Story: Fallen Angels
Pairing: Azrael/Delilah
Theme set: Epsilon
Rating: PG13? - Some mentioning of violence but nothing graphic at all.
#01 - Motion
He watched her killing and appreciated how countless years of fighting had enabled her to take down her enemies with almost no motion at all.
#02 - Cool
The air was always cool in Heaven, not heavy and sweltering as it had been in Azrael's realm where the heat supposedly had robbed her of her clear senses.
#03 - Young
She was still young of course and her lack of experience in life beyond the bloody battlefields would prove itself to be very helpful in his plans.
#04 - Last
It would be the last battle and Delilah knew what had to be done for finally ending this war.
#05 - Wrong
All that she had considered to be right and wrong had been torn to pieces by him and his kind and was now lying in front of her, ready to be rebuilt in her very own mind.
#06 - Gentle
Sometimes she was almost remembering what she had considered to be gentle touches that night but she would not let the memory surface or she would have to really kill him for deceiving her.
#07 - One
"Next time you are about to call me an egoistical bitch, you might want to consider that it takes one to know one."
#08 - Thousand
She wondered what sort of persons they had been those thousands of years ago, whether Lucifer and Lilith had been anything like them at all.
#09 - King
For so long she had been told to follow a creature she had believed to be the voice of all that was good and right and who she now realized to be nothing but a mere power-hungry king of liars.
#10 - Learn
Ever since Azrael had brought her here, he had tried to show her what her kind has done to his people and although she seemed to have started to actually think on her own he still doubted that she had really learnt her lesson yet.
#11 - Blur
Sometimes she wondered if Michael really believed that it all had been a mere blur to her; a dream evoked by the so-called beast she had slain to end this war.
#12 - Wait
She was tired of waiting for something that would never be supposed to happen.
#13 - Change
It had been amazing to see her in dark wings at first but as evident as this physical change had been, her true development outshone it by far and he knew he had not only chosen the easiest but also the most compliable one.
#14 - Command
"You were an angel, you should be used to following simple orders," she heard Azrael hiss and smirked at the thought that the best following she had ever done had been when she had obeyed his command to sit down and contemplate her habitual behaviour.
#15 - Hold
Sometimes when she saw him holding Isebel like that, she wondered how it felt to have someone you could trust not only with your whole life but with your entire existence.
#16 - Need
It was in times like these that he wondered if he indeed needed her and whether it was really worth all the troubles.
#17 - Vision
The prospect of seeing who they had been and what had happened those ages ago was terrifying, not because of what it would make of her but because of what it could make of everything she believed to know.
#18 - Attention
Her attention leapt back to the heap of bloodied-white feathers and bent bones and she drove her sword deeper, still feeling Azrael's sharp gaze upon her.
#19 - Soul
"I am truly immortal," he had told her - but after all the knowledge she had gained she didn't believe in the immortality of souls anymore.
#20 - Picture
Once she had tried to picture him in white wings, but maybe it was true after all, that people could only imagine what they thought to be possible.
#21 - Fool
"One could argue that Michael was a fool for letting you go that easily - but I'm sure you have realized by now why it was the only thing for him to do."
#22 - Mad
Sometimes she was sure that he was the real reason for Isebel going mad as she couldn't imagine anybody spending that many years working with Azrael and keeping their sanity.
#23 - Child
"You know how it is, as an angel you're never considered what could be called a "child" so don't you start treating me like one!"
#24 - Now
It was now or never, she knew it - but how she should be able to call upon the courage and insanity to really do it was beyond her.
#25 - Shadow
Experience had taught her early that staying in the shadows did not only give obscurity but could also offer protection.
#26 - Goodbye
So often she had been wondering what she would have told him had she ever had the chance of a real goodbye but even now, months after, she wouldn't know what to say.
#27 - Hide
In that moment of realisation she had promised herself never to hide behind principles and values again; now being among them again, meeting them daily and breathing them in, she felt like she was slowly suffocating.
