Title: So Near and Yet So Far
Fandom: Moonlight
Pairing: Josef Kostan/Mick St. John
Theme: Bittersweet
Rating: PG-13
Words: 466
Warnings: None.
Notes: Part of an ongoing Mick/Josef series.
Mick stood on the balcony of the penthouse he now shared with Josef, looking down at the street far below. It was amazing how small people looked from this far up, though his vampiric vision could bring each one of them perfectly into focus in the blink of an eye.
They were so far below, walking around on the street, yet they seemed so near.
Only a few months ago, he would have given anything to be one of them, those humans who thronged the streets. He would have wanted to give up eternity in exchange for his humanity.
Now, he no longer felt that burning desire to be human again. If he was, then he wouldn't have everything that he did now -- most of all, he wouldn't have the happiness that being married to Josef brought into his life. He would be human, yes, but he would be a lonely man.
If he was human again, he had no doubt that his friendship with Josef would still be there -- but they wouldn't be lovers, he was sure of that. And they definitely wouldn't be married. He might have gained his humanity, but he would have lost so much more.
Losing Josef would mean losing the most important part of his life, the part that brought him the most happiness. He couldn't imagine a time when he wouldn't love Josef, when he wouldn't want them to be as one, to be married, to be together.
But still, it was a bittersweet feeling of loss to know that he would never regain his humanity.
Josef always claimed that Mick retained all of the qualities that made him most human, but Mick couldn't see it that way. There were times when he wanted all of his humanity back -- the ability to taste, to cry, to be nothing more than average, garden-variety person.
Mick smiled wryly, shaking his head. Even when he was human, he'd never been just an average person, and he'd never wanted to be. He had always wanted to be somebody special, to stand out from the crowd -- and in some ways, he had achieved that goal.
He might not be human any more, but now he could say that he was more than human. And he would never again feel that he'd lost too much in giving up his humanity.
The first time it had been taken from him; the second time, he'd given it up willingly.
The memories he had of being human would always be bittersweet, and there might always be moments when he missed what he had been. But, Mick told himself as he turned away from the view to go back inside his home, considering what he'd gained, he had gotten the better end of the bargain.
***Can we please get a Moonlight fandom tag? :)