Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing: Chang Wufei/Trowa Barton
Theme set: Gamma
Sentencer: Raz
Rating: methinks R? Hmm it's been awhile since I've read these >__>
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing.
Notes: I am so late with this! Crap, I totally forgot. This is late for
chrissy_sky's birthday, because I can't figure out Narnia!cest even though I'm still trying, hehe.
Warnings: Un-betaed, crap alert!, OOC?
#01 - Ring: When Wufei was just lying there in the bed, spread out, hair fanned out all around his face in black, silky strands, Trowa could barely contain the desire to stay entangled in the ring of Wufei’s arms forever.
#02 - Hero: When the war was over and they’d won, Wufei wasn’t sure if he’d be counted as a hero or a traitor, but as Trowa glanced his way and smiled, all Wufei could think was that it didn’t matter anymore.
#03 - Memory: Trowa has forgotten everything, Wufei thought with a sinking feeling in his stomach; including me?
#04 - Box: When Wufei presented him with a small box one day and ran straight to his office afterwards, he laughed, because the thought of anything that Wufei had deemed worthy of a present for Trowa wouldn’t turn out to be acceptable was ridiculous.
#05 - Run: Trowa now knew better than to run away mentally from his problems, because Wufei would always be there to try and solve it with him.
#06 - Hurricane: As the news broadcast of a hurricane sweeping the city Trowa and Wufei were currently located in, Trowa wondered if it was selfish that he wasn’t worried at all, because Wufei was here safely by his side, frowning at the television.
#07 - Wings: Trowa had often wished that he had a way to float, but now that he had Wufei’s smile, he found that he didn’t need a pair of wings to fly.
#08 - Cold: As they climbed a mountain in Alaska, in response to the question are you cold Trowa said no, but added in his mind, how can I be with you around?
#09 - Red: Wufei enjoyed the red of sun as it settled down the horizon, but he loved the green of Trowa’s eyes more.
#10 - Drink: Wufei only realizes that it’s been more than five years since he has been together with Trowa when Trowa knows exactly what to order off the cocktail menu for him.
#11 - Midnight: When it’s midnight and everything is hushedcalmsilent, Trowa wakes up and sighs in relief when he realizes it wasn’t all just a dream, Wufei really does love him.
#12 - Temptation: Wufei wasn’t the type to let himself give into temptation, but when Trowa revealed that they shared a certain temptation, the one to give in to each other, Wufei was glad for a chance to let go.
#13 - View: From Wufei’s view, his ponytail is never tight, there are always random strands escaping from the elastic; Trowa, on the other hand, doesn’t think it’s loose enough.
#14 - Music: Wufei doesn’t really understand music, it’s more of background noise to him, and Trowa is relieved he doesn’t have to worry about judgment when he practices his flute.
#15 - Silk: Trowa does not care for silk, or wine, or any of the finer things in life, but he decides that he will make an exception for Wufei, who is the highest-quality person Trowa will ever meet.
#16 - Cover: As Trowa dodges for cover, he and Wufei quickly glance at each other, nodding and reloading their guns with more ammunition - they are obviously under siege of friendly fire.
#17 - Promise: Wufei makes Trowa promise never to forget him again.
#18 - Dream: Trowa used to dream of peace - now, as he works with Wufei as his partner in Preventers, he decides that fighting is not so bad, after all.
#19 - Candle: There are candles and rose petals spread all over the place, too haphazardly not to be on purpose, and as Wufei steps over the various romantic items, he tries his hardest not to laugh at Trowa’s hard work, surveying his lover’s carefully arranged pose on the bed.
#20 - Talent: As Wufei gasps, arching into Trowa’s nimble fingers, he decides that though Trowa is lacking in the subtlety department, he is definitely not in this.
#21 - Silence: Though most ask him how he manages to communicate with Trowa, since his lover is so quiet, Wufei can only say that after dealing with Maxwell at the office, Trowa is a welcome respite.
#22 - Journey: Wufei has to travel far for the latest assignment, and Trowa can only keep working on his own projects, spending every other moment glancing at the clock counting down every minute left until Wufei gets back.
#23 - Fire: When Wufei pulls into the parking lot, the wheels screeching, he knows what Trowa will do, and hurries the medics toward the burning rubble, relief washing over his face as he sees a soot-covered Trowa emerge, carrying a little girl in his arms.