#28 - Fortune
"Isebel once told me that the first thing she had gotten to know among us is that nobody is going to make a fortune for you, in what way ever, and that you have to seize what you want by yourself - you might want to consider that."
#29 - Safe
She never would have expected that the safest she would feel among those people she had once been bred and trained to extinguish.
#30 - Ghost
When she looked at those books and writings now, she wondered whether they were mere shades made up by humans, like ghosts of what they thought was right and wrong, and she truly pitied that species as much as her own former self.
#31 - Book
Basically, they were in all this troubles only because Azrael couldn't keep himself from reading that damned book centuries ago; but then again, that wasn't entirely true since she should rather blame Michael for not having gotten rid of it in the first place.
#32 - Eye
There was something in her eyes whenever she was killing - delight, hunger, dominance, craving - he had seen it already before her fall and now, not being covered by pretence and ideals, it could finally shine in all its beauty.
#33 - Never
She would have never thought that she would value death higher than survival but seeing the mistreated creature in front of her she for once wished to kill for deliverance.
#34 - Sing
One always expected angels to have a wonderful singing voice but either that skill had taken great damage when Delilah had fallen or he had indeed found the one point where she did not fulfil the requirements of being a perfect angel, he thought with a cringe and dearly hoped that the troops would never take her out drinking again.
#35 - Sudden
Suddenly she felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off of her, something that had been bearing down on her for as long as she could remember.
#36 - Stop
She never really stopped to think whenever she was fighting and had always considered Azrael's rather calculating approach on killing to be his biggest weakness.
#37 - Time
Every now and then it had felt as if time had stopped in its course - when they had sat together, discussing about anything and everything of importance or total insignificance, she had felt at rest and truly peaceful for once.
#38 - Wash
She felt the sudden heat of pain washing over her and in shock turned around to face the demon, which had come to claim his part of the bargain to be fulfilled.
#39 - Torn
Azrael knew the signs and that she soon would enter the most crucial state; the one when she would be torn between all those old restrictions and her newly found freedom - it would be intriguing to watch her fight through that struggle.
#40 - History
"History has a habit of repeating itself, but we will make sure that this time it will be final."
#41 - Power
For such a long time she had assumed that her striving for blood had its source in either hate, rage or hunger, but feeling as she did now it suddenly became clear to her that it was rather the sensation of having another creature, someone equal to her, entirely at her mercy.
#42 - Bother
Sometimes dealing with him and getting her point across was such a bother that she barely could resist the urge to grab him by the neck and repeatedly slam his thick skull into the next best wall.
#43 - God
"No that's not what I'm telling you, god isn't dead - god has never existed but in the imagination of Michael who sees himself as the only one fit for this position."
#44 - Wall
The same walls who had offered a home to her and the feeling of protection for more than half of her life were now manifestations of all the limits and boundaries this place held and she understood how Gabriel must have felt just before he had become Azrael.
#45 - Naked
Nakedness was something unholy and not fit for a heavenly creature; still it did not bother her at all to imagine showing herself without any covers at all to this man, on the contrary.
#46 - Drive
She had come to realize that they all were driven by one force or another, be it reign, vengeance, power, self-assurance, personal gain or in Azrael's case total control.
#47 - Harm
"The only way we can truly harm Michael is by poisoning his foundation; you know what you'll have to do."
#48 - Precious
Once she had thought that she had been precious to Michael but now she knew that she had just been one of his emblems - then she had thought she was precious to Azrael until she got to know that she had been nothing but a mere source for information - now she realized that the only one she could be truly precious to was herself.
#49 - Hunger
Hunger was a curious thing, for so long she had used it as a tool for fighting but only since she had freed herself she was able to actually relish it - she might thank Azrael for that at some point if she ever was in the mood for it.
#50 - Believe
Seeing Azrael as he was now she couldn't imagine that he had been like her and all the others once, believing every little lie of Michael.