ARG! just lost the whole post I'd written when trying to preview.
Yesterday was a good day. I rode my bike to work for the first time in several years. I even rode home for lunch, then back to work and finally home again! Altogether thats around 4 miles.
My bike is a 1996 Novara X-R which orignially retailed for $450.00. I bought it in 2006 I think, for $50.00. As $50.00 bikes go, it's top of the line. I have funny green tires, which I bought on clearance for 4 bucks a piece at a bike shop in Spokane, which sadly no longer exists (the bike shop that is, Spokane is still very much present and accounted for). I was curious to know just exactly what my tires were so I did a little Google work: They are Michelin Cyclocross Sprint tires. Made for hard and rough terrain, and would have cost around $50.00 each when they first came out. I actually have a second set as well, which is a shame. You see, while I love the ridiculous green color, I don't really like the way they ride as well as I'd like something a bit smoother; and as they are no longer made, they are of course highly desired by many cyclocross geeks. Maybe I can find someone who would really like them and would be willing to hook me up with something more to my taste.
Mom got her tax refund yesterday as well, and so we celebrated with a steak dinner. Not low calorie, but very tasty. Also, I made up veggie bags for snacking healthily. Katie helped with cutting celery as I was grilling our dinner. I slept very well between the calorie laden meal and the level of exercise.
Today I rode to work again, after a late rising and a rapid shower. Harder the second day, just because of how sore I am from the first day, but I'm not going to give up. Katie interviewed with J. C. Penney's today, and landed a full time job! I am very thankful for this, as it will mean more stability for us, as well as health benefits. Tonights celebratory dinner will be pizza, made by Jerry. He does homemade crust and homemade sauce, both of which are very good. I'm looking forward to it.
Saturday I'm having an eye exam, as my glasses just aren't working well anymore. I'm not getting any old optical shop glasses though this time. I'm ordering direct from the manufacturer, and getting Ronsir Zyl frames made by Shuron Optical.
They'll be just like the picture, with the exception of cable temples to keep them firmly on my head. Also, I'm getting the clip on sunglasses in retro gray-green tint, cause I'm awesome like that.
They will end up being fairly expensive, in part because I am determined to have glass lenses, but they will hold up much better than the garbage RayBan frames I am currently wearing, and I hate these stupid plastic Lens Crafter lenses.
Happy Thursday all.