Title: Promise
Fandom: BtVS
Characters: Willow/Amy
Rating: G
Theme: Recovery
Words: 188
Summary: Willow makes a promise.
Warnings: Set shortly after 3x11 ("Gingerbread").
Notes: I liked Amy. I was sad to see her turn evil towards the end, and I couldn't help making this.
Willow observed the little rat on its' little cage. It was spinning on the hamster wheel that Buffy had recently adquired...
No, wait, that wasn't right. She, not it.
That rat was still Amy, that young witch who had been abused by her mother and had become a friend for her. Perhaps she wasn't Buffy or Xander, but she was still a friend, and did not deserve such a fate. Nobody deserved it. And yet there she was, waiting to be recovered from her curse, and Willow hated herself for not having the required magical power to turn her back.
"I'm so sorry, Amy" she apologized. "I promise you, I will turn you back. Someday, you'll be the beautiful girl I knew and befriended. I promise you, you will not be a rat forever."
She looks at the rat, but all she sees is what used to be Amy Madison running on that wheel as if the world depended on it. Amy might never hear her promise, but Willow told herself that one day she'd make her able to comprehend her words again. She'd be human again. Someday.