Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Pairing: Katara and Yue
Theme Set: Alpha
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Gratuitous misuse of semicolons. Also, my sister hits me every time she reads #24 for being mean to Sokka.
#01 - Comfort
The air thick with the smoke of approaching fire nation ships: Katara reaches out, takes Yue’s hand and says, “Everything is going to be alright.”
#02 - Kiss
Their first kiss was brief and unsure, full of fear of being caught or of making a mistake, and ended suddenly when Momo leaped upon Yue’s head.
#03 - Soft
Yue is soft: soft skin, soft voice, soft eyes, soft hearted; Katara didn’t know she could ever love soft.
#04 - Pain
Katara pushes Yue away, her eyes wide in horror; the pain in Yue’s hip, where she hit the wall, is nothing compared to the pain in her heart.
#05 - Potatoes
Because Yue has never peeled a potato in her life, Katara shows her how and cuts her thumb.
#06 - Rain
Yue huddles under her cloak and watches Katara, dancing and laughing in the down pour, drenched and beautiful.
#07 - Chocolate
There is no chocolate in the south pole, it is too rare and expensive to transport such a distance, so when Katara tastes it for the first time, it is from the princess’ finger tips.
#08 - Happiness
Yue has no delusions; Katara is happiest dancing in the courtyard at night, creating water sculptures.
#09 - Telephone
They play a game for young girls whispering secrets in each other’s ears; even between the two of them the messages are garbled due to too much lips and not enough voice.
#10 - Ears
Yue likes Katara’s ears especially when they have her teeth marks imprinted on them.
#11 - Name
Katara doesn’t know what her name means, but Yue believes it means “Precious”.
#12 - Sensual
The idea of baths are completely foreign to Katara but it doesn’t take long for her to appreciate them.
#13 - Death
Katara knows death is necessary, the world is a wheel and the truth hangs in the sky but that doesn’t stop it from sucking.
#14 - Sex
When Katara’s monthly bleedings first began, her gran-gran had sat her down and had explained the way of men and women; now sharing body heat with Yue, Katara wonders exactly how this is suppose to work.
#15 - Touch
“Owww,” Katara moans as Yue gently traces her fingers over the bruised breast, where Master Pakku had slammed a chuck of ice into chest, “Do that again.”
#16 - Weakness
Yue would have though a woman lover would have been weaker than a man but Katara continuously proved that notion wrong time and time again.
#17 - Tears
Sokka’s outside the tent, screaming his grief to the stars above; Katara hides in Aang’s embrace and cries silent tears.
#18 - Speed
“You have to be faster,” teased Katara to the princess in her layers of furs, knowing full well she’s already been caught.
#19 - Wind
“Hold on tight,” Katara says as she gives Appa reins a flick and a quick “Yip Yip”; the princess squeals in surprise and delight.
#20 - Freedom
If Yue was not a princess, she’d run off with Katara to the south pole this very day; however, Yue is a princess and she has no freedom.
#21 - Life
They are so much alike: orphaned by mothers, abandoned by fathers and denied the lives they want because of their gender.
#22 - Jealousy
Sometimes Sokka scowls jealously at Katara and Yue, though he tries not to; Sometimes Katara notices, though she pretends not to.
#23 - Hands
Because of the frigid temperature everyone wears gloves but even so, Katara is still mildly surprised to realize that Yue’s hands are indeed not purple.
#24 - Taste
The taste of saliva is bitter in Yue’s mouth, harsh and masculine, and she pulls away from Sokka’s lips with an internal grimace; if only his kiss was sweeter.
#25 - Devotion
Katara is devoted to one person and one person only: Aang, the Airbending Avatar; this make Yue weep.
#26 - Forever
“I don’t like forever,” Katara says to the oblivious koi, “It’s a very long time.”
#27 - Blood
Katara knows she and Yue are truly a couple when they wake up in a stain of blood, too much for one woman alone.
#28 - Sickness
Yue has been sick many time in her life, she was born sick, but never sick in the way she is now; it is a sickness of the heart.
#29 - Melody
Yue is beautiful, Katara thinks as she admires her lover’s form and then lightly massages her own ear, but she has the singing voice of a dying wild cat.
#30 - Star
A falling star brushes swiftly across the sky and Yue closes her eyes, thinking of a pretty southern girl with northern eyes, “I wish…”
#31 - Home
“Gran-gran, this is Yue, princess of the Northern Water Tribe…”
#32 - Confusion
Yue watches Master Pakku’s students practice in the twilight, especially the strange southern water tribe girl, and tries to sort out the confusing jumble of emotions she is having.
#33 - Fear
They are standing together on the bridge, laughing at the folly of boys and Yue moves a little closer to catch Katara’s mouth; she had never been so scared in her life.
#34 - Lightning/Thunder
Yue and Katara, being from the north and south pole respectively, were unaccustomed to some of the more dramatic aspects of storms, such a the flash of lightening and the boom of thunder; however, Yue was pleasantly surprised when Katara dived under the covers and hide in Yue’s lap
#35 - Bonds
The moon and the ocean are forever intertwined, pull and push, Tui and La, Ying and Yang; even when her lover has left the mortal world, Katara can still feel her pull.
#36 - Market
Yue bought the hat for Katara at the bazaar, a wide brimmed monstrosity consisting of feathers, lace, dried fruit and the bones of some small animal that, according to Yue the guru of Northern fashion, was the latest thing; Katara thinks it’s silly, embarrassing and completely useless and she wears it every day.
#37 - Technology
Katara has the urge to ask her sulking brother if his science can explain love.
#38 - Gift
“It’s beautiful,” Yue breathes in awe, holding the mirror, made with ice instead of glass, up to the light, as Katara snuggles closer and replies, “Not as beautiful as the face it is reflecting.”
#39 - Smile
Aunt Wu smiles down at Katara’s palm, reading the lines, seeing the future, discovering the truth but people don’t want to hear they truth, they want to hear want they want hear and so Aunt Wu lies.
#40 - Innocence
To the world they are two innocent little girls playing an adult’s game but they are neither innocent, little or playing.
#41 - Completion
Katara found that Yue made everything complete; the princess started with the border of the puzzle and worked her way in.
#42 - Clouds
“I think it looks more like a heart then a flying bison.”
#43 - Sky
Katara watched Yue’s hair flutter as they rode through the clouds; her hair seemed to blend in, as if she belonged in the sky.
#44 - Heaven
Katara does not believe in Heaven because she does not want to go to Heaven; there are too many people who will not be there.
#45 - Hell
“Bloody Hell,” Katara curses and thrusts her cut thumb into her mouth as Yue’s eyes grow wide; she’s never heard a girl curse so profoundly before.
#46 - Sun
Katara scowled at the sun with hate; it was too hot, too bright and it had murdered the moon.
#47 - Moon
When Katara looks up at the full moon, she can not help but wish the moon would fall out of the sky and into her arms.
#48 - Waves
Katara sits cross legged in the grass with the clay bowl resting in her lap; she uses her power to bend the water into the shape of a young woman she misses very much.
#49 - Hair
Tangled together, white as the moon and black as the deepest ocean depth, their hair makes a perfect ying-yang.
#50 - Supernova
When Katara had listened to Teo’s father explain what a supernova was, she hadn’t quite understood; now in the north pole, she thought it must be a lot like falling in love.