Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffy/Spike. Delta.

Jul 18, 2008 17:56

Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Buffy Summers/Spike (William the Bloody)
Theme Set: Delta
Rating: PG
Warnings: none! Oh, maybe some angst.

Buffy/Spike 1sentence challenge table; theme set Delta

#01 - Air

Spike dreams of fresh air, of wide open places that he can take her, see her hair in the sunlight, instead of always seeing it by candle in an empty crypt.
#02 - Apples
When Buffy finds out Spike can eat food when she discovers him scarfing Oreos one day, she has a field day and hides all his sweets until he eats an apple, but he thinks it’s worth it later when the sweet she gives him back is her.

#03 - Beginning
In the beginning, it was all about loneliness, feeling empty inside, but now it’s about feeling full.

#04 - Bugs

Spike hates them, and Buffy thinks this is amusing and puts a rubber spider in his bed one night.
#05 - Coffee
Which she pays for the next day when he puts sugar in her coffee.

#06 - Dark
Buffy’s never been afraid of the dark-she of all people knows better than most the things that are really there-but as soon as she finds out Spike’s not out there anymore, she feels the first tiny vestiges of fear.

#07 - Despair
When she had to leave Sunnydale and he was there, and she watched him watch her leave, she thought nothing would ever make her feel anything but despair ever again.

#08 - Doors
When she got a new apartment, she amused herself for almost twenty minutes by performing a striptease for Spike but not inviting him in the door-but when she did, he thought all the teasing was definitely worth it.

#09 - Drink
“Why do you play poker with kittens?” was always going to be the cutest question in the world, from a slightly-tipsy Slayer holding an entire bottle of tequila.

#10 - Duty

The night that Buffy punched through a headstone, screaming about how she was done with her “duty”, Spike held her in his arms while she sobbed and Willow bandaged her hands.
#11 - Earth

“She Saved the World-A Lot” was the most truthful statement Spike had ever seen.
#12 - End
He almost ended it after she died, but remembered Dawn and thought that that was the only kind of dawn he would be seeing for a while.

#13 - Fall

He watched her fall from the tower built by the loonies, jump into the white ball, and screamed her name until he couldn’t speak.
#14 - Fire
Buffy thought it was cute how, when she set a pan on fire, Spike began to put it out with his hands before HE started on fire-not many people can say THAT about their boyfriends.

#15 - Flexible
Spike had always appreciated that Slayer training kept Buffy in tip-top shape, but when she began yoga, he actually thanked God that He invented something that would make a girl so…bendy.

#16 - Flying

Buffy’s fears were few, but Spike held her hand when they flew over the ocean, singing softly to her.
#17 - Food
Buffy appreciates that Spike can eat real food, but when he insists on crumbling Wheat Thins in his cup of morning blood, she thinks that maybe that’s not such a good thing after all.

#18 - Foot
Buffy has the smallest feet of anyone Spike’s ever met, and it amazes him that so much power and punch comes from the legs attatched to those feet-they don’t look that dangerous

#19 - Grave

When he found himself singing for a whole day, Spike told Buffy to leave him be, but after the fact, he realized he’d rather be in his grave than live without the girl he loved.
#20 - Green

Buffy owns one green sweater, and Spike finds any excuse he can to see her in it.
#21 - Head

After Buffy dies, Spike trashes the Buffy-Bot, ripping it apart, and then helps Willow repair it, refusing to touch the head, to look into the eyes that are so like the ones that he can no longer see.
#22 - Hollow
Watching Dawn covertly watch him s they play Rummy makes Spike feel even more hollowed-out inside, and for the first time ever he wishes his heart would beat again, so he could at least feel something other than empty.

#23 - Honor

Most people scoff at the thought of a vampire having honor or morals, but Buffy has always trusted Spike with Dawn, with her life, and with herself.
#24 - Hope
When Buffy comes down the stairs after three months in a grave, Spike begins to hope again.

