Sweet Valley University: Wanted for Murder, part II

Jan 03, 2008 23:15

This is me pretending to be horrfied by the 'enthralling' book!

Merry belated Christmas! Here is Part 2 of 3 in the *cough* heart-pounding *cough* SVU Thriller, 'Wanted for Murder'. Sorry I didn't get it up sooner! I was sick for a few days!
(When I was a kid, I thought 'heart-pounding' was teh kewlest of phrases)...er...

When we left off (see the tag with my name for the previous recap) Scott Culver was forcing the twins into their Jeep after they witnessed him holding up a gas station!

Tom Watts, Liz's boyfriend, is horrified when Liz's voice cuts off and he hears a loud noise. It might be gunshots! He begins to panic. What if Liz is involved in...GASP! The string of armed robberies that's horrifying all of the South\Southwest US? He stares at the phone as if he could make it ring, because he doesn't know where the twins are and has no proof that they're in trouble, even though he has a "vague sense of dread", so he can't call the police...OH NO, MR. BILL!

Scott holds a gun to Elizabeth while they drive, drive, drive through the desert! Then the sirens come. They go, WOOO-WAH, WOOO-WAH, WOOO-WAH! (Sorry, just always wanted to do that...I used to imitate a siren when my big sister got too bossy :p ). Scott panics! Elizabeth is terrified! Elizabeth, who is driving, is forced by Scott to turn onto an obscure road! I cannot take it! AAAH! Scott apologizes--in a creepy murderer kind of way--to the girls. He didn't mean for this to happen! He mulls everything over in his head. A clerk way back when was supposed to be the only fatality. He had planned on using the twins for a ride, but Jessica had caught him off guard. He was also stooopid at the gambling table in Vegas. He thinks about what kind of stores he likes to hit, ones with low security, and thinks about his beloved guns. He orders Elizabeth to keep driving while wondering what to do. He decides soon enough. He will KILL THE TWINS! OMIGOD!

Special Agent Jeff Williams, in the meantime, has taken a break from hurting over his Tragically Dead Girlfriend and is watching the latest holdup tape. GASPETH! It looks like a blonde teeanger is doing the deadly deed. You'd think they'd notice that it wasn't Jess--I mean, the mysterious blonde teenager's--arm holding the gun or finger around the trigger, but w\e...Jeff is amazed, apparently pretty blonde girls can't murder...

The Jeep is bouncing along. A tearful Jess, in the hands of a criminal AGAIN, is sobbing and apologizing to Lizzie. Basically, she says "I was so stupid! You were right! We're gonna die! It's my fault! Angst angst angst!" Elizabeth says that she was the one to agree. Elizabeth, if you'd learned to control your spoiled bitch sister a long time ago...there would be no SVH...lol. Scott Angry! He wants to be far away...

The POV (point-of-view) switches back to Jeff. He is moaning to his assistant, Keisha...how could a pretty blonde girl, who looks terrfied in the survelience video, be a murderer? But he can't deny the truth, because apparently a video system good enough to capture facial expressions cannot capture that it's a man's arm reaching before Jessica and firing the weapon. He angsts about Summer (his Tragically Dead Girlfriend) again and feels all griefy, so he vows to capture "that girl"...dead or alive.

Scott orders the twins to go down a country road and stop behind a gas station at a pump where he can't be seen. Elizabeth and Jess need to use the bathroom. Scott warns them not to do any funny stuff. Why they don't run screaming into the store I dunno...I mean, he couldn't bloody well run after them.

Jeff finds out who the blonde girl is and there's a reference to when Elizabeth 'killed' Sam in SVH! Continuity!

The girls try to escape through the bathroom window. Soon they are riding around with Scott again. He soon abandons them by a railroad track, however, and hops a freight train which conveninetly passes by! The girls are left without food or water! OH NOES! Because Scott found out at the gas station that Liz and\or Jess are wanted HE CAN GO OFF...SCOTT-FREE! AHAHA! Get it??? American expression.

More Jeff Marks drama about catching the girls.

The girls drive around wondering what to do in the wild. They drive around through weird canyons and argue about where they are and bitch at each other. Miracle of miracles, they find a small town! They are relieved, because they think they are going to turn Scott in.

When the girls are in the town, their plans of eating and turning Scott in stop when they see their faces--their wanted faces!--on the news in a TV store! The police suddenly surround them, and they drive away in panic because they think that they'll be arrested, period.

Back at Vail, Tom (Eliz's bf) finds out that JESSICA and\or LIZ ARE WANTED! He calls the FBI in a panic. Jeff and Tom argue about whether or not the sister(s) could've been a killer and Tom hangs up angrily. A trace is set up on Tom. Meanwhile, Jess and Liz drive around in, Elizabeth believes, a region near the Grand Canyon. I must admit, though the storyline suchs, the geographical\logical descriptions are sooo riveting! Wow. Jessica whines that this New Year's Eve sucks. As they do this, Jeff looks at the video again and concludes that there could be something else in the video. This is bad for Scott, who's in a bar. The news comes in as he's in a fictional town called Sangwav. The Paiute word for sin, he says...it actually is a Paiute word. IDK if it really means 'sin'. At any rate, the news says there may have been a male accomplice! Scott gets all mad and has to force himself to act all cool as he leaves.

There's a lot of "but she couldn't have done it [[because she's blonde and pretty!]]!" drama from Jeff. *head bang*

The JEEP BREAKS DOWN IN THE DESERT! THE GIRLS MUST WALK! Jessica is horrfied because she knows that the human body can't survive long without water she's worried about leaving her party clothes. NO, really. She is upset about leaving her cute little dresses behind! "You are the most immature, self-centered person!" Liz cries. WELL, ITSABOUT TIME! But Jessica acknowledges that it was Liz's decision to allow Scott to come. which basically means she know's she's stupid and incapable of trusting her own mind! They eventually find their way to where else but Sangwav! The girls use hats to disguise themselves. They look like they've been hiking. Well, they sort of have. Jessica cons a hot clerk into giving her his Corvette for a little bit. Elizabeth, who has groceries and tried to call Tom, but got no answer, is amazed. Jess has a car! They steal it! WOWZA! A siren blows and the girls flee with the 'borrowed' Corvette!

Last part coming soon!

recapper: svhhorseluvr, sociopathic jessica, murder, svu

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