Hey there everyone,
I am a new (recurring) fish owner. I am just starting to set up my fish tank and add fish to it. I have a 20 gallon fish tank and bought 6 tetras yesterday. 3 Black Skirts and 3 Serpae's.
I had the temperature a little high because I mistakenly left the heater on, but I cooled down the tank before I added the fish. The temperature as I understand it for Tetras should be about 78.
I was also told to add an extra amount of "Cycle" to help speed up the filtration cycle (or something to that effect).
This morning two of the Black Skirts had died. I was afraid that the filter was the cause as it seems they have trouble with the current. I am hoping they didn't get sucked into it.
I am wondering what you guys think might be the cause. Could it be just the store fish? Was it my filter? The filter looks kind of like
this at the bottom (little slits).
Could it have been the amount of Cycle I added (2x the dose, store clerk recommended 4x). Possibly the water temperature or just bad luck?
Any tips on keeping Tetras alive would be helpful. Thanks so much!