Fandom: Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town
Pairing: Doctor x Elli
Theme Set: Beta
Rating: PG-13
#01 - Walking
It was a problem almost right from her first day at the Clinic, seventeen and innocent to a fault despite common sense beyond her years; this near-hypnotic state he would fall into at the sight of her hips swaying gently beneath those long skirts when she walked.
#02 - Waltz
She doesn't understand why she had to practically twist his arm to get him to dance with her, when he's clearly twice as good at it as she is.
#03 - Wish
When she asks what he wished for, he tells her, of course, that he wished for healing for Ellen and Lillia that he couldn't give them, even though he's half-tempted to tell her what he really wished for, just to see her blush bright enough to double as a light source.
#04 - Wonder
She buries herself even more avidly in her studies tonight, just to stop from analyzing every tiny nuance of his words and voice when he told her that she'd make a good wife someday.
#05 - Worry
Her expression when he fibbed and intimated that he was more worried for the Clinic's sake than for the sake of her health if she should overwork herself made him wish he could take it back, but it was far too soon to tell her what he had only begun to suspect himself.
#06 - Whimsy
She pretends not to notice him listening intently as she reads to Barley's little dark-eyed granddaughter snuggled into her lap from a big volume of fairytales, because she knows he would run away, embarrassed, and she likes having a captive audience.
#07 - Waste/Wasteland
As long as the two of them are living here, Mineral Town will never see a drop of milk wasted.
#08 - Whiskey and rum
He hid a smile as he watched her trying valiantly to resist another one of the delicious fruity rum coolers Karen brought over for their Girl's Night Out while she's out in the kitchen refilling that same young lady's Whisky and Pepsi.
#09 - War
But he has to try even harder not to smile the next morning, when he finds himself waging war on his sweet little nurse's miserable hangover.
#10 - Weddings
When he bowed out of attending Karen and Rick's wedding because he was swamped with work, she watched him with huge, sad eyes for the next week, and eventually demanded if he was madly in love with Karen and upset because Rick got her instead.
#11 - Birthday
Even though it's a little impractical because she hardly ever has a chance to wear necklaces, she squeals in astonished delight over the beautiful rosy-white pearls that were his gift for her twenty-first birthday, and wears them ever chance she gets, and he makes a mental note to find a matching bracelet for next year.
#12 - Blessing
To a man brought up to assume what went right and count up the obstacles as the first step to overcoming them, her sweet, sunny nature that counted up the good and assumed the bad was a bit of a shock, but hardly unpleasant.
#13 - Bias
"Yes, but I think you might be speaking from a biased point of view," Ellen chuckles when the doctor asserts again that her granddaughter is easily the prettiest girl in town.
#14 - Burning
When he finds her on Mother's Hill, tears flowing thickly enough to nearly douse the fire she's using to burn up a little bundle of love notes from the young farmer that's being married tomorrow to the innkeeper's daughter, he comes the closest he ever has to craving to take a life instead of save it.
#15 - Breathing
But since he can't do that, he merely carries her back to the Clinic and reinvents his role in her life from boss to friend, letting her curl up in his lap and rubbing wide, slow circles over her back until those painful, constricted sobs stop and her breathing slows and deepens.
#16 - Breaking
When Tim overhears Karen asking Jack bluntly what happened to him and Elli, he listens more carefully and manages to overhear the answer: "Yeah, she's sweet and everything, but I changed my mind the first time I got her into bed; I like girls, not cattle"; then he ends up dragging Jack grimly to the Clinic to repair the broken nose he gave him, only to wish he had done an arm at the same time when he finds Elli staring loathingly at her soft, curvy little figure in the mirror later that night.
#17 - Belief
"Oh, I certainly do believe in the Harvest Goddess," Elli tells him bitterly when he asks if a bright, educated girl like her really buys into these superstitions, "because she's supposed to be very beautiful, and it seems like only beautiful girls get anywhere in this world - she'd want to protect her own, right?"
#18 - Balloon
She knows he holds very dearly to his dignity, so it means more than she knows how to express without being flowery when he keeps that silly balloon with its cartoonish doggie wishing him a Happy Birthday tied to the back of his chair all day despite the amused smiles of the patients.
