F: SuperWho / Medium: TV / Type/Genre: AU/gen / Pairings/c: Amy Pond, Dean Winchester, The Doctor (ten), Amy/Dean / WC: 1,700 / Rating: PG / Series: Like Ships in the Night
F: The Avengers / Medium: Movie / Type/Genre: Friendship/romance/angst / Pairings/c: Maria/Steve (friendship), OCs, Phil Coulson / WC: 2,529 / Rating: PG / Series: In a Hopeless Place
Fandom: SuperWho / Medium: TV / Type/Genre: AU/Adventure/First Meetings / C/Pairings: Amy Pond, The Doctor (Ten), Dean Winchester / Rating: PG / WC: 1,563 / Series: Like Ships in the Night
F: Doctor Who / Medium: TV / Type/Genre: AU/First Meetings/Friendship / C/Pairings: Amy/The Doctor (Friendship) / WC: 3,589 / Rating: G / Series: Like Ships in the Night (Pro)