Title: Nino's Friends Are Weird (Period)
Pairings: Okamiya / Kazuyuri
Genre: Friendship (Okada/Nino) / Romance / Fluff (Nino/Yoshitaka Yuriko)
Rating: G
Length: 1,119 words
Summary: Okada tries to take Nino out on a climbing trip. When Nino doesn't oblige, Okada uses a secret weapon.
Disclaimer: Do NOT own anything.
A/N: *looks at word count* Wow,
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Comments 4
1. About damn time!
3. I am always here for more Okamiya
How have you been, btw?
1. I'm sorry D: I'd thought about not continuing it at all but the opportunity was just too good and yeah.
2. I'M GLAD :3
3. So you're up for the secret agents thing? It can actually be a prequel to our SakaKen as well.
I'm doing well! I mean, I'm still behind my studying and all (as you know!) but I am well! I haven't told you but I am going to Tokyo this October for the concert! Not on the 1st though, that date is impossible. XD
3. I'm ALWAYS up for secret agents!
:O So, like, I expect a report, yus. :| (I'm saying this to everyone I know going.) And, you can do it! Study, study!
Of course I'm doing it! :D I failed to a report on On The Town, because I have feels for that musical a little too much. D: (Such life-ruiners. :\ ) Thanks! I'll start tomorrow. XD
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