paying for the food for either of these parties? Don’t middle schoolers need more than a few days notice of a party to get permission from parents and stuff? And who will be chaperoning Jessica’s party now?

Back to fantasy land. For some reason, Jess waits until lunch on Monday to tell the other girls that the party has to move venues. So, the party moves to Lila’s house, which is where it should have been in the first place. Because not only does it have staff, even kids who wouldn’t be caught dead at a 7th grade party, would go to see what Lila’s house looks like. At least that’s how I see it.

At the child care center, Mandy is volunteering and Liz is volunteering too. They dance around each other but agree that the club stuff can be really stupid and want to be friends. Liz invites her to the Angel party which is on Friday but Mandy hems and haws because while she wants to be friends with St. Elizabeth, she doesn’t want to offend the Unicorns. So she’ll play it by ear. The Unicorn party is on Saturday apparently. So, that settled, Liz eavesdrops on the center director who is apparently having cash flow issues. Liz ponders how the Angels might be able to help, but before she can come up with something, Todd, Todd, Todd bikes up. They walk home together and Liz awkwardly asks him to the party. He accepts and she about dies.

At Lila’s house, they are trying to figure out a menu for the party. Oh, and a time and day. So that hadn’t been settled. Mandy mentions that the Angels party is on Friday at 7 so they should pick a different day. Which leads Jess and Kimberly to pick…Friday at 7. Because that way, when no one shows up at the Angels party, everyone will know which club is better. Mandy is not happy with that, but like the wimp she is, she rolls over and plays dead. The war is on!

Jess can’t wait to get home and rub in Liz’s face that their parties are now the same night and that Liz should cancel hers because she wouldn’t want to be embarrassed when no one shows up. Liz is rightfully upset and some meanish words are exchanged. Jess actually feels bad but not bad enough to do anything other than offer a half-hearted apology.

At school, the war heats up. Liz refuses to cancel her party, Kimberly acts a bit witchy, the Angels make fun of Lila’s house and how everyone has been there a million times already (at Fowler CRUST), and Jess rashly says the party isn’t there any more. How they h-e-double-hockey-sticks is anyone supposed to find this party? And has anyone actually been invited?

Liz and Maria talk on the phone about how they need a theme or something a little more interesting than just a barbeque but they hear a weird click on the line-Jessica has been spying! Jess relays what she heard to the Unicorns and though they still don’t have a venue, they are determined to out-do the Angels. Mandy suggests that they have the party at the Child Care Center and use the party as a fundraiser to help the center out. The Unicorns love it. Over at the Angeliner, the girls are trying to come up with ideas and Elizabeth has a brainstorm. They can have the party at the Child Care Center and try to raise money! Original! They decide to make it a secret party at a secret location so the Unicorns can’t steal their idea.

The Unicorns go to the Center director and get permission to have their party. Their theme is a casino. The director asks why the Unicorns and Angels can’t have a party together and Jess is appalled. A little bit later, Elizabeth asks for permission to have their party at the center to raise money and instead of spilling the beans, the sneaky director grants permission to the Angels too. It is now Wednesday and the party is supposed to be on Friday. Whatever.

So, the Angels are planning their party. They know they have to keep it secret from the Unicorns and they know that Jessica is a sneaky, lying, manipulative little…anyway, Liz agrees with them and since Jess knows that Todd, Todd, Todd is going to the party, she asks Todd, Todd, Todd (and okay, I'm tired of repeating that, so no more) to do a little counterintelligence for them. The Unicorns are also planning their party and Jess is tasked to bring snacks. My money is on her forgetting. Jess realizes (and announces to the Unicorns) that since Liz is in love with Todd (::gasp!:: She is?), Todd should know where the party is so Jess will ask him. The other Unicorns think that Todd won’t tell Jess and she agrees, but when she tricks him into thinking she is Elizabeth, he will! (But wouldn’t “Elizabeth” know where her own party is? Oh logic, how we miss thee.)

The next day, Jess dresses like Elizabeth and talks to Todd. She wants to make sure he’ll be at the party on Friday. He says that it is at her house and he’ll be there and save all his dances for her. Todd makes sure to let Liz know that Operation Fool Jessica was a success and that Jess still thinks they are having a boring barbeque at Casa de Wakefield. Guess Todd can tell the twins apart, no matter what barrettes Jessica is wearing.

So on Friday, the two clubs put up their posters about the party that is happening that night. None of these kids need parental permission to go to a secret party where there might or might not be chaperones? Even in the white-bread suburbia where I grew up no decent parent would ever allow that-but I forget, this is Sweet Valley, mecca of bad parenting. But each of the posters is about the secret party and to get directions from a local restaurant (Casey’s for the Unicorns, Guido’s for the Angels). And how are the kids going to know to bring money with them to donate to the Center (through gambling for the Unicorns and carnival games for the Angels)? When I was in 7th grade, I never had money on me.

An hour before the parties are supposed to start, the Unicorns are setting up in the big playroom at the Center and the Angels are setting up outside. The center director had a cunning plan to keep the parties separate by telling the Unicorns that the play yard was all dug up and to not go out there and by telling the Angels that electrical work is being done in the playroom and to not go in there. Ooh, sneaky!

So the parties get started. Fun, blah, blah. Then Liz sees Bruce Patman and others going into the front of the Center and since she promised the director she’d keep people out she chases after them…and stumbles upon the Unicorn party! DRAMA! The fight begins. The accusations are flung and the posturing is commenced. But the Unicorns aren’t worried. Once people see the awesome food and fun to be had in the casino, they’ll stay. So, Jess, where’s the food? Ta-da! I was right. Jessica forgot the snacks. Brilliant. But outside, trouble is a-brewing because Elizabeth forgot to bring drinks! The twins meet in the kitchen searching for food and hurl accusations at each other. The center director comes out to mediate, and soon all is right with the world. The twins decide to share parties and food and drinks and try to help the Center as best they can. And really, like the middle school kids are going to stay confined to their own party when there is food at one and drinks at the other? And some of their friends are at each? Hells no. So, biting the bullet, the Unicorns reluctantly decide to combine parties. They still want to top each other, but with 200 or so people and half the food and drinks necessary, they realize that cooperation is the only way to go. Mandy and Liz set up the combined food table and Todd meanders over and asks Liz to come with him. She isn’t sure she should leave her own party, but he says he just wants to go somewhere more private.

Then, in a hint to his future skeevy ways (SVU, I’m looking at you), Todd drags Elizabeth off to a quite corner and kisses her. How romantic…or disturbing. You decide. The Angels razz Liz about holding Todd’s hand, and she apologizes, saying that if liking Todd makes her more Unicornish, she is sorry, but she just really likes him! The other Angels giggle and say that they don’t care and think it is awesome and if they had known, they might have tried to score dates for the party too. A lot of money was raised for the center and everyone rejoices-except Kimberly who is still wanting to feud. Because she is a bitch. And an 8th grader. Which, if you read SVUnicorns #15, you will see how important that is. Even though I didn’t do the recap of it. ::sniff:: The last paragraph is a ham-handed segue into the next episode: Five Girls and a Baby

I would also like to note that this was a first person book (all I did this and I did that) but both Liz and Jess were the narrators. So it was really confusing trying to figure out who was our narrator for a particular paragraph and I would recommend that ghostwriter get back to school and figure out a better way to present a story than a confusing split 1st person. Fie on you, ghostwriter!

party!, recapper: rhitroadkill, trusty boyfriend todd, recap contest, unicorns

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