Fandom: Boy Meets World
Paring: Eric Matthews/Jack Hunter
Theme Set: Alpha
Rating: PG- PG-13
Note: Some of these are related to stories that I've written. Some aren't.
#01 - Comfort
Comfort to Jack was a cloudy Saturday with sweats on and he and Eric alone all day, together.
#02 - Kiss
Their first kiss might have been awkward, but after years of practice, they had it down to a science.
#03 - Soft
Before he ran, Jack said "I like your belly 'cause it gives me a soft place to put my head."
#04 - Pain
Instead of being a big baby about his pain, Eric was stoic, leaving Jack to wonder what else Eric was hiding.
#05 - Potatoes
Eric was secretly tired of them, but when Jack told him that he was fixing the potatoes just the way Eric liked them, he ate them with a smile.
#06 - Rain
Jack knew he loved Eric when Eric walked into the apartment dripping rainwater because he gave his umbrella to Jack so that Jack wouldn't come home soaked.
#07 - Chocolate
Jack threw out the mixed cake he had made for their anniversary- but kept the chocolate icing for later.
#08 - Happiness
The first time Jack caught Eric sleeping on the couch with Jerrica in his arms, Eric replied, "Happiness is a warm blanket with a baby inside."
#09 - Telephone
These days, it seemed like Campbell was surgically attached to the phone, leading Eric to flashbacks of his own teenage years.
#10 - Ears
Whenever someone overstayed their welcome, Eric would find an excuse to whisper in Jack's ear, making him shiver and kick everyone out.
#11 - Name
Unless someone pointed it out, Eric felt like his name had always been connected with Jack's.
#12 - Sensual
As they hugged, Jack slowly drew circles on Eric's back and the sensual touch made Eric wish they weren't saying goodbye at the airport.
#13 - Death
When Shawn repeated "Until death do us part" Eric whispered, "I'm glad we didn't say that, because it won't."
#14 - Sex
Of course, Jack thought the sex was great, but what he secretly looked forward to was afterward, when he and Eric would spoon close until Jack could feel Eric's heartbeat against his back.
#15 - Touch
Even after twenty years, Jack's touch could make Eric's breath catch in his throat.
#16 - Weakness
Whenever Jack wanted something, he would exploit Eric's weakness for chocolate and held out Ho-Ho's as he asked for what he wanted.
#17 - Tears
When they had to leave Cameron in the hospital overnight, they were cheerful for him, but saved their tears until they got to the parking lot.
#18 - Speed
As Morgan took a corner at fifteen miles under the speed limit, Eric asked her cautiously, "You have driven before, right?"
#19 - Wind
Days, weeks, months and years seemed to blow by, and Eric could no more catch them anymore than he could the wind.
#20 - Freedom
Once in a while, they would set a date and play hooky, laughing at the sense of freedom they felt.
#21 - Life
Once, someone had asked Jack what Eric meant to him and he answered "he's my life" without hesitation.
#22 - Jealousy
It was literally years before Eric could listen to Jack saying Rachel's name without feeling a white-hot poker of jealousy stabbing him in the head.
#23 - Hands
Sometimes, Eric would be working in the kitchen, and Jack would idly wonder when dinner would be ready and how soon after that would Eric's hands be on him instead of the food.
#24 - Taste
Eric always imagined that Jack's kisses were like what sunlight would taste like; Jack thought that Eric's were like eating cotton candy- light, airy, and not filling so that you could go back for more.
#25 - Devotion
Jack listened quietly as Cameron explained, "Devotion is what my parents have for each other" as his vocab homework.
#26 - Forever
As the years passed, Eric reflected that forever could pass much too quickly, or be an eternity.
#27 - Blood
As Jack gingerly made his way to the bathroom, grumbling about Morgan and her stupid kickboxing courses, Eric called out, "Remember, no blood is good!"
#28 - Sickness
Jack threw up yet again, and Eric rubbed his back as he reassured softly, "I took you in sickness and in health."
#29 - Melody
As Campbell sang, butchering the song and killing the melody, Jack said "At least we know where she got her musical ability from," to which Eric replied, "Yeah, but she gets her great looks from me."
#30 - Star
Jack held strong until Cameron took his hand and asked, "Which star is Grandma's now?"
#31 - Home
"It's her first sleepover, of course she's excited, but she'll come home," Eric soothed.
#32 - Confusion
A look of utter confusion on his face, Eric sputtered, "Campbell hugged me and actually smiled, so I think there might be ice skating somewhere hot."
#33 - Fear
The first time Cameron had started gasping and turned blue, and Eric had felt fear that threatened to choke him, he had looked at Jack and knew that he wasn't alone.
#34 - Lightning/Thunder
The first strike of lightning sent Jerrica into their room, but by the time the thunder got close enough to hear, all of them were asleep.
#35 - Bonds
When Jack walked in and saw Josh tied to a chair and struggling against his bonds, he had laughed until Josh yelled, "See if I babysit for your demons again!"
#36 - Market
Cameron groaned quietly as his grandfather reminded him yet again, "I used to manage a supermarket and your dad worked a as bagboy there, just like you."
#37 - Technology
Technology, Eric maintained, should mean that his TV would bring him beer whenever he thought about it, or during a close game.
#38 - Gift
Grasping his hand tightly, Eric whispered to Jack, "Being with you is the greatest gift I've ever gotten," which touched Jack so much that he answered the door without complaint.
#39 - Smile
Jack's smile crinkled up more around the corners, but his eyes reflected the exact same expression it had all those years ago.
#40 - Innocence
Eric's face took on a look of comical innocence as he asked, "What makes you think I gave them the cookies?"
#41 - Completion
In the early days, Jack would feel a click when he and Eric came together, a puzzle finished to completion.
#42 - Clouds
As Jack and the twins looked up, one cloud floated across the sky and all of them said "It's a squirrel," smiling for the first time that day.
#43 - Sky
Eric watched the flock until they were specks in the sky, wondering if he would see them return.
#44 - Heaven
One lazy afternoon, Eric asked "You don't think that heaven's really like those cream cheese commercials, do you?"
#45 - Hell
Jack shivered and replied, "Throw in those yoghurt girls and that's my version of hell right there."
#46 - Sun
At the first sign of the sun, Eric was out the door, with the kids behind him, ready to celebrate another summer.
#47 - Moon
Van Morrison played as they swayed back and forth, telling them that it was a marvelous night for a moondance.
#48 - Waves
As Cameron busily played in the sand, Campbell ran with the waves, scaring Jack and giving him a good glimpse into her teenage years.
#49 - Hair
Watching Jack frantically examine himself, as was his custom this day, Eric commented innocently, "You know, I always did find men with grey hair sexy," which lead to Jack's having horrifying visions of Mr Feeny.
#50 - Supernova
Eric said, "I always thought of myself as a star," leading Jack to say, "yeah, a supernova, about to become a black hole, sucking... oh hell, what was I... never mind, bedroom, now."