Fandom: Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon
Pairing: Aino Minako/Hino Rei (Venus/Mars)
Theme set: Gamma
Rating: PG-13 (for f/f, just to be safe)
Ring: They circle each other constantly, a pattern never ending, never stepping closer, afraid to stumble and discover the truth.
Hero: They didn’t set out to be heroes, but then, then didn’t set out to champion each other’s names in their absence.
Memory: She gazes silently at Rei and knows that Mars is dead, that her legacy is buried and she is the only survivor of what they used to be.
Box: Venus is determined not to be carried out in a soulless box before she completes her mission…and before she has time to stop and choose the box along with the headstone.
Run: She runs from them, but most of all she runs from Mars, because she prevents her from being Venus and always sees through to fragile Minako, knowing one is stubbornly capable and the other is broken; both are dying.
Hurricane: It makes her smile to see that Rei is as Mars always was, a force of nature to be reckoned with, leaving a path of destruction whether she wishes to or not.
Wings: She thinks she sees an angel for a moment, white dress and matching halo, yet she knows it is Venus claiming her wings and flying to whatever heaven she believed in.
Cold: There’s a fire in her heart and a snowstorm in her soul; the flame is always there but it never banishes the chills her past lover brings.
Red: Rei’s uniform is the same colour it always was, but now Minako sees past the fire it is meant to represent, and sees only blood and bleeding hearts.
Drink: She remembers how they got drunk one night in the moon palace, young teens drunk on stolen wine - Mars kissed her then and they never looked back…now all she can do is look back, remembering the taste of the wine and of Mars.
Midnight: Artemis calls for the others to awaken just as she regains her memories; Venus from V and she knows who Mars is, but the darkness of night whispers to her not to go.
Temptation: She wishes Minako would tell her all that they once were, and knows she wont, but the desire to grab her and prove it herself is there all the same.
View: There’s the sunset as she storms away, keeping her tears at bay, and she doesn’t look back, for fear of being blinded, both by the sun and by a furious Rei.
Music: She calls herself Aino Minako and sings as if she is, but it is always Venus calling through her words, a call she can’t stop from escaping to her long lost soulmate.
Silk: Rei wonders if she ever saw Minako at all, or if she was forever hidden behind a veil, clouded, strong as silk, un-breaking.
Cover: She hides in a blanket of flame, furious, sobbing, hating the world; Minako is gone and nothing will bring her back, not even her fury…or her prayers.
Promise: Rei made a silent promise that day to change the fate of the planet, to do as Minako had desperately wished all her life…and as Usagi destroyed the world, more than her promise was broken.
Dream: Mamoru sees Serenity in his sleep, begging to bring him the silver crystal; Minako sees Rei and Artemis in hers, begging for her to take the operation and embrace life - once he sees the crystal she will embrace her mission and nothing more.
Candle: She used to tease Mars that a flame could be snuffed out as easily a candle…she hates that death has done the same to their love.
Talent: Some say singing is a talent, she would say singing was her life, until she gave up on both and lost Aino Minako in the process.
Silence: She is stubborn and won’t look back at her, silence is her weapon and she knows how to employ it well.
Journey: She has become Venus from V, a journey she sometimes wishes she could take back; she remembers being ‘V-chan’ to Mars, never Venus, and now she is never Minako either.
Fire: Minako remembers being burnt once, a searing pain that dulled and left a scar, touched by Mars once and forever after.
Strength: She has the strength of words and Rei has the strength of power; both have the strength of will.
Mask: Its always there, she’s always hidden behind Venus, no matter how much Rei wants her to break though.
Ice: Ami is supposed to be the goddess of ice, but Rei thinks she must be wrong, that Minako is colder than dear Ami could ever be.
Fall: Mars catches her as she falls backward, vision swimming and head pounding, her embrace strangely comforting, but she checks herself and becomes angry, running away from the only one who truly knows her at all.
Forgotten: “She doesn’t miss me at all…” Minako utters, hating that she loves the same soul Mars is, hating what has stolen their past, and her love, from her.
Dance: Its not so much of a dance as it is a battle, yet both are graceful and have the power to damage them both forever.
Body: To her, her body is useless, Venus will live if Aino Minako does not - Rei doesn’t understand that her body wants to give up on her and she cannot fight it any longer.
Sacred: She sits before the flame in the temple, eyes on the fire, afraid to close her eyes, for every time she does, she sees Minako in the hospital, alone and afraid and determined not to show such emotion, especially not to her.
Farewells: They don’t get a goodbye, but then, they didn’t in the past life either…they don’t do goodbye.
World: She has to save the world, and she is the only one who knows how - instructing Rei in the same takes time, time she would rather have with her speaking of anything but duty.
Formal: Rei laughs inside when she sees Minako with Usagi; how proper she becomes with her princess - she has vague memories of the past, but she knows Venus was always anything but proper, and especially with Mars.
Fever: Its as if their arguments are a drug, something she has to have more of, something she can’t shake…it keeps her fever at bay and her dying until the next dawn.
Laugh: Rei remembers laughing with her once, a rare occurrence, before either knew that they were staring their former lover in the eye.
Lies: Rei knows that almost every word of out Minako’s mouth is a lie, intentional or otherwise, and cannot bring herself to admit she only wants the truth from whom she pretends to hate.
Forever: She says her soul will live on for eternity - she never said it would search until it found Mars again for all of time…
Overwhelmed: She bursts into tears, droplets falling on the letter, all that remains of Minako…it’s too much to cope with and she breaks inside, reading the kana again and again until she falls into an exhausted sleep at the table in the Crowne.
Whisper: “…She loves you…she knows you better than you know yourself…she needs you…” the words are quiet in her mind and she thinks she hears them in her ear - Rei ignores them and tries to drift back to sleep.
Wait: She’s waiting for her to remember…she’s waiting for Mars to come back and for Hino Rei to take her in her arms and promise she’ll never leave her again.
Talk: They don’t talk, they argue, always argue…talking would be painful, whilst arguments are easy for both to hide behind, stronger than even senshi attacks.
Search: She believed they had found their princess, ended the search, but there was something about Minako that she couldn’t put her finger on, somehow distant, something she knew her princess had never been…and she had never kissed her princess either…of that she was sure…
Hope: Complimenting weapons from their joined power; perhaps if she can invoke Venus’ power, Minako is still alive in some form… somewhere…somehow…just…somehow…
Eclipse: It is dark now she’s gone, all light fades as even the moon is eclipsed as Venus vanishes.
Gravity: She would say her heart broke as Usagi destroyed the world, imploding, gravitational forces too much to battle…but her heart already died the day Venus did.
Highway: She glances out of the window of her taxi, eyes glazed over, lost in the past, determined to separate Mars from Rei in her mind.
Unknown: Minako stares at the girl beside her and wonders if she is truly Mars; she can see it her in soul and in her eyes, her heart is forever lost to her, but she can’t win hers in return.
Lock: She locks her heart away and glares at Mars, hating her for making her throw up such defences.
Breathe: They are all alive, Minako is there, smiling, and just for a moment, as their eyes meet, she can breathe easily.