I'll give you there guesses whose totally hammered right now. Give up? You dumbass! It's me! Why is the drunk ferret crying? Ludacris is scary right now when I'm drunk.
Hey! Hope everyone had a great Christmas. I sure did. I got everything I wanted except for a couple CDs, but I can get those myself. Also, who wants cookies? I made some peppernuts, and I can ship you a bit if you want some. Just send me your address.
Do not add StumbleUpon to your computer. www.stumbleupon.com is the world's most dangerously addictive website. It's quite amusing, really. I found this: http://z0r.de/?id=1265
Just haven't been up to much. I'm in Wisconsonia again for a few days. My brother needed some cheering up.
Also, since everyone is posting what they want for Christmas, here's my list: Tom Waits' "Swordfishtrombones" CD. Hats. More chances to hang out with friends.