FFX/X-2; Rikku/Yuna -- theme set Delta

Feb 02, 2006 00:32

Fandom: Final Fantasy X/X-2
Pairing: Rikku x Yuna
Theme set: Delta
Rating: R
Notes: A few of the sentences are connected, but only a few. :) Some Tidus/Yuna/Rikku snuck in a few sentences, too.

#01 - Air

Yuna sat on the end of the deck of the Celsius, feeling the air rush over her face, combing like fingers in her hair, and then Rikku dropped down beside her and she savoured the touch of a real hand brushing back the short strands of hair, away from her face.

#02 - Apples

Food fights were so immature, as Paine pointed out, but, as Rikku was quick to remind Yuna, sometimes the immature things were the fun things -- it surprised them both when they had to duck into cover together from Paine's apple, but they laughed and from then, it was war.

#03 - Beginning

Rikku leaned back, supporting her weight on her hands, and watched Yuna for a minute -- silent only for a minute, but using that minute exactly as it needed to be used, in contemplating new beginnings, a new life unfolding for her, for Yuna, for all of Spira.

#04 - Bugs

"I am not touching that!" Rikku announced, and Paine turned out to have a slight phobia of all things eight legged and hairy, so it was Yuna -- always roped into doing the "right" thing -- who disposed of the spider who, as Buddy remarked, must be still wondering what had hit it, so hard had Yuna's boot stomped down on it.

#05 - Coffee

Mornings were quiet times, even in their messy lives, and one morning Yuna and Rikku sat in bed together, sitting up with the covers to their waists, sipping coffee and enjoying the warm buzz of caffiene and the calm good feeling that came from being with someone they loved.

#06 - Dark

When Yuna had bad dreams -- which wasn't all that infrequent; there are many bad things in the world to dream about, and even a bringer of light has to see the dark sometimes -- Rikku would be the first across the metal floor, straight into Yuna's bed with her arms around her, and that was sacred; everyone else respected Rikku's right to do that.

#07 - Despair

Rikku had never really known despair for herself, but she thought she saw it in the way Yuna just stopped -- which she couldn't have, no, so even if the sphere didn't really seem like it was Tidus, well, maybe it was hope.

#08 - Doors

On the Celsius, doors were never locked, so when Yuna changed, Rikku stood guard; Brother asked why he couldn't stand guard, and Rikku was laughing when she replied, teasingly but truthfully, "I'm the only one that gets to see Yunie naked, buster!"

#09 - Drink

Yuna's mouth was dry with singing, and she ran a dry tongue over her lips a little ruefully -- nobody had a drink for her, not to hand, anyway, but Rikku smiled impishly and kissed her, trailing her own tongue over Yuna's lips, and that solved the problem perfectly for all concerned.

#10 - Duty

Just as Yuna considered it pretty much a sacred duty to do whatever seemed to be needed, it was Rikku's sacred duty to be dragged along, to laugh and enjoy it as much as humanly possible, and to remind Yuna when needed that enough was enough.

#11 - Earth

Sometimes, when they talked their hopes and dreams right up into the air, just Yuna and Rikku, it would be Rikku that brought them back to earth, with an Al Bhed's practicality -- because underneath it all, she still believed that to get things done, you had to stop thinking about it and just start doing.

#12 - End

"It's over then," Yuna said, turning, and she couldn't see anything past a hazy blur of tears, except that Rikku's arms were open, her eyes wide in sympathy, and she couldn't feel anything, numb to everything but the fact that Rikku's arms were closing around her, holding her tight and safe.

#13 - Fall

Rikku liked walking to the very edge of the Celsius, giving even Yuna -- who could be reckless when it came to standing close to the edge to feel the wind -- heart attacks, and she always laughed when Yuna grabbed at her with the hissed warning pf "be careful, you'll fall!"

#14 - Fire

There was a fire and celebration, and normally Rikku would watch the fire, captivated all night, but that night something shone brighter; Yuna, alight with laughter, happier in her new, busy life than she ever had been before.

#15 - Flexible

Yuna was always amazed by all the ways Rikku's body could bend, and Rikku delighted in showing her why it was so useful -- flexibility, as she pointed out, is useful in life in all places, in bed, on an airship, and especially when you have to put up with other people.

#16 - Flying

Yuna had a love of flying that was like boys and their toys, like Al Bhed and machina, like Brother and being an utter pain, it was a part of her and that part of her always longed to go higher, go faster, be better.

