SVHSY # 20 Nothing is Forever- or Will get's crushed- literally.

Apr 20, 2011 23:11

Ahhh, this is the one where Will get's crushed, I mean literally, crushed. It's awesome. I'm just tickled when bad things happen to Will and Melissa.

Let's begin:

A Plot

Will is all happy because he's getting a scholarship to Michigan; full ride I assume. Whatever. Anyways, so Will is just determined to skate by since his college career is basically locked. He gets to go out to a fancy brunch before a game where SVH plays a school called Ridgefield. Whatever. At brunch, he has Melissa and his parents there and his parents are asking the scout about academics, which the scout is surprised by since most parents don't really care or something.... Whatever...just waiting for Will to get his ass kicked.

While Will is waiting to get his ass kicked, Darth Vader, I mean Melissa, is waiting to kick herself. Here's why: Melissa has decided to go to Michigan with Will. I guess she wants to follow him and make sure that he doesn't find the Michigan version of Jessica Wakefield. Which, he might find even with Melissa there, because she's a psycho stalker Jedi sith lady. The minions question her decision for this very reason. This is hilarious that they do this since I thought they followed her every whim.

Anyways, Will is thinking about his scholarship and is all happy that everything is wrapped up for him. He's supposed to be writing a paper, but since he's already got Michigan in the bag, he can slack off a little. But, his parents still don't want him to slack off and they want him to keep his grades up. But he's thinking about his football career and thinking that he'll be in the NFL one day. I mean it, he has a diary entry where he's practicing autographs.

Melissa is all excited for Will and to follow him and she's making a banner for the big game with the minions. Before the game, she calls him just to remind him how happy she is and GAG! Anyways, later at the game, Will is killing it and he's all happy. However, he's concerned about the opposing teams defense, specifically a guy named Jason Altman, who according to Matt Wells is the "biggest linebacker in the country." Now, earlier, Josh came to Will's house and roughed him up a bit and did something funny to Will's knee. So while Melissa is trying to rub Jessica's face in her success with Will, he winds up getting crushed under the huge linebacker and messes his knee up and has to go to the hospital. Which leads us to the B plot:

B Plot:

Ken's dad is a jerk. He doesn't want to cover the game that night because of his son not being the star qb. Ken overhears this and confronts his dad and his dad get's all huffy and goes away and Ken mopes about how his Dad being a jerk and wah, wah, wah.

He's with Maria and she makes him happy because she's got a slammin body and she looks like a supermodel. She helps him get his grades up and she pushed him to try to get back on the team. Even though she's pushed him to do all this, he's still sad and mopey that he's not the star and that his daddy doesn't love him if he's not the star. Wah. Maria actually likes it that he's not the star, because she knows, even though she is smoking hot that she wouldn't be with Ken if he weren't the star. Then Maria get's her ass handed to her when Will fucks up his knee and Ken gets a chance to be the star QB again. Ken's loving being the star again, his dad loves him again. Maria is worried, and she has a dream that he turns into a football and Darth Melissa carries him off the field.

C Plot

Conner's drunk. There's really not that much to it. Conner got toasted and went to crescent beach with Evan and he got so toasted he passed out and hurt himself. Evan calls Elizabeth to let her know and they meet up and Evan delivers the bad news. Liz is all upset and she walks out of the restaurant as soon as he tells her.

Liz is upset and worried about Conner, so she goes to his house to survey him. She get's there and she finds him all banged up and she's all "What did you do?" You we're drunk." Then Conner's all,  "It's just a flesh wound, I'm fine woman! You don't need to be my mom!" He get's pissed and leaves and Liz cries. Nice going there, jerk off. Liz's taste in men seems to go from boring and punchy Todd, to douchy like Devon and Conner. But I think Conner takes the cake for being the biggest douche at SVH. Anyways, he leaves, Liz cries to his mom and then she leaves. Conner comes back and his mom confronts him and he gets pissed at her too. Conner's not done being a douche. Andy is feeling a little lonely because now he's gay so he doesn't have a girlfriend anymore because he doesn't like the double X chromosomes. He's told Liz and Tia, but they're too wrapped up in the Conner drama to be supportive. He goes to Conner's. He tells Conner he is gay and Conner laughs at him. Andy gets pissed and leaves.

Then Conner get's drunk again, and goes to a football game, drunk, and runs into Evan, and they run into a cop and Evan covers for him. Conner get's pissed and drunk and leaves again. Evan is worried because his friend is a drunk and he might fall over and break his head open. Liz is sad because Conner's a douche.

D Plot

Jessica and Jeremy caught slutty Jade cheating on him. So Jade is pissed at Jessica. She goes into work and she runs into Jade who is pissed and she's being a bitch about it. Jeremy comes in and tells Jessica he's not pissed but he's thinking of quitting HOJ to avoid the Jessica-Jade drama.  This is funny, because Jess turns back into the good old sociopathic self and gets Jade fired.  Here's how:

Jeremy leaves a note for Ally, the manager to call him so he can tell her he's quitting. She asks Jess, the assistant manager why Jeremy is quitting. Jess says she doesn't know and Ally thinks it may be because of Jade. She tells Ally that Jade is "nuts". Ally's all interested in this and Jess tells her that Jade called in sick to work 10 minutes before her shift and then shows up with a date to piss Jess off (she leaves that part out). She tells Ally that Jade is a bitch to customers as well. Ally takes this information to heart and decides Jade has to go. She recruits Jessica to do the firing. Jess emails Jeremy and asks him to call her and Jeremy wonders why.

So to sum up, this is what I have learned:

Melissa is a psycho bitch, ok, I already knew that. But she and Will are sure stupid to plan their future together when it could all change with the crush of a fat dude on Will's knee.

Ken is an emo kid masquerading as a football player.

Maria is kind of a bitch for being happy her boyfriend isn't the star so he'll be with her.

Conner is an extremely sloppy, douchy, drunk.

Jess is a sociopath, so is Jade.

Consistency ghostwriters! Sheesh! I guess TBT is a footballer, and here I thought he was strictly a basketball player.
The End.

conner mcdermott, team jessica, sociopathic jessica, senior year, team elizabeth, lavaliere of truth, connor iz drunk, jessica wakefield, melissa fox, jade wu, will simmons, scheming jessica

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