
May 14, 2006 01:44

Fandom: Hunter x Hunter
Pairing: Kuroro x Kurapika
Theme set: Epsilon
Rating: PG for implications of sex.

#01 - Motion
They are always on the move because of their respective professions, but they have managed to work this out with their superb intellect and pure determination by a break every few weeks to spend time with each other.

#02 - Cool
“Come now, you said you were cold,” Kuroro murmurs to his ear as Kurapika protests the man’s advances.

#03 - Young
Kurapika chuckles at Kuroro’s flustered face when the lady who greets them as they enter the shop welcomes him and his ‘little brother’.

#04 - Last
Kurapika is a treasure in a very literal sense of the word, being the last living Kuruta, and Kuroro knows this well.

#05 - Wrong
He can’t ever undo the wrong that he had done to his younger lover (and he doesn’t think he wants to. It is, after all, the reason that brought them together), but Kuroro swears he’ll do his damned best to make up for the massacre of a clan and the murder of Kurapika’s childhood.

#06 - Gentle
How Kuroro can be so gentle, Kurapika vaguely thinks as he arches to meet the man’s teasing touches, he will never know.

#07 - One
They are self-sufficient, solo types of fighters, but when they fight together, it is as if it was always meant to be.

#08 - Thousand
“I’ve told you a thousand times, Kuroro,” Kurapika snaps as he smacks the Ryodan boss upside the head, “Don’t grope me in public!”

#09 - King
It is funny how a well-placed glare and a lash of a barbwire tongue from Kurapika can cow Kuroro, the head of probably the most infamous gang of cutthroats in the world, down.

#10 - Learn
When Kurapika flinches from Kuroro’s touch after a particularly nasty nightmare, the man finds out just how bad Kurapika had been affected by his sins of the past.

#11 - Blur
Kurapika inwardly curses when he catches himself once again thinking like a criminal, and Kuroro merely smiles in amusement at the annoyance he sees on Kurapika’s face, knowing the dilemma Kurapika was up against and just who exactly caused it.

#12 - Wait
There are some things that just won’t change, Kuroro muses to himself as he drapes an arm around an impatient Kurapika, and says something about how the Spiders must have gotten caught up in the traffic.

#13 - Change
Kurapika decides to change his Hatsu when he realizes that the Chain Jail is only good for bed now.

#14 - Command
Kuroro tends to be authoritative, and it is a cause of occasional arguments because Kurapika has never been one to be submissive.

#15 - Hold
When Kurapika finally collects all of his kin’s Eyes, Kuroro holds him and the blond clings back.

#16 - Need
Shalnark blinks and shrugs dismissively when Kuroro excuses himself from the Geneiryodan meeting and hustles Kurapika off to their shared quarters, knowing that some needs can’t be ignored like others.

#17 - Vision
Kurapika’s world had always been defined in black and white while Kuroro’s had always been grey, so it is a wonder that together, it becomes colorful.

#18 - Attention
“Do I have your attention now?” Kuroro asks innocently at a flushed and flustered Kurapika, casually taking his hand out from the blond’s pants.

#19 - Soul
The man has soulful eyes, Kurapika thinks as he snaps the Judgment Chain into place, and wonders why that is when Kuroro is capable of murdering a whole continent without feeling anything about it.

#20 - Picture
Kurapika is indignant while Kuroro is merely amused at the woman’s request to interview them as an example of a picture perfect gay couple for the local queer magazine.

#21 - Fool
Kurapika isn’t fooled when Kuroro presents woeful eyes to him, and refuses to budge on his decision to sleep on the couch.

#22 - Mad
Kuroro knows he’s in trouble when Kurapika stalks over to him with eyes blazing a bright shade of Red, and licks his lips in anticipation.

#23 - Child
Kuroro finds none of the upstart little speck of a boy that had tried to overpower him before when he looks at Kurapika, and wonders if this is a good thing.

#24 - Now
They are a unit, a pair who understands each other so well people almost overlook the fact that they are the complete opposites of each other.

#25 - Shadow
Kuroro likes shadowy places, Kurapika notes to himself as he is once again tugged to a dark corner of the room and his lips thoroughly ravaged.

#26 - Goodbye
Kuroro doesn’t say goodbye whenever he goes off to another one of the Geneiryodan’s raids, because both of them know that he is too powerful to be beaten easily, and that he will never leave things unfinished and will therefore surely come back.

#27 - Hide
Some secrets were better left unearthed, and Kurapika knows this better than Kuroro thinks he does.

