The book that contains something few SV books do. A DATE!
Okey-doke. First of all I'd like to mention Damon's little secret diary entries are DATED!!!!!! Which means, me being my anal-retentive self can go back and trace the timeline of the whole series. Yeah, you know you're excited.
The SVJH Timeline: a work in progress
The plots all sort of intermingle so there’s really just the one. It’s Sunday afternoon and Gel invites Lacey out for lunch. They go, and she’s already bored in the car. They get to Vito’s and sit in a booth not talking to each other. Vito’s is the place to be today. Liz meets her buddies and Jessica meets Kristin. Lacey’s pissed Kristin’s hanging out with her without permission. They go sit by themselves and giggle about Jessica’s little crush on Damon. And, of course, Damon happens to come into Vito’s at they very second. *And* he sits across from them. Jessica gathers her courage and boldly goes over to say hi. Alas, she slips in a puddle of spaghetti sauce and falls flat on her ass (bet Lacey would’ve paid to see that, but poor her was sitting on the opposite side of the restaurant). Laughter is had by all (at least by me) and Damon helps her to her feet. Too dumbfounded to speak anything Kristin leads her away into the safety of the girls bathroom.
Jessica reveals all about her crush and how embarrassed she is to have fallen in front of him to Kristin. Of course, Lacey just happened to be in a stall (this is Sweet Valley, people). Lacey makes a snide remark about how Jessica seems to have fallen pretty hard for Damon Ross. Jessica accuses her of eavesdropping. To which Lacey replies, “This is a *public* bathroom. *Public* as in *not private!* Get it?” After she leaves Jess makes up some excuse about how she has to go walk out her leg after her fall. Because of track. Since she’s on the track team. So Jessica leaves, going for a job.
After Jess’s departure Kristin takes a seat with Lacey and Gel, the happy couple. And you know there is not one mention in this stupid book of how things are going with her and Brian. Are they going out now or what? Inquiring minds want to know! Anyway, they sit there making forced conversation then Gel goes outside to shoe children off his car. Then Kristin and Lace finally get down to business. Lacey’s not happy Kristin’s hanging around Jessica. Kristin’s sick of Lacey taking her for granted (their relationship is really starting to remind me of Liz and Jess except Kristin’s willing to stick up for herself once in a while). Kristin wants her to stop asking to copy her homework. Gel comes back, acting all proud of being a bully and Kristin excuses herself. She invites Lacey to go with her to the mall later but Lace has to babysit. Fun fun.
After Kristin leaves Gel tries to gently break up with Lacey (we knew this was coming since there was a list in the beginning of the book titled “Gel’s 6 reason’s to break up with Lacey.” The top reason was she steals all his cigarettes. What a deep commitment they’ve got to each other.). She acts all nonchalant about it to hide her hurt and surprise. He gets overdramatic and storms out of Vito’s, then drives away quickly, his tires squealing. Lacey quickly comes up with a plan to make Gel jealous using Damon Ross. (and it doesn’t hurt it’ll bother Jess, too.)
The next day Jess goes for a jog. She just happens to catch a glimpse of Damon Ross (damn a lot things happen by coincidence in this book, don’t they?) and spontaneously decides to follow him. Stalker!Jess™ So she follows him first through a really nice neighborhood, then a more middle-class neighborhood, and finally to a seedy trailer park in Briggs Heights. Ooh, maybe she’ll get mugged! Aww…no such luck. Being completely un-Jessica she decides she still likes him, despite him living in a trailer park. She calls up Kristin when she gets back and tells her what she did (I would never have admitted it…) and they laugh about it like stupid teenage girls.
Lacey goes over to Kristin’s Sunday night and tells her what happened with Gel. She cries and everything. Get ready. Lacey’s going to be doing a lot of crying in this book. Kristin comforts her and reminds her that the following Saturday is the anniversary of when they first met. Every year they go back to the ice cream parlor they’d met at and where eye patches and eat the Pirate’s Treasure Chest Special. Sounds yummy. I want one. Lacey babysits that evening. She plays Hide and Seek and counts while Penelope goes to hide, then relaxes on the couch to watch some quality TV. I pulled this trick a few times back when I was working at the daycare center. It only works for so long. *sigh* (I must sound like a great teacher, don’t I? ^_-)
Monday at school Sheila Watson comes over to Lacey to tell her how sorry she is about her and Gel and asks if she wants to talk about it. Lacey coolly tells her, “Look, Sheila, I make it a practice not to discuss my love life with somebody who’s never had one.” Lacey rocks. Lacey confesses to Kristin she’s going to go after Damon to make Gel jealous. Kristin tells her he’s the last guy she’d want and tells her about him babysitting his sisters and living in a trailer and how Jessica followed him home and found that out and makes her promise not to tell anyone she told her. Kristin, honey, you *know* better. You haven’t been Lacey’s friend for six years without learning anything, have you? Lacey asks about copying homework. Kristin’s perturbed but lets her.