#17 - Food

"What do the Al Bhed eat, out in the desert?" Yuna asked, curious and laughing, "Sand?"; and Rikku shook her head, laughing, and gave Yuna a sly look -- "what does the rest of Spira eat when it's wrong about the Al Bhed? Their words!"

#18 - Foot

Yuna nudged Rikku with her foot, stirring her out of her daydream, and leant down to whisper something -- Rikku moved faster and met her half way, kissing her softly, and laughing when Brother protested that Yuna was his (in Al Bhed, so she didn't understand him, of course).

#19 - Grave

There were many unmarked graves, Yuna realised, but she realised that graves, like the Farplane, clinging to something that was gone, trying to give it some form outside of the misty memories, something you could identify with, talk to -- like Rikku, like the Al Bhed, she thought it might be better to keep her feelings inside, just inside.

#20 - Green

"I can make Brother turn green," Rikku promised, and Yuna was laughing and dubious, but Rikku was exactly right -- to make Brother turn green in jealousy, she just needed to get and hold Yuna's attention when he was trying to talk to her, and he would almost have a fit.

#21 - Head

"What's wrong with Rikku?" Yuna asked, and Paine rolled her eyes as if in despair, throwing her hands to heaven, and told Yuna to think it through, use her head for once -- as she said, the signs were all there, the longing glances.

#22 - Hollow

"I'm still your guardian," Rikku said, softly, when they tangled around each other in bed, but Yuna knew the words were hollow -- they both knew that it was not Rikku Yuna wanted to be with, that the only guardian Yuna had ever needed, really, was Tidus -- but they also knew that need and want are two different things, and so Rikku didn't move.

#23 - Honor

There was an honour in being everything she was, Yuna had said it before and she would say it again and again -- an honour in sharing some of the same blood as Rikku, in being of her race, and an honour in being a part of her father's race too -- it was all an honour, being a part of something bigger, families, races, Spira.

#24 - Hope

Rikku was a big believer in hope, in the light at the end of the tunnel -- she said she'd seen it, and Yuna hadn't understood, but what Rikku meant was that when there was darkness, Yuna always seemed to be leading the way to the light at the end of the tunnel, and if Rikku just followed her, she knew she'd see the light too.

#25 - Light

Yuna lifted Rikku up in an exuberant hug, and she was light, bones bird-light and fragile, for all the strength, and Yuna knew that was how Rikku was so fast, all coiled energy and light, hollow bones that fit perfectly in her arms.

#26 - Lost

Sometimes, when they'd finished one mission and were in that grey area in between one mission and the next, Rikku looked lost, as lost as Yuna had once felt, and Yuna knew that they were both missing Tidus and that was something they shared, quietly.

#27 - Metal

Yuna lay back against the cool metal of the Celsius' deck, and laughed, while Rikku sat across her hips and punched the air triumphantly -- what she'd won wasn't entirely clear, but she was happy enough and so was Yuna.

#28 - New

Yuna had known love before, of course, known a love that clung desperately when it looked worse, but she learned a new kind of love with Rikku, a love of being free of burdens, a love of loving while free of burdens, a love of laying on the deck of the Celsius with Rikku sat on top of her and knowing everything was just fine.

#29 - Old

Walking along the road to Bevelle, Yuna felt an old feeling swirling up inside her -- a fear, a feeling of being sent, of actually deliberately playing herself into a marriage she didn't want; but she thought that Rikku and Paine wouldn't allow that, especially not Rikku, who had already seen her nearly married to the wrong person before, so she took a deep breath and pretended it didn't


#30 - Peace

She hadn't expected to find peace in the rather hectic life on board the Celsius, and at first, she didn't, but when she let herself, like a new day dawning, she found an amazing feeling of strength and peace and joy, just being with the others, just sharing their lives.

#31 - Poison

Jealousy was a subtle poison, but it was one that killed from the inside out nonetheless, and Brother was poisoned by it, it haunted him every single time he saw his sister, even if she wasn't with Yuna, making Yuna laugh, holding Yuna...

#32 - Pretty

Pretty was the sky after rain, a pale wash of blue, pretty was the stars that seemed only just overhead, pretty was the sea sparkling beneath -- beautiful was Yuna dancing, Yuna's voice, Yuna's hands, touching, soft and shy.

#33 - Rain

Yuna had danced when there were deaths and she'd danced to make people smile, to unite people, but she had never danced quite like that, a wild, reckless dance with Rikku swinging her around, an exhilarating dance that made her heart beat like it hadn't since him.