#19 - Balcony
When he finds her poring over house plan magazines and marking down the features she especially likes, he promises her laughingly that their house when they retire will have all the balconies she wants, and then kicks himself as her eyes widen and her cheeks flush with the implication.
#20 - Bane
An old med school friend of his comes to visit Mineral Town for a few days, and the beautiful, sophisticated young woman quickly becomes Elli's greatest fear; at least, until she takes laughing, affectionate pity on the little brunette and confides the Clinic's nurse is more to her tastes than its doctor, but that the nurse is clearly taken.
#21 - Quiet
She knows all about his love of serene, quiet, orderly places, and tries her hardest to make their shared living quarters upstairs such a place.
#22 - Quirks
When she first met him, it seemed like he didn't have quirks like normal people; now, she knows each one as well as she knows her own name, and loves them all so much that it almost hurts.
#23 - Question
Even though it was very nearly just a formality after his stumbling, terrified confession of love that evening on the shore, he could feel his heart in his throat when he finally asked her, before work the next day, if she would agree to become Mrs. Trent.
#24 - Quarrel
He's almost unconscious of the tiny smile curving his lips gently for the brief period between their first real argument, and her affectionate apology and plea for reconciliation - after all, he loves her strength and independence, and the last thing he wants is a slave or a groupie.
#25 - Quitting
“Y-you're not going to want me to quit working with you now, are you?” she asks nervously, snuggled up to her new husband, and he laughs: “Absolutely not; you have no idea how much you've spoiled me, and I doubt I could cope without you now even if I wanted to.”
#26 - Jump
“Elli, someone might come by,” he protests half-heartedly when she finds him on Mother's Hill, loosening his collar and wiping his sweat-drenched brow, and proceeds to jump him.
#27 - Jester
“I don't mind that you don't joke around all the time,” she announces thoughtfully upon finding him a little annoyed by her beautiful laugh sounding almost all evening throughout that party where Karen's cousin from the city kept her monopolized most of the time; “I like people who can be serious every now and again.”
#28 - Jousting
When he finds her staging a jousting tournament with the contents of her desk, he surmises with a fond smile that she must be very bored; when he recalls the morning he's just spent trying to invent little tasks for himself between walk-ins, he stays to join her.
#29 - Jewel
“Well, you know, the Blue Feather tradition is so prevalent here that I didn't get a chance to buy you an engagement ring,” he points out when she exclaims, horrified yet secretly delighted, that the beautiful necklace starred with sapphire and diamond, must have cost far more than they had agreed on for birthday gifts.
#30 - Just
“Elli, I don't think you're being fair,” he tells her gently when she whispers to him how grateful she is that he's not a big jerk like some men, after a much-consoled Ann has gone home after a morning of comforting snuggles and men-bashing; “I'm sure it wasn't entirely Jack's fault - you know as well as I do how Ann can be.”
#31 - Smirk
"Two years, and they're still newlyweds," Karen mutters to Rick with a smirk when they catch sight of the doctor and his pretty bride tangled up in each other in a quiet corner of the inn, unaware of the rest of the world.
#32 - Sorrow
He knew that she would be devastated when it finally came time for Ellen to go, he thinks, kissing the top of her head gently enough not to wake her from the exhausted sleep that hours of crying finally drove her into, but he didn't quite expect to feel like a piece of his own heart had been torn out.
#33 - Stupidity
“It's because she's stupid,” little Stu Greene mutters sulkily and just a wee bit guiltily when Tim returns from a visit with Carter to find his wife locked in their room and refusing to come out; eventually, he gets the full story and has some rather sharp words for the boy who apparently shouted at his big sister that she was to blame for Grandma's death.
#34 - Serenade
"Karen helped me with it," she admits, blushing, as he goes from delighted admiration at the slinky, silky red dress with its plunging neckline and thigh-high slits, to slightly choked up adoration at her special one-night-only performance of one of his favourite love songs.
#35 - Sarcasm
“What can I say?” she laughs sheepishly when he stares in amazement at an uncharacteristically snarky comment; “I'm learning from the best.”
