Fandom: Red Dwarf
Pairing: Lister/Rimmer
Theme set: Alpha
Rating: Rish
01. Comfort: When it’s only them, alone in deep space, they almost/sorta get along, but then someone says something and they begin to fight again; somehow the fights bring comfort, just because they’re talking to each other.
02. Kiss: Rimmer couldn’t decide, later, if he liked it or not, so Lister gave him another one.
03. Soft: Rimmer can’t touch anything, so every now and then he closes his eyes and runs his fingers through his hair and pretends it’s Lister’s.
04. Pain: The day after Rimmer got his hard light drive he pinched himself as many times as he could, just make sure he wasn’t dreaming.
05. Potatoes: Lister was pleased to have his own body back, but he refused to even look at mashed potatoes years after Rimmer’s adventure.
06. Rain: There is no climate on the Red Dwarf, only endless hallways that Rimmer tries to run, but somehow he can’t stay away from their room.
07. Chocolate: Lister’s skin was chocolate, but he still refused to let Rimmer put chocolate syrup on it.
08. Happiness: Lister doesn’t know if he’s happy or not, but he’s still alive, so that has to count for something.
09. Telephone: There are no telephones in space, but Lister will sometimes talk to Rimmer while he’s in the shower and pretend the rain is only a bad connection.
10. Ears: Lister likes nibbling on Rimmer’s earlobes, simply because of the noises he makes when he does that.
11. Name: Rimmer hates his middle name, so he always says it mean John or James or something else because he fears the looks he will get if his true middle name is revealed.
12. Sensual: Lister thinks that Rimmer is addicted to touch but Rimmer knows that he wants touch simply because it makes him feel loved.
13. Death: It takes a while to figure out, but Rimmer’s death was the best thing that ever happened to him.
14. Sex: To Lister, sex is a great thing, but it is not a new thing to him, to Rimmer, sex is a precious thing that he must treasure carefully because it happens all too rarely.
15. Touch: They are holding hands, just to see how it feels and the Cat sees and thinks they’re both crazy.
16. Weakness: Rimmer carefully slides his hands down Lister’s sides and waits for a reaction that never comes; Lister isn’t ticklish.
17. Tears: Lister never cried, not once for the human race; sure, he understood that he was the last one alive, but it never really hit home.
18. Speed: Rimmer saw Ace and saw everything he wasn’t and wished that Ace would leave sooner and that Lister wasn’t so obsessed with him.
19. Wind: Lister fought the winds and watched Ace be everything Rimmer could be while he fixed the engines.
20. Freedom: The hard-light drive was bliss, and Rimmer spent hours just sitting and breathing, savoring the feeling.
21. Life: “It’s a fragile thing, Listy, so don’t waste yours.”
22. Jealousy: Rimmer wanted to erase his memory of Ace and then do his life over again, only do it right.
23. Hands: Rimmer’s hands were long and elegant and Lister wished Rimmer wasn’t a hologram so he could wrap his own stubby fingers around those perfect, perfect hands.
24. Taste: Lister smiled at Rimmer, watching him lick his lips again but had to frown when Rimmer bit his lip, showing his nervousness.
25. Devotion: The memories faded over the years, but Lister would never forget Kochanski, even when he realized he wasn’t in love with her.
26. Forever: It would take forever to get the curry stains out of his shirt, but Lister convinced Rimmer to keep the shirt because it was a gift.
27. Blood: His body is soft-light, and therefore can’t be hurt, but sometimes (just to feel something/anything) he asks Holly for a knife and watches his blood leave his body in a spray of blue sparks.
28. Sickness: He doesn’t think he’s sick for cutting himself, because he can simply ask Holly to fix it.
29. Melody: Lister’s singing a tune when he walks in and sees Rimmer bleeding.
30. Star: He runs over and wishes he could touch Rimmer and try to help him; heal him.
31. Home: Rimmer explains that he’s not trying to kill himself and inwardly feels pleased that someone actually cares for him.
32. Confusion: Lister feels better when he understands that Rimmer isn’t suicidal but still doesn’t get why Rimmer wanted to feel pain; was he a masochist?
33. Fear: Later, much later, when they swapped bodies, Lister understands why Rimmer wanted to feel something; he spends the next five minutes convincing himself not to ask Holly for a knife.
34. Lightening/Thunder: There’s still no climate on the Red Dwarf, only endless hallways that echo loudly whenever a skutter drops a wrench because Rimmer was ordering it around too quickly.
35. Bonds: They just can’t get away from each other, and after years of being bunkmates they’d never be able to sleep without hearing the other’s sounds.
36. Market: They aren’t giving Kryten up for a replacement, but Rimmer wavered a bit when Hudzen stepped through that hatch.
37. Technology: Lister finally lost patience and smashed the Toaster after it’s 38567485th asking of would anyone would like some toast and Rimmer found that he missed the little machine, despite it’s ability to annoy.
38. Gift: Lister got his tension sheet from Rimmer for a birthday he’d celebrated a long time ago; the tension sheet had been wrapped around a copy of Emily Post’s Etiquette.
39. Smile: Sometimes their adventures get to be too much and Lister spends the day grinning at a memory.
40. Innocence: Rimmer does not know how to handle other people properly, so when Lister spends the day grinning like a loon he ends up regretting that he ever asked why; that was a memory he wanted to forget, no matter how funny it was.
41. Completion: They are polar opposites: Rimmer is neat, military-like, not relaxed at all, whereas Lister is a slob, follows his own schedule and just knows how to be comfortable around people.
42. Clouds: There still isn’t any climate on the Red Dwarf, only endless hallways that Lister wanders when he’s bored and needs to get away from Rimmer.
43. Don’t you people understand that there isn’t any climate on the Red Dwarf, only endless hallways that Lister uses to play soap-sud slalom with the Cat.
44. Heaven: Heaven is not living on the Red Dwarf, especially when you’re dead.
45. Hell: Still, the Red Dwarf isn’t Hell, especially when Rimmer can spend the day listening to his Hammond Organ music collection.
46. Sun: They’ve passed lots of stars by now, but Rimmer finds that the best thing to look at is Lister, distasteful as the idea is.
47. Moon: By the gods people there still isn’t any climate on the Red Dwarf, only endless hallways that see a drama played out every week; one week it’s “Who Cleaned My Socks?” and another it’s “Go AWAY, Rimmer! I’m not in love with you, no matter what you think!”
48. Waves: The Cat hears them arguing again and decides that it would be best to avoid Lister and Rimmer for the day.
49. Hair: Rimmer got revenge once: He cut off Lister’s prized hair-tails.
50. Supernova: Lister wonders if the Sun has gone supernova by now, but those thoughts are too depressing; he rolls over and decides to think about the wonderful man next to him.