CSI, Gil Grissom/Sara Sidle

Dec 18, 2005 03:00

Pairing:Gil Grissom/Sara Sidle
Theme set:Alpha
A/N: The prompts are out of order so that the sentences tell a complete story. All fifty prompts are there. For CSI fans, these sentences are quite fluffy, and tend to be OOC. What can I say? I'm in the sappiest mood of all time right now. :)


A fierce wind whipped around Sara as she arrived at the lab that night; it seemed to be propelling her forward, helping her with her decision to confront Grissom about the current status of their ever tenuous relationship.


Sara fought the burning lump forming in her throat as she watched Sophia perch on the edge of Grissom’s desk.


She hated the way she still loved him, and she hated the way she always would love him, even after all the years of blatant rejection.


Turning quickly away from Grissom’s office, Sara hurried down the hallway toward the break room.


She winced as her ankle bent at a disturbing angle.


Blinking rapidly, Sara willed the tears not to fall as her ankle began to throb, but try as she might as the pain radiated up her leg a few stray tears slipped down her cheeks; this was just not her night.


“Warrick, Catherine, you have a 419 at a supermarket out in Henderson,” Grissom said.


Sara stared at Grissom as he continued to hand out assignments, not once mentioning her name.


The bag of ice slipped from her ankle for the thousandth time hitting the floor with a delicate plink; as she reached down to pick it up her ankle bumped the edge of the table sending pain shooting through her leg and a pile of papers spilling to the floor.


Sara’s hand began to cramp as she filled in the millionth report; as she rubbed her sore fingers she wondered why with all the high-tech gadgetry in the lab they couldn’t find a better way to do reports.


Throwing the pen down in disgust, Sara flexed her aching hand, probably disfigured permanently from the hours of tedious writing.


Her ankle wouldn’t stop throbbing, her hand ached horribly, and this was certainly not the sort of overtime she enjoyed, so she decided to opt for her pajamas and the latest forensic journal.


“Sara, these reports aren’t even done,” Grissom frowned as Sara placed the folder on his desk.


He watched her in awe as she spun around, eyes blazing, fists clenched, and voice rising by several decibels with each word: standing there she looked positively luminous.


His lips pressed to hers, and while it wasn’t the sort of first kiss he had envisioned, he was kissing Sara and that was all that mattered.


She tasted like the bitter coffee she always drank, and he was surprised that she had a surprisingly sweet aftertaste.


Sara trembled slightly as she considered Grissom’s offer, but deep down she knew the answer before he’d even asked the question.


Indulging in years of latent passion exhausted them, and as Grissom pulled a sated Sara into his arms he found himself wondering what had taken them so long.


As late afternoon sunlight filtered through Grissom’s bedroom curtains, he pulled Sara closer and realized that however slight, however subtle, his whole world had changed for the better.


Grissom’s pillows were fluffier than her own, or at least that’s why Sara told herself that she now slept at his house every day, and had been doing so for the past month and a half.


Grissom loved the way Sara’s shirt rode up ever so slightly as she reached to the top shelf to grab a coffee stir.


He longed to reach out and feel the warmth of the skin on her back, peeking at him from across the room.


“Why on earth would we keep a secret like that from you guys?” Sara asked eyes wide to hide her lie.


Grissom exchanged a smug glance with Sara as Catherine eyed the pair suspiciously.


The same sickly-sweet melody from the refrain of a popular song was stuck in Sara’s head, and as she tried desperately to think of ways to get it out she realized just how very in love with Grissom she was.


A note left on the pillow told her to stay until he got home from shift, she closed her eyes and snuggled back under the covers.


Pressing her cheek against the cool white porcelain, Sara closed her eyes as another wave of nausea swept through her.


“That’s right, it’s over. I’m over you,” she hissed, hating the way freedom tasted.


A strangely unfamiliar feeling settled over Grissom, wrapping icy fingers around his heart, as the impact of Sara’s words hit him.


Sara dealt with death regularly as a part of the job, but as she pushed the door to the locker room open, the thought flitted through her mind that she had no idea how to deal with the death of her relationship with Grissom.


As Sara stepped into the muggy Nevada day, she noticed clouds gathering on the horizon; what appropriately ominous symbolism, she thought.


She hadn’t spoken to him in a week and the pressure of avoiding him was beginning to take a toll on her, so as she walked out to her SUV that evening she tilted her head toward the first star she saw and in an uncharacteristic move made a wish that things would get better.

The box of chocolate weighed heavy in Grissom’s hand, as he stood immobile in the lobby of Sara’s apartment building.


Sara smiled as she picked up to a hang up once again; she was beginning to love this little ritual courtesy of caller id.


A large potted fern sat silently in front of Sara’s door when she got home from work that morning; picking up the card she smiled at the familiar sentiment.


The overwhelming smell of iron from the cast off at the crime scene turned Sara’s stomach, and she pressed her hands tightly against her mouth to keep from vomiting.


To keep the nausea at bay, Sara concentrated on counting the seconds between the flashes of lightning and the rolls of thunder.


When it proved to be too much for her, and the waves of nausea began rolling through her at breakneck speed, Sara turned and ran from the house with Grissom following close behind.


“I’m pregnant,” she whispered as the rain ran in rivulets down her face.


Grissom’s jaw dropped, his eyes widened, and all he could hear was a deafening ringing in his ears.


Toying with the soaking wet strands of hair he gently brushed them out of her eyes.


Just as the silence reached the point of worry for Sara, Grissom broke into a huge smile, and leaned in to kiss her.


The rain stopped, and momentarily the clouds parted allowing the moon a chance to bathe them in a surreal glow.


As Sara relaxed into Grissom’s arms she felt safe-truly safe-for the first time in a long time; she knew in that moment that it would be okay, and come what may, they would figure it out together.


Leaning in to kiss her again, Grissom cast his eyes toward the sky and said a silent prayer of thanks to whatever higher power had sent Sara to him.


Grissom smiled as Sara’s tentative voice spilled through the phone, asking him if he could please go to that little place across from the lab for those curly fries that she had been craving all day.


As Sara’s belly grew bigger, Grissom felt the bonds of love between them grow stronger.


The ring glinted in the bright Nevada sunlight, speaking louder than any words ever had, promising the beauty of an uninterrupted future.


With less than a week left until her due date, Sara and Grissom had yet to select a name for their little girl, despite the ever-helpful suggestions from their friends, including Greg’s most recent proposal of Greggina.


As Sara lay in bed cradling her new daughter, she was struck by the oddity, unpredictability, and beauty of life, specifically her own, and she knew she wouldn’t trade a minute of it for anything.

csi: las vegas, !set alpha

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