Title: Deal's a deal
Fandom: Lost
Characters: Sawyer/Sun
Rating: PG
Theme: Kiss
Words: 252
Summary: With Sawyer, it always come down to a trade of some kind.
Warnings: Set in 2x16.
"Easy there, Mulan" Sawyer mumbles, stopping her before she entered his tent.
Sun sighs. She really needs that, but if there's something she's sure of is that Sawyer can't keep a secret. Not for her at least. And so, she couldn't trust him. Why did it have to be him the only person who could help her?
"I just need to find something from the medical supplies" Sun insists. "Please, Sawyer, it's important."
"Ok, I'll tell you what" he decides. "You can go through it and pick whatever the hell you want, if you give me one thing. A kiss."
She blinks. "Excuse me?"
"One kiss. That's all I'm asking."
"I'm married!"
"Then I can't help you. Guess it isn't so important, now is it?"
Sawyer's grin was infuriating beyond imagination, so she thought it would be better to just end this once and for all. She crept closer to him, got on her tiptoes and planted a kiss on his cheek, lingering for a moment before setting back. She was met with a surprised look.
"You know damn well that wasn't what I was going for."
"Then I guess it's a pity you didn't clarify it earlier" she comments back. "A deal is a deal, Sawyer."
His factions turned into a smug smirk in record time, the amused kind he only got when facing Kate or Jack.
"You win this round, Lucy Liu" he opens the tent for her, and from there she can see the bag with the medical supplies.