Title: Costumes
Fandom: Inception
Characters: Eames/Saito
Rating: PG
Theme: Change
Words: 100
Summary: Eames and Saito decide to go in disguise.
Warnings: None.
Eames notices the other man's shocked expression and grins. He always knows how to make an impression.
"Why do you keep appearing to me as provocative young woman?" Saito asks, refusing to call the insanely attractive blonde chick in front of him by his name.
"Because your reactions are hilarious" he grins in response. "And it's part of the disguise for the operation. Just part of the dream, my dear."
"Just so you know, though" Eames adds after a moment. "If this was a costumes party, we would definitely win the couple costumes’ award as gold digger and sugar daddy."