Title: The Kiss
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Mike/Quinn
Rating: PG
Theme: Kiss
Words: 294
Summary: Alone in her room, Quinn wonders why she ran.
Warnings: None.
She rushes into her house and doesn't speak to anyone. Neither her father nor her mother raise any questions when she says nothing and goes up into her room without a single word, and silence reigns in the house when she locks the door behind her.
Quinn falls to her bed, troubled and confused like she's never been before. It was a simple dancing practice. It was supposed to go smoothly without a problem.
Mr. Shue wanted to prepare an intense musical number for regionals, so he had Mike and Brittany coaching alongside him because they were the best dancers. Quinn couldn't get one particular move right, so she asked Mike if he could stay after class to help her practice. He agreed, and they spent the afternoon practicing to help her get it right.
Eventually, she was able to master it. The excitement was such that the two hugged with joy; caught in the moment, her lips found his, and he responded. That stuff happened, an accidental kiss caused by euphoria and momentary happiness. Except it wasn't accidental, it would've been if it had lasted a second, but no, the kiss lasted several minutes. Several good minutes.
She was the one who took a step back. Now, she was inexplicably unable to say something or even look at him, so she did the only thing she could do. She ran.
Now, alone in her room, Quinn wonders why she ran. It wasn't because of the drama the glee club could make out of a simple kiss, and it wasn't because of Mike's girlfriend Tina (or had they broken up? She never paid any attention to her). It was, she was sure, because she was the one who kissed him. And she liked it.