#28 - Fortune
Their collective fortune together would reach an amount just a few billion zenny’s short of equaling half the Zaoldeyck’s, and Kuroro impishly suggests that perhaps, just maybe, they should buy a hill for their selves and call it “Kurokura” hill.

#29 - Safe
It is strange that the safest place the last living Kuruta can be is beside the leader of the most notorious gang of criminals.

#30 - Ghost
Pakunoda and Ubogin’s Nen no longer haunt him, and Kurapika wonders if this is because he’s… in a relationship, to put it mildly, with their leader now.

#31 - Book
If Kurapika knew that the reason Kuroro wanted him to touch the Skill Hunter was to steal his Nen and use it to chain him to the bed, he would have burned the damn book and chained Kuroro to bed instead.

#32 - Eye
The world thinks that Kuruta eyes are the most beautiful pairs that can be found anywhere, and Kuroro agrees with the sentiment, gazing down on Red eyes and capturing the younger man’s lips with his own.

#33 - Never
While Kuroro has never lied to Kurapika, he is also the only person Kurapika has ever lied to.

#34 - Sing
When Kuroro refuses to give in to what Kurapika wants, the blond threatens to tell Phinx, Feitan and Nobunaga that Kuroro sings in the shower, to which Kuroro returns that he’ll tell the three just how loud Kurapika can be in bed.

#35 - Sudden
When several top-ranked Hunters ambush them, Kuroro’s first instinct, he is surprised to realize, is to protect Kurapika.

#36 - Stop
Kurapika doesn’t expect Kuroro to stop his criminal ways for him, holds no illusions of it, in fact, and Kuroro in turn doesn’t expect Kurapika to ever accept what he does for a living.

#37 - Time
They will be together for a long time not only because Nen can slow down aging, but because theirs is a relationship that was built on vengeance, death and pain, and very few things can surpass that combination.

#38 - Wash
Kuroro likes barging in on Kurapika in the shower, and claims that this is because he likes washing Kurapika’s back and getting his own back washed in return, nevermind the fact that no washing is usually done until around an hour later.

#39 - Torn
Kuroro is using that seductive gaze on him again, Kurapika thinks, feeling the familiar heat rising to his cheeks, and considers closing his own eyes even if he likes looking at the man so much.

#40 - History
Even if he’s killed hundreds upon hundreds of people, Kuroro thinks he must not have been as hopeless as society deemed him, if one of his victims actually ended up as his lover.

#41 - Power
The members of the Geneiryodan respect Kurapika because he is probably the only person alive who can callously challenge their Dancho’s opinions and actually win in an intellectual debate.

#42 - Bother
“I’m busy,” Kurapika murmurs as Kuroro lavishes his neck with attention and bemoans the fact that he will have to wear a turtleneck to his job tomorrow again even in the terrible heat, with yet another unfinished work.

#43 - God
“You are sinning against God by engaging yourselves in such disgusting acts of sodomy!” the man screeches at them, and Kurapika wonders if he can excuse pummeling the bastard down with the fact that, most days, he hangs around with the worst of the worst of criminals.

#44 - Wall
The Geneiryodan has learned to leave the premises when Kuroro and Kurapika fight because on a particularly bad day when an issue actually escalated, one of them hit a wall and the abandoned building they were staying in collapsed on their heads.

#45 - Naked
“Hmm. Yes, I like how it fits you,” Kuroro comments as he examines the outfit he had Kurapika wear, “But I like you better without it on.”

#46 - Drive
Kuroro will never let Kurapika drive again, after that particular incident when the blond nearly managed to kill them both by accidentally driving through a guardrail and hurtling them over a cliff, conveniently forgetting to mention that Kuroro had been doing... distracting things to him at the time of the incident.

#47 - Harm
Kurapika turns to Kuroro in surprise, vaguely horrorified at the man’s violent reaction to the attackers who tried to steal his Eyes because the bounty hunters have been reduced to unrecognizable flesh and blood on the ground before he had the time to blink.

#48 - Precious
Kurapika likes seeing Kuroro’s rare smiles, in the same way Kuroro likes seeing his equally rare ones.

#49 - Hunger
“If you’re hungry, why don’t you eat proper food instead of trying to pass me off as some dessert, Kuroro?”

#50 - Believe
Kuroro doesn’t believe in god, and he thinks he never will, but he thanks whatever unknown entity anyway when he finally gets the opportunity to try out a kink with Kurapika.

Gee, I didn't think I'd finish it all in one seating.

!set epsilon, hunter x hunter

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