#34 - Regret

Rikku thought, at times, that she should regret stealing Tidus' sweetheart for a while, but he hadn't been around, had possibly been gone forever, and anyway, she'd had something with Yuna that Tidus just couldn't have had and that made it okay.

#35 - Roses

Some people sent Yuna roses, wrapped up in ribbons and with love notes attached, but Rikku threw them all away -- roses, as she pointed out, were the most common flower to be sent to someone special and there was absolutely nothing common about Yuna.

#36 - Secret

Rikku wasn't the kind of girl for secrets, but most of the time she kept a fairly big one all locked up inside, just in case the slightest hint might upset a balance -- she loved Yuna, the eager naïvete, every single thing that made up the woman most of Spira adored.

#37 - Snakes

Yuna, it seemed, wasn't too hot about snakes, or at least, not snakes that wrapped around her ankles and swarmed around her legs, which was why Rikku was carrying her, which was a little difficult for Rikku because Yuna was heavier than she looked and Rikku wasn't too keen on the snakes either.

#38 - Snow

When it finally seemed like all the trouble on Mount Gagazet was over, for a while at least, Rikku took Yuna up to highest part, the part with the thickest snow, and there they made snow angels and threw snowballs, and afterwards, numb to everything, they crept into a bed together on the Celsius to thaw out, and they kissed, ice-cold and delicate kisses.

#39 - Solid

Solidarity, except in the case of things like ice, was something Yuna could depend on -- and Rikku was solid, even if she seemed too giggly and flighty for it, and Yuna would always be grateful for that solidarity, even a long time later, when she didn't need it as much.

#40 - Spring

There was always a spring in Rikku's step, in fact, Yuna thought this with a giggle, in more or less the whole of Rikku's body -- she was like a giant spring in herself, or maybe a bouncy ball; either way, she would always bounce back up.

#41 - Stable

Paine might like to fly steady and safe, most of the time, but Rikku and Yuna both loved it (one secretly, the other perfectly openly) when Brother flew them higher, faster, twisting all round the sky -- Yuna caught hold of Rikku's hand and held it, and they weren't at all stable and that was the fun of it.

#42 - Strange

It was a strange feeling, Yuna found, being in love again and all -- it was strange to feel Rikku's skin, hot and slick against her own, it was odd to look into Rikku's eyes and feel like she saw a piece of herself somewhere in there, and odder than anything was being held, being kissed, when Rikku thought she was asleep.

#43 - Summer

Summer in Spira was always beautiful -- any season was beautiful, of course, but summer was the best -- long, golden days spent laying in the grass, just laying there, without anything better to do, and Yuna realised that she had saved that glory of summer for everyone.

#44 - Taboo

It seemed like nothing was taboo anymore -- the praetor of New Yevon was openly the lover of the leader of the Machine Faction, the Guado returned safely home, and Rikku and Yuna and Tidus were all very happy, and very open, and nobody minded.

#45 - Ugly

There were some things that were ugly all the way through, and things that were beautiful on the outside and ugly inside, and there were things that were ugly on the outside but lovely on the inside -- but there was a shortage of things that were just plain beautiful, and Rikku was quite astounded by her luck at knowing Yuna.

#46 - War

Rikku knew that Yuna loved Tidus, but she also knew that while Tidus was gone Yuna had come to love her, too, so it was an easy step from there to good naturedly declaring war on Tidus -- she'd get him and Yuna if she had to.

#47 - Water

After a long trek over the desert, Yuna woke to being cradled in Rikku's lap, being given Rikku's water -- so she gave Rikku her water and then they lay there, in the desert, and in the morning Rikku would get them back home, but in the middle of desert they were perfectly alone, and that was perfectly wonderful.

#48 - Welcome

Travelling with them all, Rikku had felt welcomed, one of them, like she never had before, and that's when she knew that the Al Bhed would some day be one with the rest of Spira -- and she attached herself to Yuna, not just because she felt that Yuna might help the Al Bhed with that, but also because some day it might be more okay for an Al Bhed to love a Summoner.

#49 - Winter

Winter in Besaid was mild, and so they stayed there, where it wasn't too cold for desert-raised Rikku, where Yuna really felt at home, and where Tidus had come home, and during the winter, it was home for all three of them.

#50 - Wood

They made a fire, Rikku and Yuna, a small one, and sat there, enjoying the fire, just like they'd seen Lulu and Wakka do, and they had a chance to experience that peace, and they understood why Lulu and Wakka had been so lost in the moment.

final fantasy x, !set delta

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