Title: Take the pain away
Fandom: Death Note
Characters: Light/Misa
Rating: PG
Theme: Light
Words: 282
Summary: It hurts so much... she just wants it to stop...
Warnings: Suicidal thoughts. Spoilers for the end of the series (anime, at least).
Misa doesn't need to see the news to know that Kira was dead.
She can't explain why, not even to herself. But as she walks down the streets, she becomes aware that something has changed. Her face doesn't change, she doesn't stop walking and she doesn't cry a single tear, but her insides were threatening to tear each other apart any minute now.
It pained.
Too much.
It was unbearable.
A normal person would start sobbing and crying and screaming at the top of their lungs in the middle of the street, cursing and yelling out their lost loved ones' name. But then again, Misa wasn't a normal person. She was the second Kira, and there was no way she could give in to such a fit of desperation.
Light would be terribly disappointed if she did that.
Misa stares down from the edge of the building's roof. There, she is alone, and again she cannot cry. Because she can't even process... it's overwhelming, the pain she's feeling, she never thought something could feel this horrible, that hurt could damage her so much, even someone as damaged as her.
And there was the police issue; with Light's exposure, she was probably to be arrested soon too. And the shinigami's eyes, they were going to take a toll on her soon as well, Rem had warned her about that.
But those things, although pretty important for obvious reasons, just seemed so minuscule to the simple thought of losing him...
It hurts so much... she just wants it to stop, for her suffering to end...
"I love you, Light" she mutters before taking a step forward.
She lets go.
The pain is soon over.