#24 - Strength: Wufei and Trowa are strong individually because of what they have been through; together they are stronger because of what their love has been through.
#25 - Mask: It’s been awhile since Trowa has worn that mask of indifference towards Wufei, and it hurts him just as much as it did before.
#26 - Ice: Trowa doesn’t understand why Wufei is suddenly so icy with him these days just because he didn’t elaborate about a mission he’d had to go on a few days ago; he just didn’t want to make Wufei worry.
#27 - Fall: Wufei smothers a smirk as Trowa looks to him helplessly while Catherine happily plans out what he’ll wear for the wedding, especially since the fall colors suit Trowa’s features so well.
#28 - Forgotten: Trowa watches Duo tease Wufei at their little reunion, Heero and Quatre observing them quietly as they catch up on the past few months, and he wonders forlornly how he could have ever forgotten his friends.
#29 - Dance: Trowa isn’t the dance type of person, and neither is Wufei, so they content themselves to sit together and strike up a commentary on Duo’s two left feet.
#30 - Body: There is nothing about Trowa’s body that Wufei doesn’t like; absolutely nothing.
#31 - Sacred: Making love to Wufei is a sacred act to Trowa; he never heeds his lover’s frustrated commands when he has made up his mind to worship slowly.
#32 - Farewells: After all five of them said goodbye and split ways, Trowa found himself missing one of his friends more than the others.
#33 - World: Between the two of them, Trowa and Wufei could conquer the world if they wanted to.
#34 - Formal: There is nothing formal about their relationship, Trowa thinks, and he is glad for it as Wufei plops next to him on the couch and immediately moves Trowa’s legs into his lap; they both pick up a book and settle down for a quiet afternoon.
#35 - Fever: Wufei was only sick once under Trowa’s care, but it was enough of a scare that Trowa and Wufei now took such a large variety of multivitamins every day that as Wufei obediently drank water he eyed Trowa, hoping that his lover knew how much Wufei loved him.
#36 - Laugh: Trowa had a quiet but distinct laugh, and Wufei always looks forward to visits from Heero and Duo, providing him opportunity to sit back and just listen.
#37 - Lies: Trowa never lies, but that morning as they eat breakfast in tense silence, Wufei wishes for once he would.
#38 - Forever: Nothing is forever, Trowa thinks as he strokes Wufei’s hair on a lazy Saturday morning, but if there is going to be one thing, he’d like it to be their love.
#39 - Overwhelmed: When they first met, Wufei was overwhelmed by how unalike they were; now, as he shares a secretive smile with Trowa, he knows better.
#40 - Whisper: It only takes a brush of a fingertip against Wufei’s skin, it only takes a whisper of his name in the dark, and Trowa is in motion, leaning down for a kiss.
#41 - Wait: Wufei watches Trowa with Quatre as they work together on their gundams and sighs, knowing that he will wait as long as he needs to for Trowa to wake up.
#42 - Talk: Wufei smirks when someone complains that Trowa doesn’t say much; he is glad that only he knows Trowa is extremely talkative during sex.
#43 - Search: Trowa was always looking for who he was, where his home could be; he stopped needing to after moving in with Wufei.
#44 - Hope: Trowa remembers that during the war, he only had to look over at Wufei curled up intently in a book to feel hope.
#45 - Eclipse: Instead of staring up at the anomaly that was happening in the sky, Trowa and Wufei were at home using their time much more wisely, in the bed’s opinion that is.
#46 - Gravity: It wasn’t gravity that kept Wufei rooted to the Earth so much as it was the immense force called Trowa Barton.
#47 - Highway: Wufei forgets about his cramped position in the car as Trowa fucks him into the reclined seat; in their defense, they were too busy to notice the police car that’d pulled over behind them.
#48 - Unknown: Trowa no longer worries about the unknowns that surround him; he knows that Wufei will be there to help him figure it out.
#49 - Lock: Cathy smirks as she pockets her camera phone; Trowa and Wufei really need to learn to lock their bedroom door.
#50 - Breathe: Wufei and Trowa step out at the same time in their wedding tuxedos, and Trowa has to remember to breathe when he sees his future husband’s smile.
Well, in good news, I managed to almost catch up with yesterday's word count. ...BOOYAH? Weekend, how I love thee ♥! Sorry for spamming! Have a great weekend, guys!