FFX-2, Gippal/Baralai, theme set Epsilon

Feb 14, 2006 15:02

Fandom: Final Fantasy X-2
Pairing: Gippal x Baralai
Theme set: Epsilon
Rating: R/NC17 for some sentences

#01 - Motion

Baralai doesn't want the others to see him, but there's something about the rocking motion of the ship on the waves that makes him feel like relaxing into Gippal's arms and not moving, not ever, and though he knows he'll have to move, it's always not yet.

#02 - Cool

Baralai's skin was cool under Gippal's hands, but his eyes were anything but, set on fire with hungry desire as Gippal pressed him down and whispered promises, shedding his clothes as if he realised exactly how useless they were.

#03 - Young

Most of the time, he didn't realise how young Gippal was, but when he propped himself up over Gippal and asked if he'd ever had sex before, he saw a look in Gippal's eyes before he replied in the negative that reminded him what it was like to be sixteen and so vulnerable.

#04 - Last

The last thing he realised before it all went black was that Baralai was laying beside him, and that gave him one last surge of strength -- not to do any good, but to move closer, to wrap himself around Baralai if that was all he could do, to kiss him while they both still clung to consciousness because there was never going to be another chance.

#05 - Wrong

It felt so right, for all the wrong reasons, to have Gippal there inside him, making him cry out, making him feel like he was burning in a slow fire, but he knew from the start that Gippal loved him, so Baralai never explained to him that he didn't love him (he just loved the small rebellion).

#06 - Gentle

When Gippal shook Baralai awake roughly one morning, he was surprised by the violence with which Baralai replied, but he didn't spare a moment to think about it, just wrapped Baralai in his arms and gave him gentleness.

#07 - One

Baralai knew that the Al Bhed were sceptical about most things, which is why he never told Gippal that he believed he was the one -- the only one -- for him.

#08 - Thousand

Gippal may have met a thousand non-Al Bhed who hated him and never met Baralai, but that didn't change his general hope that one day they'd all be friends -- that hope only strengthened with every moment he spent with Baralai.

#09 - King

In the big game of chess Baralai was playing across Spira, Gippal was the King and he had to be protected, or Baralai's game would be lost.

#10 - Learn

Gippal had asked Baralai if he knew what to do, and he'd said no, but as Gippal kissed his neck and guided his fingers, he learnt pretty damn fast -- he had Gippal on his back only moments later, fucking him like he'd been doing it all his life, making him cry out and whimper and cling to him, and all in pleasure.

#11 - Blur

"I'd like to watch you fight, but you always move so fast, I see nothing but a blur," Gippal said, one evening, draped over him, looking down at him with that laughing, teasing light in his eye that made Baralai want to laugh from sheer gladness, and he moved quickly -- as he did when he fought, to throw his opponent off balance -- so that he was the one over Gippal, straddling over him and leaning down to steal a kiss.

#12 - Wait

"Wait!" he called to the Al Bhed, as he left the camp to go for a walk, and when Gippal turned he wanted to spill out all the feelings he had, the need to know more about him, but instead he just shook his head and threw Gippal his weapon, "Be careful!"

#13 - Change

Spira is changing, Baralai thinks, and he smiles from his place in Gippal's arms, the place that has been saved for him until Spira could let him take it without an outcry.

#14 - Command

Baralai's is a voice for command, calm and soft until he needs to bark an order, but he's never heard a voice like Gippal's for persuasion, cajoling and alive and rich with emotion, and he has to admit to a certain amount of jealousy.

#15 - Hold

He's never wanted to be held so badly, not even when he was a child or when he lost his eye, and he's glad that Baralai will hold him close, if he asks, because he really does want it and would never be comfortable enough to ask another.

#16 - Need

"I'll make you need me," Gippal once whispered, teasing, and Baralai never forgot it because although he'd been teasing, he'd been telling the truth or making some kind of prophecy, too.

#17 - Vision

"Wake up, Lai, we're not done for yet," the vision said, and somehow, that made Baralai get up -- he only realised later that the voice that gave him strength to go on had been Gippal's.

#18 - Attention

"Baralai, are you listening to me?" Paine waved a hand in front of his face and he started a little, looking up at her almost guiltily -- because he hadn't been listening, his eyes had been elsewhere entirely, taking in every little detail of Gippal's body.

#19 - Soul

Gippal was reluctant to talk about his beliefs, but when he did it was with a serious expression that took Baralai's breath away; "The Al Bhed and the others... we're all the same, in the end, we may look different on the outside, but on the inside we all have the same souls."

#20 - Picture

He hadn't expected Gippal to be able to draw, and it was true that he wasn't the greatest artist Baralai had ever seen, but there was something about his art that was priceless and timeless, and Baralai suspected Gippal of having a much more complicated soul from then on than he had before.

#21 - Fool

Gippal was, by his own admission, one of the cleverest Al Bhed around, but he was a fool for love, and when he fell for Baralai, he forgot all about being clever and focused on one thing -- making Baralai his.

#22 - Mad

Baralai thought that Gippal would be the hot tempered type, but he never really saw him angry -- desperate, yes, emotional, yes, but never angry or violent.

#23 - Child

Baralai saw Gippal with his Al Bhed wife and his Al Bhed child, saw the years they could have had in the happy curve of his smile, and felt heartbroken because he had been too afraid to cross a few lines and offend a few people for love.

