Pairing: Ukyo/Kirara
Fandom: Samurai 7
Theme Set: Gamma
Author: lilith_queen
Rating: T
1. Ring
“Will you marry me?” Kirara can only smile through her tears.
2. Hero
As he faces the samurai in what may be the last hour of his life, he wonders if Kirara could ever have thought of him the way she thinks of them: as a hero.
3. Memory
Kirara remembers the first time she met Ukyo, and realizes that nobody has ever brought her roses before or since.
4. Box
On rainy days, Kirara opens the box where she has put the roses Ukyo gave her--dried now, musty and sweet-smelling-and wonders how their meeting could have gone better.
5. Run
No matter how fast she tries to run away, Ukyo knows he’ll catch up to her some day.
6. Hurricane
When it rains, they usually sit under the awning holding hands and listen to the drops fall, but it’s the rainy season and she’s too busy worrying about whether the roof will hold to relax.
7. Wings
She knows that Ukyo’s weight is only pressing her farther into the earth, but as he kisses her, she feels as though she might just be able to fly.
8. Cold
Winters in the mountains are freezing, and he’s glad to see Kirara making soup to stave off the chills (even though he can easily think up several much better ways to keep warm, none of which involve food.)
9. Red
He knows that roses are generic and boring and that every man in the world gives them as gifts, but they’re just so pretty, he can’t help but buy them (and the thorns prick his fingers, spilling scarlet blood onto the crimson roses.)
10. Drink
Kirara sips warily, watching him over her glass--she’s never had alcohol before, but then again, neither has he.
11. Midnight
Kirara is shy, and she’s glad of the darkness as Ukyo kisses her, for it hides her blushes.
12. Temptation
Kirara knows that as the water maiden, she’s not allowed to have sex or a relationship until another mikumari-her sister-is trained, but she just can’t help but wonder what it would be like (and a certain violet-eyed young merchant has nothing to do with her speculations.)
13. View
Ukyo grins lecherously, his eyes following Kirara around the room as she gathers her clothes; even if she hates him forever, at least he’s still able to admire the view.
14. Music
“I didn’t know you could play the shakuhachi.” Ukyo smiles at her with his eyes and continues to serenade her.
15. Silk
Ukyo has expensive tastes, she muses, as she slides into bed. Even the guest rooms have silk sheets.
16. Cover
As she shivers under the covers (why does Ukyo keep his room so cold?), he wraps his arms around her from behind, burying his face in her hair, and she’s suddenly warm again.
17. Promise
I’ll take you to paradise, he said, and she wonders if that’s a real promise, or just the delirium of a madman.
18. Dream
Kirara wakes up in a cold sweat, trembling and clutching the covers-she can’t believe the scenes that were playing through her head.
19. Candle
Kirara smiles as she blows out the candles on her birthday cake and makes a wish-trust Ukyo to find out about the most bizarre customs of other cultures.
20. Talent
As she lies next to him, warm and sated, she wonders why nobody ever told her it could be this much fun.
21. Silence
Sometimes, they find the greatest enjoyment in sitting side by side on the porch on a summer’s night, watching the fireflies in silence.
22. Journey
No matter how far he has to travel, he knows that he’ll see her again one day.
23. Fire
Ukyo’s kisses burn like fire, and no matter how much water she surrounds herself with, she can’t erase the feel of his skin.
24. Strength
While he may not be physically very strong, he is highly intelligent and cunning, and that is why he can always beat her at chess; gloating about it earns him a suspiciously burnt dinner for the rest of the week.
25. Mask
Ukyo wipes the makeup off his face with a napkin-he wants to face his darling Kirara without hiding behind a mask of powder and paint.
26. Ice
Ukyo pauses as he sees the frost on the water bucket he uses to wash his face, and Kirara teases him for the rest of the morning--imagine being afraid of a little ice.
27. Fall
Ukyo plummets down the cliff, bleeding from a dozen wounds, and smiles as he realizes that at least his beloved Kirara is safe.
28. Forgotten
He will never forget the day they met, and of course he can never forget the day she admitted she loved him, but with those two important dates so firmly fixed in his mind, it’s a little annoying how easily he forgets their anniversary.
29. Dance
As Kirara dances to welcome in the New Year, she can feel Ukyo’s eyes on her, watching her every move, and she smiles.
30. Body
Ukyo’s body is very pale (for he rarely goes out in the sun) but today he is helping with the harvest, and all that marble pallor is tanning to bronze.
31. Sacred
She is the sacred water maiden, inviolable and untouchable, so why is it that she feels so delightfully wicked when she’s with him?
32. Farewells
As she thinks back on the battle for Kanna, she is relieved that she didn’t say goodbye or good riddance to Ukyo-after all, in the back of her mind, didn’t she always know that he wouldn’t die so easily?
33. World
As she sobs into his shoulder, Ukyo tells her, “The world opposes our relationship…so let us oppose the world, my darling.” (and they dance in the rubble as the cities fall)
34. Formal
Ukyo bows stiffly, knowing he’s taking Kirara by surprise. Silly Kirara, did you expect me to let you break my heart again?
35. Fever
Kirara knows it’s selfish, but she loves being sick, because that means it’s Ukyo’s turn to take care of her for a change.
36. Laugh
No matter what happens during the day, Ukyo looks forward to the nights, for then he can come home and listen to Kirara’s wonderful laugh again.
37. Lies
She knows he’s lying as he promises her all that her heart desires, but it’s easy to forget that once he kisses her.
38. Forever
They may not last for eternity, or even for a year, but they will try as hard as they can to make it work.
39. Overwhelmed
Stars explode behind her eyes as Ukyo kisses her again, and she must push him away or risk losing her mind.
40. Whisper
When he tells her he loves her, it’s a bold declaration that half the room can hear; when she responds, it’s a tiny whisper, a secret just between them.
41. Wait
“No, wait, I’m not ready yet.” Ukyo nods and pulls away, secure in the knowledge that he won’t have to wait forever.
42. Talk
Ukyo and Kirara have never spoken, not really, so it takes her by surprise when he sits down next to her one day and indicates the book she holds. “Is it good?”
43. Search
Even though she knows he may well be dead (there’s no way he could survive that fall down the cliff), she still finds herself searching the horizon for a glimpse of blue hair.
44. Hope
Logically, Ukyo knows he has no reason to hope that Kirara will ever care for him, but as he buckles on his gun belt, he has nothing more to lose.
45. Eclipse
Ukyo’s brief reign as Amanushi was like fireworks; a swift ascent to the heavens, an explosion, and a decline as a rain of ashes (and then he crawls out of hell and is reborn.)
46. Gravity
They are like twin stars, slowly revolving around each other and held in place by bonds that he does not want to break and she can’t, no matter how hard she tries (and eventually she stops trying and lets him pull her into his arms.)
47. Highway
The road is endless, but he can keep going as long as he knows she’ll be waiting for him at the other end.
48. Unknown
Neither of them knows what the future will hold, but they know they will face it together.
49. Lock
Kirara’s heart is locked to him, and he wishes more than anything else that he could find the key.
50. Breath
His dying breath mists her face as he tells her never to cry for him (but she does anyway).