This is my first recap. I've been putting off writing one because I don't think I can hold a candle to the rest of you. I hope you enjoy.
Before we start on Head Over Heels, here’s a little snippet of a conversation between Liz and Regina from Love Letters.
Regina has just started dating Bruce Patman. He tells Liz that Bruce is wonderful and that they have so much in common. Like what? Thinks Liz. Umm like they both think Bruce is awesome. Bruce calls Regina every night and they talk for hours. On the phone? Regina, you are still deaf at this point.
Liz is worried about Regina getting hurt. So she tells Regina “Bruce tried to rape me when I was acting cuckoo after a motorcycle accident” Not really. I guess Liz is more worried about Regina’s heart than her hymen.
Now onto Head Over Heels.
We start off with Elizabeth going into Jessica’s room to wake her up for school. This leads us into 2 pages, 2, on how beautiful and identical but different the twins are. Because need to have it shoved repeatedly down our throats how they’re hot and we are not. We get a description on the Hershey bar and it makes me wonder, the bedrooms are supposed to be a reflection of the girl’s minds. Liz = Clean and organized. Jess = Dirty and scattered. Hmmm.
Liz heads downstairs to the kitchen where we are reminded of Ned and Alice’s perfect looks as well. Oh and the kitchen is Spanish Styled, just in case you didn’t already know.
Liz wants to use the Fiat because the carnival committee is meeting after school. Alice looks blankly at Liz, not because she is stupid and doesn’t know what Liz is talking about, but so Liz can remind her, letting us know the details in the process.
The carnival is to raise money for the handicapped children. Liz is chairperson and Mr. Collins adviser. Because no other teacher is capable of advising anything. He’s a single dad with a 6 year old son to raise, but it’s not he’s going to try to drown them all in the basement or anything.
Jess finally comes in to complain about the History term paper she has to write.
On the way to school the girls spot 1BRUCE1 with Bruce and Regina inside. This prompts the writer to tell us how hot but jerky Bruce is. He used to date Jessica and tried to date rape Liz. They agree that Bruce is scum and Regina is sooo nice.
At school Jess runs off to find Cara and Liz thinks about Regina’s back story. Just incase we haven’t read the last 6 books.
Todd interrupts Liz’s romantic fantasy by giving her a hug and kissing her on the nose. Then they both start to backstab R&B. yeah when ever I see my boyfriend there’s nothing I like better than a kiss on the nose and a chat about another couple.
Liz feels strangely protective of Regina. So tell her what a scum bag Bruce is you bitch. I hate Liz in this book. OK I hate Liz in all books.
The carnival committee meet at lunchtime. Roger and Olivia can tell them all how nice Bruce has been since he started dating Regina. They talk about the carnival too.
Lila and Jessica are also discussing R&B. Because there is nothing else in the world to talk about. Lila thinks it’s romantic, Jess thinks it won’t last a week.
Lila doesn’t like Regina because Regina is also rich and pretty and blah blah Ingénue cover. Lila disses Regina’s purple dress. Lila can’t remember the unicorns.
Jess ignores Lila to pout about her term paper. Lila doesn’t like to be ignored so she goes on about how wonderful Bruce is to Regina and how he can’t stand being apart from her. Because Bruce always made excuses to get out of spending time with Jess. Go Lila.
Regina has also been invited to the Pitman’s for dinner and Bruce gave her a ruby pendant. Lila likes that this annoys Jess, so do I.
Jess and Lila make a bet that the happy couple will break up in by the carnival which is in 12 days. They bet term papers.
The carnival committee meets after school. Those in attendance, Mr. Collins, Todd, Enid, Roger, Olivia, Winston and Ken. Before Mr. Collins, young Robert Redford blah blah, can start the meeting Regina walks in. Skye Morrow has been chosen as the parent advisor, because she has a handicapped child. Not because she’d be good at the job or anything. I have a son with a disability and I know nothing about carnivals.
Olivia is in charge of getting prizes and making decorations, Ken will get a crew together to build the booths with lumber and tools donated by Mr. Fowler, Regina and Enid are in charge of refreshments, Todd and Roger will take care of games, and Winston will be Emcee and have people throw pies at him. I’m so there. Elizabeth will be meeting with Mrs. Morrow to put their ideas together. Wow, looks like Liz will be working the hardest.
Everyone then heads off to the beach. Enid is there without George because he is off having flying lessons with Robin Wilson. Gee I wonder if that was mentioned for any particular reason. Pretty soon they’re all talking about Bruce and Regina, only kidding. They found some one else to back stab discuss. Ken Matthews is running for president of the Sweet Valley Centennial Student Committee. He has been busy making posters and begging for votes even though no one is running against him.
Lila is gushing to Jess about the hot guy she met when she went to her father’s office. His name is Jack and he is gorgeous and not at all crazy. Regina and Bruce turn up as a reminder to Jess to pull her finger out and break them up before she has to write two term papers.
I’m only up to chapter 4 so this might get a bit long. I myself like long recaps but it might annoy others. If so, Sorry about that Chief.
Regina is at the Patman’s for dinner. Regina notes that the table is huge and the lighting is bad for lip reading. Mrs. Patman speaks loudly to Regina. Because Regina is deaf you see. Yelling helps deaf people hear. Like wearing bright colors helps blind people see. Regina mentions the carnival and how Mr. Fowler donated wood and hammers. Mrs. Patman hates the Fowlers because they are “New Money” and decides to help out too.
Bruce and Regina head to Millers Point to watch the sun set. Much better lighting for lip reading. Regina thinks about how beautiful Sweet Valley is and how glad she is to live there. Uh huh. Bruce tells Regina that he loves her. He’s never said that to a girl before. Only his muscles and his car.