#25 - Light

He’s never much liked the light, but he likes standing in the shadows and watching her during the day, watching how she looks in the light-it’s the only thing that makes light tolerable anymore.
#26 - Lost

The first three nights after Buffy died, Spike and Willow took turns watching Dawn, each trying not to let the other know how lost they felt.
#27 - Metal
Spike feels like Pavlov’s bloody dog whenever the scrape of metal against stone alerts him to someone entering, always looking up and hoping to see Buffy there.

#28 - New

Spike’s not sure he likes this new Buffy, even if he does finally have what he always wanted-the new Buffy seems so empty.
#29 - Old
Spike much prefers the old Buffy to this new shell of Buffy, the Buffy who would kick his ass and try to stake him once a day, even though both of them knew he wouldn’t do it, but he doubts he’ll ever get her back.

#30 - Peace
When she tells him she was in heaven, he’s not quite sure how to respond-that he’s happy she’s back or that he’s sorry she was at peace and her friends ripped her out.

#31 - Poison

Spike watches with amusement as Buffy hands him the mouse trap with the arsenic-laden cheese, shuddering slightly-the big, bad Slayer afraid of mice never fails to amuse him.
#32 - Pretty

The words “You’re pretty,” and the accompanying look of scrutiny are something Spike will never forget-even though he knows Buffy has consumed enough alcohol to knock out a bull.
#33 - Rain

The day it begins raining at noon, Spike finds himself enough clouds to go outside during the day, pushing Buffy in a huge puddle and grinning cheekily when she shrieks and begins the chase.
#34 - Regret

Sometimes Spike hates having ever told Buffy he loved her-he watches her face as he does and wishes he weren’t the source of confusion and poorly-hid disgust he sees there.
#35 - Roses
When her mother dies, he sends her a dozen white roses, and she comes by the next day to thank him by simply handing him a red one in return.

#36 - Secret

Spike is both glad and frustrated to be Buffy’s biggest secret.
#37 - Snakes
When they get stuck underground when a section of the cemetery collapses, Buffy befriends a garter snake that’s fallen in with them while Spike huddles at the other end of the small hole and tries not to look at the slimy thing.

#38 - Snow

The first time he kisses Buffy after she comes back is in the snow, with her lashes coated in white, making her look almost ethereal-it’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.
#39 - Solid

Buffy jokes that he’s her favorite punching bag-he can stand there and take a punch and not even move-and it’s times like that that Spike is glad he’s got a sturdy build.
#40 - Spring
To most girls, spring means short skirts and high heels, but to Buffy it means shorts and running at night, and Spike enjoys watching the muscles in her legs more than he would enjoy seeing most of the female population in miniskirts.

#41 - Stable
When Buffy tells Spike she needs some sort of stability in her life, he merely cocks one eyebrow and reminds her, “Slayer. Stability? Don’t mix,” and knows he’s won.

#42 - Strange

Buffy tells him he’s strange one morning when she finds him dancing to Asia, and he counters with, “look at your day job,” then leaves the room to avoid the pillow being hurtled his way.
#43 - Summer
Summer means light stays later and Buffy stays less, but it also means less vamps, which means more Buffy, and Spike is alright with that.

#44 - Taboo

When Xander finds out, he almost gags, and Willow just looks confused, but it’s Tara, surprisingly, who understands that something taboo won’t keep people from falling in love, and Spike thinks that if he wasn’t already for Buffy, he’d have fallen in love with Tara for understanding how he and Buffy ticked.
#45 - Ugly
When Glory is done with him, he’s nothing more than a pile of bruises, but she kisses him anyways, and he feels anything but ugly.

#46 - War

When the war begins, it breaks his heart to stay, locked to one place, watching her watching him watch her leave.
#47 - Water

Spike hates water, and he hates swimming, but that doesn’t stop him from going skinny-dipping with Buffy in the lake.
#48 - Welcome

Joyce was the one person who always treated him like a person, and when Spike tells Buffy she was the best, most welcoming person he knew, she buries her face in his shoulder and cries.
#49 - Winter

Winter means snowball fights, and Spike loves that having the Slayer on YOUR team means you always win.
#50 - Wood
Buffy snuggles closer to him on the couch of her apartment, and he wraps one arm around her, watching the fire burn, thinking of the future.

!set delta, buffy the vampire slayer

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