Title: Exhibitionism
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Draco/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Theme: Dirty
Words: 158
Summary: Malfoy comes up with a proposal.
Warnings: Pre-slash. Public nudity heavily implied.
Harry was usually open to suggestions for their intimate life (when it came to it, Malfoy could have quite the dirty mind), but in spite of that he was a little overwhelmed when he made the proposal.
"Malfoy, that's..."
"Isn't that the kind of thing you like, Potter?"
Harry wanted to get back at him with a witty remark, yet nothing came to his mind. The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to do it.
"Meet me in the street alley then, don't forget the cloak" Malfoy said, heading towards the door with one last smirk. "
Harry allowed him to go first, sitting alone, thinking. Then, he searched for his invisibility cloak, and went down to the dark alley for Malfoy. Both barely fit under it, so they snuggled together to fit. Malfoy touches him first, undressing him, and leaned forward to whisper:
"Isn't this the best use of this cloak, Potter?"