Fandom: Sam & Max, specifically the Telltale games.
Pairing: Unrequited Harry/Sam
Theme set: Gamma
Rating: PG
Warning[s]: Some people might find slash of cartoony characters more disturbing than slash of something more serious? I guess? It's extremely PG rated, though. Like I said above. I also played it for laughs more than genuine angst.
The prompts are out of order so that the sentences are chronological.
It was strange how eager Harry was to have long, pointless, expository conversations whenever Sam was around.
"I'm rather beginning to think that it's not Ms Pandemik you're interested in at all," said Mr Featherly, cutting off Harry's attempts at cool, casual conversation.
Harry knew that Sam was a great dancer, and remained convinced no matter how many times his coworkers tried to tell him that he looked like a panicked monkey.
The talking nightlight was right: he was in love with Sam.
"Does Harry seem... even creepier than usual to you today, Sam?" said Max, after Harry passed them in the street in a stupid looking bowtie for the tenth time in two hours.
Harry wasn't sure if Sam even knew his name, but that was going to change right now - his bosses in Hell had always told him to be more proactive.
He hated Max for laughing at him like that - Sam had been doing it too, but Harry convinced himself that he was just trying to fit in.
Sam hadn't had the heart to tell Harry that he was straight, something he would come to regret.
But weren't dogs supposed to love squeaky toys?
Sam inspected the latest cheap gift that had been sent to him, beginning to wonder if Harry had actually been serious.
Harry was pleased that Sam had taken him into his confidence, until he realised that he just had a sore throat.
Harry had finally figured out what he'd said wrong last time he'd spoken to Sam: "So... pick you up at eight?"
There were times when Sam felt kind of sorry for Harry, but luckily Max had agreed to hit him on the head until he snapped out of it.
Three hours later, Harry was beginning to think that Sam wasn't showing up at all.
It wasn't until the fifth time that he woke up right before the good part that Harry realised that his subconscious hated him almost as much as his waking life did.
Ever since Harry had started calling them, the battle for the phone had changed from a straightforward fight to a complicated game of psychology and risk management.
Surely Sam wouldn't keep rejecting Harry once he'd got to know the real him.
"Well... there is one thing I want to say to you, Harry..."
It was so discouraging when even his wildcard - "I can play the kazoo, you know," - failed to have any positive effect.
Once he'd taken a couple of painkillers, Harry crossed "serenade after dark" off his list of romance enablers.
Harry wished he'd managed to save one of the hypnobears- surely Sam wasn't naturally immune.
There'd once been a time when Sam and Max could happily beat up a crook together without having to take turns being the lookout.
Harry sensed a change in the way Sam and Max were treating him that not even trying to hypnotise them into shooting each other had achieved.
Max looked suspiciously like a moleman in an unconvincing rabbit mask today.
Harry discovered that stowing away when Sam and Max were supposed to be subduing man-eating spiders had not been one of his best ideas.
All Max said when Sam told him that Harry was making him seriously consider abandoning his moral code was "You have a moral code?"
Carrying an inhaler around probably wasn't cool or sexy enough for Sam to like him, but as it turned out, neither was almost dying from lack of oxygen.
Some idiot had nailed down the manhole cover to the world above, but luckily they'd forgotten about the other twenty-three within walking distance.
When Max had told him that he knew of a place where Harry wouldn't bother him, he hadn't envisioned the cardboard box in the alley next to their office.
Harry had been hoping to save Sam's life when he was slated to die, right up until he found at that it wasn't for another hundred years.
If Max was the one who preferred violence, then getting all that blood to cover himself in had been a huge waste of time and effort.
"It could be worse, Sam, he could be one of those guys who kills you and then totes your corpse around in a disgusting parody of a normal relationship," said Max, earning a slap to the head.
Harry put his hands on his knees and panted - he wasn't built for high speed chases like this.
"Oh, thanks for offering, Dennis-" "-Sam-" "-yeah, whatever; but as you know I have a very tight schedule, and I have absolutely no time to pretend to be your girlfriend," replied Stinky.
Harry felt like he might have upset Sam - his Max was now attacking on sight, and now half his face had swelled up.
Sybil was a Discrete People Relocator this week - lately a huge demand seemed to have grown up for it.
Harry's Plan Q had to be called off when his doomsday device fell apart and all the world's leaders kept hanging up on him.
"But Sam, how can I lead the free world from Australia?"
Sam couldn't really want to spend so much time so far above the ground under all that sky, could he?
The time when Harry had frisked him had retroactively become the second worst moment of Sam's life.
It turned out that kidnapping your beloved to make them love you only worked if the kidnapee didn't have a psychotic rabbit with a flamethrower for a best friend.
If Sam kept talking Max into spending the national budget on frivolous things like a heavy-duty electric lock and doors intended for bank vaults, there'd be nothing left to spend on his weekly massage and sponge bath.
Harry had finally figured out why he was so unlucky in love - all the guys wanted bad boys too, and he was far too nice.
Even threatening to kill himself hadn't worked - they'd just encouraged him to jump.
"Well... maybe if you just let me play with your ears, just this one..." Harry trailed off when he saw Sam's expression.
When Sam started firing his gun wildly in the presence of books about boy wizards, Max knew that he had snapped.
Sometimes Harry woke up in the middle of the night and knew that he was close to getting Sam to agree to a first date, though this certainty usually didn't extend to daylight hours.
There was only one cure for mental trauma brought on by obsessive stalking, and that was being shot repeatedly in nonvital areas and then thrown into shark infested waters; but Sam seemed to think the cure was orange juice, so Max thought he'd better try that first.
"Please?" said Max, after Sam asked how using the moon to permanently block out the sun would help with his Harry problem.
In the end, after all the hiding, rejections, and beatings, all it took to stop Harry from pursuing Sam any further was simply collapsing his house, holding his life's savings to ransom, and issuing a temporary presidential decree mandating discrimination against anyone named Harry Moleman.