Lacey puts her plan into motion at lunch. She sits out on the steps with Damon and “accidentally” let’s one of Penelope’s (that’s a long name to type) toys fall out of the bag. Damon rescues it for her (he’s the toy rescue guy!) and they talk about babysitting and she tells him how much she just loves kids. She pretends Penelope’s birthday’s coming up and she has no idea what to get her. They make a shopping date for that afternoon. (On a funny note of continuity, Lacey laments how she hopes Damon hadn’t seen her that day at the mall when he’d rescued the bunny from the fountain.) Walking away she sees Sheila again and tells her her fly is down.
The pair play in the toy story and actually have a good time, much to her surprise. She ends up picking up an ugly neon orange bear. Afterwards they stop in an adult toy store (no, not *that* kind) and Damon’s awed by all the awesomeness of the toys they have. Lacey has to drag out of there. All in all, they have a good day, and he almost gives her a hug when they part. Lacey’s happy.
Lacey gives the little teddy bear to Penelope much to her wicked step-mother’s chagrin the next day. Penelope adores it. In school she goes up to Kristin and tells her it was the best thing that ever happened to her that Penelope leaves those stupid toys in her book bag. Because that’s how she wound up spending the afternoon with Damon and it was all thanks to Jessica’s info that she go while stalking him. Jessica’s pissed at Kristin because she told, and Kristin’s pissed at Lacey for telling Jessica. Lacey’s probably pissed at both of them for no good reason. She invites Damon to go with her to the mall on Saturday to go see Jim Squalor, a local D.J. whom I’m guessing is something akin to Howard Stern, because Gel will surely be there and she wants Gel to see her and Damon together.
The previous day Jess confessed all to Liz, including how she followed Damon and that he lives in Briggs Heights. Liz points out their friend Sophia back from SVT lived in Briggs Heights. Continuity! After the confrontation? she’s all upset and goes hiding in the bathroom once more. Kristin tries to explain why she told Lacey but Jess don’t want to hear it. Jess makes up her mind to forget about Damon (good luck with that one).
Lacey writes a note to Kristin apologizing and goes on and on about her rotten home life and all the stress she’s been over. Her and Kristen hug and make up. Kristin comes over to Lacey’s Friday night. Kristin wants her to apologize to Jessica. Lacey tells her whatever, she’ll do whatever she wants. Kristin reminds her of their pilgrimage to Pirate’s Ice Cream Cove and Lacey panics. What about Gel seeing her with Damon! Her entire weeks worth of criminal masterminding! She makes up some phony excuse to Kristin about and Aunts birthday and how she really has to go to it (if I were Kristin I’d be asking about said aunts birthday when they’d been doing it on the same day for six years. Kristin’s nice, but she’s so frickin DENSE.) Lacey justifies it to herself by thinking she’d just make Gel jealous enough for him to want her back and she’d let Damon down gently and give him a nudge in Jessica’s direction so Kristin couldn’t be mad.
Damon and Lacey hang out in the mall that Saturday. Damon stares longingly at Jessica (Jessica thinks he’s looking at her because Lacey told him about her following him home). Lacey sees Gel hanging around with some gorgeous high school girl and she kisses Damon, making sure he sees them. Kristin happens to catch this. Damon momentarily panics, realizing Lacey likes him as more than a friend. He leads her outside and tries to let her down gently. Lacey’s pride is wounded once again, and she tells him she was just using him from the start to make Gel jealous. Right from accidentally dropping that toy on the steps. And that she’s really mean to her sister. Lacey starts crying again. Damon comforts her, telling her that he hadn’t been telling her everything either, that he’s really poor and lives in a trailer and has to watch his sisters because his mom has to work. She tells him she knew all that stuff already and that she doesn’t judge people like that. He walks her to her bus stop. He tells her she shouldn’t take her frustration with her step-mother out on her sister.
As soon as Lacey gets home she gets a call from Kristin, who is steaming mad. Kristin tells her off and hangs up the phone. Lacey falls to the floor and cries. Penelope comes into the room, still clutching the bear Lacey gave her, and hugs her.
Kristin apologizes to Jessica again on Monday and tells her she cut the cord with Lacey once and for all. Damon tries to talk to Lacey in school but she feels weird about being friends with a boy. Brian says hi to him and they go off acting like guys. Damon’s made a friend! Hooray! Less than five minutes after Kristin’s conversation with Jess Lacey apologizes to Kristin once again. (I’m sick of people saying they’re sorry. Where’s the vengeance?) Lacey promises she’ll change and Kristin buys it. Yadda yadda.
After school Gel calls Lacey wanting her back but Lacey plays hard-to-get. Then Gel confesses he got his car painted. To lime green, her favorite color. Lacey realizes he really must like her and is all happy again.
Also, while re-going through the books I notice Liz has Melissa's handwriting from SY, Anna has Liz's handwriting from SY, and Damon has Andy's. Is it just me who doesn't understand why they didn't let Liz keep the same handwriting. They did on the cover of the SVU Secret Diaries.
And, for those interested in my story, I posted chapter four and five. Six is almost done. Yay for shameless self-promotion!
Summer Days 2