Guh, this show is so amazing! This will probably not be at all coherent.
I officially, fully and completely love Stefan. I was nearly having a heart attack when he fell in the vervain filled well, and he actually made me cry when he and Elena were breaking up(even while I was cheering). Paul was incredible in that scene, so heartbreaking.
I also officially ship Stefan/Caroline, I know they didn't really have any scenes, but I just kept hoping for some interaction, and I loved how Caroline talked about him to her mum.
Oh, that scene with Caroline and her mum was so sad, they finally bonded and it was adorable, but she compelled her anyway because she knew Liz wouldn't be able to trust Damon and Stefan, and she knows how important that is, :(
Mason's dead, noooo! He was so HOT! :p And now because for whatever reason Katherine needs a werewolf, Matt's probably gonna die, and this episode made me realize that I'd actually missed him, and he's still in love with Caroline, aww! Yes, I ship Caroline with both Matt and Stefan.
Can somebody please just kill Bonnie, please!?
Katherine is still awesomely fierce, and Nina Dobrev still has the best job ever!
I LOVED the last scene with Damon and Elena, he apologized for her and Stefan breaking up, how cute! Now they can start re-bonding while Stefan's out of the picture.
Jenna being under Katherine's control and stabbing herself was shocking but I don't really care about her.
Jeremy trying to team up with Damon was adorable, I want those two and Alaric to become an awesome little threesome, (not in a dirty way) Also I just want more Damon/Alaric in general.
Community was also awesome and hilarious, and Abed in that wig was strangely hot. And the end Abed/Shirley scene made my heart melt a bit. Ooh, and I want more Troy/Abed/Annie, they're really funny together.