Title: Who Will Save You, If Not Me?
Fandom: Doctor Who (2005)
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Master
Theme: Weakness
Rating: PG-13
Words: 336
Warnings: Possible spoilers for "Last of the Time Lords", mentions of character death, dark content, etc.
Notes: First time at really writing Doctor/Master. Hope I did all right, at least. Also included a few nods back to the Classic Series and the TV movie.
It’s then that the Master’s façade seems to drop and the Doctor sees, not the enemy that the Master had set himself up so perfectly to be, but a man. A man, still very much a child inside that mind, lashing out at the universe if only so it could feel his pain. A man that had been his equal - still was his equal, in fact, if not more - a man that had been his dearest friend, even standing with him against an enemy if needed...and here he was, dying.
It wouldn’t have seemed obvious on the outside, but he was. The hunger - even that hunger couldn’t sustain him forever. It was no doubt trying to work against the botched resurrection, trying to find a way to replenish the Master, but it wasn’t working. Even the Immortality Gate wouldn’t be able to keep the Master going for so very long. The Master was dying. No matter how much he tried to deny it, he was dying.
And even that thought is something that the Doctor can’t bear.
There are so many people that the Doctor tried and failed to save over the years. And the Master - the first time he died, at least in that incarnation, he had mostly died if only to get some sort of victory over the Doctor.
And yet, even in that moment...
“Will it stop, Doctor?” The Master looked at him, honest to Rassilon really looked at him, and the Doctor doubted he had seen him more vulnerable. “The drumming...will it stop?”
And here he is. Standing before him, asking the same question: if the drumming will stop. In his eyes, fear, and yet also desperate hope. Make it stop, Doctor. The drumming, make it stop.
The Doctor looks back at him and says, “I can help.”
Perhaps he might not have been able to save his own race, or the others who died for him. But at least with the Master...at least he can do something right for a change.