He kisses her ear lobe. Man, can’t guys find a girls lips in this town? He wishes he could give Regina her hearing back with a kiss and tells her she is brave. Yes, being deaf enables you to save babies from burning buildings. Regina tells Bruce she is not brave. Tell the ghost writers Regina, they keep calling you brave. Regina and Bruce are very happy and vow nothing will keep them apart. Except Jessica Wakefield.
We cut to Skye Morrow remembering how she took pills to stay skinny for a modeling job when she was pregnant with Regina. Because of these pills Regina is deaf. Skye gets guilt head aches all the time. So she should. Kurt Morrow and Nicholas feel bad about that. So Mr. Morrow calls some Doctor who can restore Regina’s hearing.
Regina comes home from kissing Bruce to find her family all happy and drinking champagne. Because they found a way to fix Regina’s ears. Wow Regina will be able to hear Bruce say I love you. But she has to go to Switzerland. Noooo!
Regina says no *cough* and runs up to her room leaving her family all sad. The next morning Dad and big bro try to guilt Regina for giving Skye another head ache. Assholes. They beg her to go get her hearing fixed and she says she’ll think about it. Even my kids know that means “No”. There aint no way Regina is giving up drinking champers form plastic cup with the Pat man.
Lila, Jess and Winston are in the cafeteria so we can be reminded of the carnival and the term paper bet.
Liz goes to the Morrows. Mrs. Morrow cries to Liz about Regina and the drugs and the Switzerland. Man, even the adults go to Liz for help. Liz is sworn to secrecy. Of course she blames Bruce for Regina not going. God I hate you Liz.
Jessica is counting down the days left to break up deaf Regina and dork Bruce, 8 days left to work your magic Jess. Ken comes by all pissed off because Bruce is running against him for Prez of the Centennial Committee. Ken notices Jessica’s eyes brighten because a light bulb goes of in her head. She will tell Regina that Bruce is using her to win votes.
The carnival committee meets again. To talk about Bruce running for prez. Jess rushes up with an idea for a mother daughter fashion show. She suggests Regina and Mrs. Morrow. It’s the perfect excuse to go to the Morrows and spill the beans to Regina.
Regina returns home to find a surprise visitor. Donald Essex. He greets her with sign language. If she knows sign language, why didn’t everyone else try to learn it so she wouldn’t have to lip read all the time? Anyway, Donald used to be deaf too. He got fixed up in Switzerland. He tries to talk Regina into getting her hearing fixed. Nothing is going to make Regina give up those paper cups.
Jess uses the phone in Liz’s room to call Regina. She asks to speak to Regina. Liz gives her a dirty look because Regina is deaf and can’t talk on a phone. Except when it’s Bruce calling, then she can talk for hours. Jess arranges with Mr. Morrow to meet up to talk about the fashion show. In half an hour.
While Mrs. Morrow is inside getting Iced Tea, Jessica mentions the election and words the conversation in a way that gives Regina the idea that Bruce is using her to win. Clever Jess.
While starting her car Jess meets nolongerdeaf Donald and flirts with him. Cause she’s Jessica and that’s what she does best.
Regina has a date with Bruce and accuses him of using her. They fight and break up. Regina decides to go to Switzerland.
Todd and Liz go to the Morrows. Donald is there and flirts with Liz. Todd accuses Liz of flirting behind his back and they have a fight. They are both too stupid to figure out the twin mix up. I think it’s just a reason for them to fight. Love that make up sex kissing.
The next day at school Regina talks to Liz about Bruce and Switzerland. Now that they have broken up Liz feels free to tell Regina what a pig Bruce is.
Liz talks to Mr. Collins about it. Because Enid isn’t around I guess. It really bugs me that Liz goes to a teacher instead of her so called best friend. Mr. Collins tells Liz to give Bruce a chance.
Liz and Jess are by the pool talking about the topic of the month. Jess is all happy about the break up and asks Liz if she saw hot Donald at the Morrows.
Liz puts two and two together and comes up with four for once. She and Todd make up and he kisses her on the EAR. No wonder these people never have sex, they don’t know where the parts are.
Jessica gleefully informs Lila about the demise of the happy couple. Now Lila has two term papers to write and Jess has none. Ha ha ha.
Bruce goes to Liz for advice. Oh God not another one. He tells her of the fight and how he has no idea why Regina broke up with him. Liz tells him it’s because he’s a lying using piece of crap. Bruce is all “I didn’t tell Regina about the election so it would be a surprise if I won. I love her.”
Liz tells Bruce about Switzerland and the magic hearing fixers. Bruce doesn’t want Regina to go away but he knows it’s for her own good. He cries.
That night Bruce can’t sleep so he writes Regina a letter explaining about the election. He still loves her. He wants her go to Switzerland so she can hear again.
Todd kisses Liz on the cheek.
Bruce gives the letter to Elizabeth so she can put it where Regina wont find it straight away. Liz is so impressed she kisses him on the cheek.
Liz goes to say goodbye to Regina and slip the letter in to her carry on bag. Then she goes off to the carnival committee to ask if every one has voted in the election yet. None of them have. Slackers. She tell them all the goss about Bruce and Regina and Switzerland. So of course they all vote for Bruce because Liz said so. Except for Ken who isn’t there. He’s probably off voting for himself.
Regina is on the airplane to Switzerland and finds the letter. She is happy again and cries.
The carnival is a big success. They raised over $800 for the children. Bruce wins the election. Every body is happy. Except for Jessica. She got a D on her term paper. Lila got a B-. Hee hee. I love Lila.
The last two pages of the book have Lila going to Daddy’s work again so she can see gorgeous Jack again.
Well there you have my first recap. I hope it was good enough.
Well there you have my first recap. I hope it was good enough.