Title: Escape Plan
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler
Theme: Book
Rating: PG
Words: 368
Warnings: Um, other than some rusty writing skills, nothing, really.
Notes: First time trying to write the Tenth Doctor and Rose. Hope I succeeded, at least.
To say that the both of them are in a tight spot is probably like saying that “rain is wet” or William Shatner isn’t one of the most subtle actors in the world; it’s both obvious and an understatement. Because somehow, Rose muses, she and the Doctor are in perhaps one of the tightest of spots: cornered in a corridor by starving demons that look like some bizarre mutated dragons. There doesn’t seem to be any hope of escape, really; at least, backed up against a wall, the possibilities of survival look grim, to say the least.
Still, they’ve been through worse things than this. After all, they’ve managed to face down things such as Daleks, and a werewolf, and much more. It’s not like these creatures, these Azraeans, as the Doctor says they’re called, are going to be much of a problem.
The problem in question, really, is what to use on them -
“Doctor,” she says to him, “Do they have any weaknesses?”
The Doctor sighs and rubs his temples. “Well,” he said, “Far as I can remember, they’re not all too fond of sound...”
“That’s it then! Sonic screwdriver! You can use that, can’t you?”
The Doctor sighs. “Well then - no time to waste.”
He draws his sonic screwdriver now and activates it. The Azraeans promptly cover their ears and cower. At the very least, Rose thinks, even if it doesn’t last forever, it can buy them some degree of time so they can get to the nearest library and develop a plan.
The library seems to be the source of their power, after all. At least...well, at least they can find a way to banish these creatures. After all, that library has to be one of the biggest libraries on this planet, at least. Hopefully, there’s some supplies in there, if only to ward off these creatures.
“All right, Rose,” he says, turning towards her, with the familiar grin that Rose can’t help but love. “You ready?”
Rose nods. True, they’re probably in some of the worst danger of their lives - but it doesn’t mean that they can’t have a bit of fun while it lasts. It's what they do, after all.
“Brilliant. Now run!”