#24 - Now

"That was then," Baralai said, when Gippal apologised for so obviously wanting him, and he took Gippal's face in his hands and kissed him eagerly, "this is now."

#25 - Shadow

In the Den of Woe, a shadow fell over them -- Gippal felt not only the pain and loss of Shuyin, but also a sudden panic, a deep fear that thrilled right the way through him, that he had lost Baralai.

#26 - Goodbye

The Celsius swooped off overhead, and Baralai was about to turn and leave the platform when Gippal's arms wrapped around him and he heard Gippal's voice in his ear, "I may have said goodbye to Lady Yuna, but I don't remember saying goodbye to you."

#27 - Hide

Baralai wanted to hide from Gippal, after what happened, but while the others relaxed a little, when Shuyin and Lenne were gone, Gippal went to kneel beside him, holding him in his arms and making him talk, making him talk about it, making him feel better.

#28 - Fortune

"I don't believe in Yevon," Gippal said, laughing, shocking Baralai a little even though he knew all Al Bhed were like that, "but I do believe in Lady Luck, and she just gave me a perfect opening," and just like that, he kissed Baralai deeply and Baralai could do nothing but kiss back.

#29 - Safe

"You're never safe when an Al Bhed is around," his father had warned, but when he was in Gippal's arms, he knew his father had been wrong.

#30 - Ghost

Baralai rarely smiled properly, and Gippal knew it, but sometimes a ghost of the smile on his lips reached his eyes and Gippal did his best to inspire that.

#31 - Book

Baralai was reading, quiet and calm, serene, even, but Gippal didn't care about spoiling a scene -- it would all look so much better, he mused, when he was deep inside Baralai and all they could conceive of was each other.

#32 - Eye

Most people cringed away when he took off the eyepatch, or looked at it with sick fascination, but Baralai just brushed it lightly with his fingertips and then seemed to forget it.

#33 - Never

"You promised yourself you'd never do this, Gippal," he muttered to himself, but even so, he watched Baralai, full of hope and longing.

#34 - Sing

"There's a bird singing," Baralai breathed, and Gippal raised his head from his shoulder to listen, feeling the beating of Baralai's heart against his skin, his soft breath against his ear, and a feeling that went bone deep of being home.

#35 - Sudden

He knew that Baralai loved him, but it was just sex to him, until he felt Shuyin's love and loss inside of him, and then he understood and he couldn't help but love Baralai with the same eager, restless, heartbreaking love.

#36 - Stop

"Stop, Baralai," he cried with a heart full of fear when Baralai rushed into battle, and he couldn't stop Baralai so he just followed him, running in the wake of Baralai's quick destruction and wondering why he'd ever thought Baralai was gentle.

#37 - Time

Time would take away the ache, or so he'd been told, but nothing ever did, not even when Baralai apologised, and he knew that it was a deep cut of betrayal that'd take all of time to heal.

#38 - Wash

Baralai washed the blood away from his face with a gentle hand, chiding him gently for letting himself get cut in such a little way, and then -- and then Baralai leaned close, flicking his tongue along the cut, making it sting, yes, but stirring up desires in Gippal too.

#39 - Torn

When Baralai's robe was torn, he sewed it himself, and Gippal watched, amused at Baralai's many talents and imagining those quick, deft fingers on his skin.

#40 - History

Throughout history, he knew, there'd been affairs between Yevonites and Al Bhed, and that was what gave him hope even when it seemed Baralai wouldn't even look at him.

#41 - Power

Baralai stroked Gippal's cock slowly, gently, revelling in the power he had over him, listening in breathless wonder to the soft cries and pleas that spilled from Gippal like water.

#42 - Bother

"I don't want to be a bother," he said, reluctant, hovering at the door, but Baralai gave him such a smile that he stepped closer anyway.

#43 - God

Gippal didn't believe in any god, but, as Baralai thought with what might've been a smirk, he certainly cried out for one often enough.

#44 - Wall

Baralai had never really thought about sex before, even in a bed, so it was somewhat of a shock to him though not unwelcome when Gippal wanted to fuck him against a wall, and he decided that he liked thinking about it and experimenting with it, doing things a little differently.

#45 - Naked

They'd been naked before each other a few times before it really happened, and none of those times had they felt uncomfortable, and never had they felt vulnerable, but when they met each other's eyes and dared to whisper feelings, they felt really naked for the first time.

#46 - Drive

Gippal had a drive to succeed that Baralai couldn't help but admire, and though most of the time he couldn't imitate it, he fed it, playing Gippal like he would a game, getting him to do exactly what he wanted.

#47 - Harm

He never wanted to hurt Baralai, never, and yet sometimes when they made love he almost wanted to, he wanted to rip Baralai into pieces for all the little things their people would argue about.

#48 - Precious

There was something precious about Gippal's smile, in the way there was something precious about a child's smile, and though Baralai had never felt the emotion before he thought that maybe he wanted to protect that precious thing, possess it, keep it all for his own.

#49 - Hunger

Until he met Gippal, Baralai didn't really understand hunger for another person, but he found out soon enough, feeling that hunger eat him up, wanting to have Gippal around him, inside him, holding him.

#50 - Believe

He wanted to believe that Spira would change, always a little sympathetic to people like the Al Bhed, but it was when he met Gippal that he started thinking not in terms of possibility, but certainty.

!set epsilon, final fantasy x-2

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