#36 - Sordid
"So, how much did you tell her?" Tim asks nervously when Elli tells him blushingly that Popuri, in town for the summer with Kai, demanded every last naughty detail of their love-life, becuase she suspected than anyone as straight-laced in public as the two of them have always been, had to be a lust-demon behind closed doors.
#37 - Soliloquy
She really didn't mean to fall asleep while he was talking to her; it was just that he was so warm, and snuggly, and she was so sleepy after a night spent, trying for a baby; but at least he wasn't angry, because he found out that occasionally her hands wander while she's asleep.
#38 - Sojourn
"Why don't you come to the Library with me today?" he asked casually one Wednesday afternoon when Stu is playing happily with May and asked as subtly as an eleven-year old boy ever had that she go away; "Are you sure?" she asked doubtfully, recalling his need for a little time alone every now and again.
#39 - Share
"Kai says you two are disgustingly cutesy," Stu announces from his perch on one of the stools at the counter of the Beachside Café, as Elli finally manages to convince Tim to try the Lady and the Tramp thing and share a piece of spaghetti, "but I think that's just disgusting."
#40 - Solitary
She suspects that he's starting to rub off on her when she finds herself growing snappish without at least a few minutes alone each day.
#41 - Nowhere
He aches with sympathy for her when she laments, after a long illness that's kept her more or less confined to bed, that she feels like she doesn't belong anywhere anymore, like her place has grown over while she was fighting off pneumonia; so once he's satisfied that she's recovered her strength sufficiently, he carries her upstairs to bed and shows her every way he knows how that her place with him will never be filled by someone else.
#42 - Neutral
She's trying very hard to keep her expression neutral, because Tim and Carter have just asked for her input to settle a debate on some scholarly matter that she barely understands but can still see right through to two little boys being stubborn; and it's difficult, especially when she wants more than anything to laugh at them for being so silly.
#43 - Nuance
“I think you have the feeling down beautifully; your expression and dynamics are certainly improving,” he replies when she asks, flushed and triumphant and hopeful, for his opinion on the flute piece she's just finished.
#44 - Near
He's grateful that she doesn't chatter at him all night when he's trying to study, but he's even more grateful that she still stays nearby, cuddled up next to him with a textbook or one of her beloved Austens, depending on what kind of night it is.
#45 - Natural
When Jack's cousin Sara comes to visit from the city, talking airily about how organic is the only way you can be assured freshness, Tim and Elli both take a great, impish delight in systematically breaking down her faith in the label by imparting horror stories of all the additives and pesticides that have seeped into the soil and spread even to land that doesn't use them, until nothing is entirely organic anymore.
#46 - Horizon
He likes to think that he has their entire life together planned out to the day; she's happy with uncertainty, because there are days filled with joy and laughter and sorrow and tears and always, always love as far as she can see, and that's what's important.
#47 - Valiant
She doesn't generally approve of fighting for a lady's honour, however good it may sound in novels, but every time she sees that strange bump on Jack's nose from where it was broken close to four years ago, she feels a curious little thrill at the knowledge that he would stand up for her when occasion required.
#48 - Virtuous
She already lost too much weight with the pneumonia last season, so when he finds out from an exasperated Mary that she's on a diet again, he takes a quick trip to Doug's Place and enlists the friendly, laughing redheaded man's help in coaxing her with all her favourite cakes and cookies; but plain, old-fashioned stubbornness prevails, and after four days and not a nibble, he ends up inviting Carter and May to join him and Stu for dessert, since Elli's being silly right now.
#49 - Victory
And when he comes up with a different idea, involving a little jar of rich milk chocolate body paint, they both pride themselves on a victory well won.
#50 - Defeat
But he's not the only one to shake his head over the other's self-destructive habits; it's been weeks since he allowed himself a day off to just relax, so when she wakes up Wednesday morning to find him sorting through research notes for an article he's been working on, she greets him with a loving good-morning kiss in two different places, and he knows that he's long since been beaten.
Hee! This is the second theme-set I've done with these two, because they're just so addictively, irresistibly cute. Well, when you're me. But I'm guessing that not too many people have that problem. ^_^