Fandom: Rockman X ( Megaman X )
Pairing: Vava/Zero ( Vile/Zero )
Theme set: ALPHA
Rating: I'm thinking anywhere from PG to.. um.. R, I guess.
He couldn't even begin to understand anything that went on through that man's head; it was just beyond his field of reason, his safety zone, which led him to just leaving it all alone to fester.
"Don't you dare come any closer," the cadence of his voice was one more threatening than most, though lacked the strength to back up any underlying threat that might have been; It was a glaring weakness for a Hunter to have, especially in the face of a wanted criminal, who, coincidentally, was shortening the space between the two in a manner that could be taken as anything from threatening to teasing, "What will you do if I don't?" but, no matter, for no sooner had he asked the Hunter would pull him close and finish the job that was progressing too irritatingly slow for his tastes.
"Keep your voice down, dumbass; do you want to get caught?"
It might have seemed wrong or depraved for him to do so while they were engaged in their "relations" ( as X often called it ), but Vava couldn't help but take those wrists and clasp them so tightly that the Hunter's chest would heave up in a pain-riddled gasp, only to slip out into a grateful moan; it would seem he appreciated the sentiment.
To say that Vava was "sheltered" was overstating something that was just a little bit of ignorance, though Zero often exploited this to his own gain and amusement; once, set at the dinner table, he placed the vegetable down and claimed it was candy, thus leading to a severe reprimanding from the previously oblivious man.
Wet, cold, windy, utterly a pain-in-the-ass, though enjoyable, exciting, fun and worthwhile; there were always sacrificies to be made in order to keep a secret relationship a secret and catching a nasty little flu bug was just one of the lesser of them.
Neither of them really indulged in sweets before, but after having read a magazine article proclaiming the aphrodisiac properties of the substance, it wasn't long before X would discover a trail of small gold foil wrappers leading towards Zero's living quarters.
It was just knowing that in that moment, everything was okay; never think about what was going to happen or what could happen, never reveal anything to anyone- keep everything to themselves and maybe things would remain as they were.
"This line has been disconnected."
The frequency and pitch of Zero's incessant yelling was definitely at a rate that could make the ears of dogs bleed profusely.
As he watched the blood begin to collect upon the ground, he knew that was the moment he would no longer answer to that name; a part of him died along with his victim.
"You really need to work on your seduction tactic," Zero would say sardonically as he squirmed beneath the oaf of a man on top of him.
Why was this different now, he would wonder as he continued to stare at that motionless body lying face-down before him; there was no point in mourning over a Phoenix, yet this time he would disregard that notion due to no known reason other than it was by his own hands this time.
One nearly fatal disadvantage to being in such a secret, hush-hush relationship had to have been the fact that neither were availble when the other needed to relieve some frustrations; one-minute quickies behind the main garage of the base simply were not cutting it anymore.
Never before had he felt such a sinking feeling nor an aching need to be able to feel him just once.
Vava assumed that he had no form of weakness ( due to Zero's constant reassurance of such ), so by default, he was taken aback when the blonde recoiled at the small puff of air that would brush against the slender curve of his neck, goosebumps rising along his arms, "Not so invincible, are we?"
He had always thought the ability to cry was something he was blessed with not having; his opinion changed greatly the moment Vava said the words, "I can't do this anymore."
The moment that door handle would begin to clatter, Vava would be up out of Zero's bed and gone, hiding away in the closet with speed that rivaled that of a top-speed dragster.
Vava tried very hard not to stare as a gust of wind blew past Zero, sending his long hair into a flurry around him; it was like looking at an angel.
One thing had led to another and they were arguing about the War yet again, Zero trying to stress the fact that Reploids were as independant as ever while Vava continued to rebuke that statement-Don't you ever watch the news?-with evidence of otherwise; it was a small wonder why they were on opposite sides entirely.
"You really need a life," Zero would say to the pilot as he repaired yet another damaged Ride Armour, to which Vava would reply dryly with, "You just want me to say that you are my life, you selfish bastard."
When Vava claimed something as his, he rarely entertained the idea of sharing in any way, shape or form; he wouldn't stand for anyone else to look, speak or touch Zero in any manner that suggested a similar relationship or possession of him that he had.
There was nothing all that attractive about a pilot's hands, but he welcomed them and the touches they brought nevertheless.
He tasted like raspberries, though he really had no idea why that was.
It was hard to believe that they had become so devoted, due to their vehement hatred towards one another in the past-Things change and so do people.
The definition of "Forever," in Reploid terms, was simply whatever their main processors decided; it could have been a few years or decades or perhaps even centuries-they weren't taking any chances.
"Humans are lucky, their blood doesn't weigh them down."
Neither of them were healthy in any terms due to the virus and its rapid evolution; they knew it wouldn't be all that much longer before they turned against each other again.
He arose from his sleep, gently awakened by a music to which he couldn't place a source; a quick walk down the hall would reveal Vava hunched over a piano, worn hands running over the keys as if they were light as feathers.
It was dark outdoors, though it almost always was due to the pollution; he couldn't remember the last time he ever saw a star in the dusty sky above.
"Don't make me go back there."
No one was sure what had just happened, but whatever went down resulted in Zero bowling over with laughter and Vava holding a pair of pink underwear in a manner that suggested that he believed they were diseased, "I can't believe you."
There was nothing more terrifying than Zero with bed-head.
There were flashes and loud "booms" of noise, but there was no storm overhead; It was the final fight between the Hunters and Mavericks and one of the two would not survive the ordeal.
"This is why I don't like getting close to anyone."
It was the first and last time Zero would trust Vava with getting anything from the store without his supervision.
Despite all their advancements and how incredibly detailed in A.I. the both of them were, neither could ever figure out how to set the time on the VCR.
"Be happy, I'm allowing you to live for right now."
No matter what happened, Vava found it possible to crack a smile whenever Zero was around, no matter what it was he chose to say.
"I've never heard of such a thing."
He was finally done with the repairs, though he had a feeling that getting the vehicle out of the garage would be another challenge in itself.
A slender finger would creep up lazily, finding its target above them, "That looks a lot like you, don't you think?"; he frowned and shook his head as he stated, "No. that's definitely you. I don't have an ass that big."
It was rare that they had the time to look above them and just be; every other time the sky was looked upon it was in order to see if any form of enemy fire was headed their way.
"I don't want to ask you what's there, you know, on the other side."
"You would never understand it, anyway; it's too much to bear."
While his eyes were highly sensitive to the light, Vava much prefered to be baking in the afternoon than freezing during the brutal winter months.
The both of them nearly gawked when the dark smoke peeled back and revealed a pale white moon, the first either of them had seen since the war had started.
"No matter what, I always come back; that sucks for you."
Having long hair proved to be a task in itself to manage, let alone make look kempt, so Zero often indulged in a certain secret mission that included using a certain pilot's funds in order to keep his supply of hair-care products in steady flow; keeping his pelt silken was a must.
And then, everything went white.
I hope you like them. Feedback would be nice. ^^;