Title: Even Angels Fall
Fandom: Charlie's Angels
Pairing: Sabrina/Kelly
Rating: R
Set: Alpha
Notes: The subtext between Sabrina and Kelly in the first season is amazing--I ran with it. It's Kelly's POV as I feel her background is compelling, and makes her more vulnerable. One more thing, it's set in 1976-77.
Warning: If sex/love between women disturbs you, don't read.
Comfort. Her childhood often haunts her; tears and darkness swept away by the touch of Sabrina's lips.
Kiss. The first time they kissed she'd been shocked, lost, scared...but most of all full of longing.
Soft. The softness of skin against skin--really nothing at all like silk--the bodies of women together.
Pain. "I didn't hurt you, did I babe," Sabrina asks after sex; and "No" she lies.
Potatoes. White mounds spread over naked breasts and thighs--Bon Apetit.
Rain. The rain falls in torrents outside their room and they lay so close they breathe as one.
Chocolate. Valentines Day Sabrina brings a chocolate heart and champagne, which lay neglected on the table for hours.
Happiness. Her childhood in the orphanage taught her not to hope for happiness; Sabrina dispelled this myth.
Telephone. Charlie's voice on the phone teasing them, flirting with them; they look at one another and smile.
Ears. She's often thought Sabrina's ears the most delicate thing about her: small, close set, the shape of pearls, fitting perfectly between her lips.
Name. There is a name for this love of theirs--a name whispered in hatred and ignorance--a name which now defines her...
Sensual. Like a blind person reading braille, she feels with her fingertips as the texture of Sabrina's vaginal walls shift from velvet to corduroy.
Death. In the summer of '77 Elvis Presley died; they played his 45's throughout the night.
Sex. People think it's all about sex, she mused, and it is; not so much the act as the partner.
Touch. Fingers lightly tracing her nipple, squeezing, releasing, are replaced by lips and she shivers.
Weakness. Pinned against the wall, hands roughly undressing her, entering her; even Sabrina's anger she is too weak to resist.
Tears. In the darkened theatre Sabrina turns to her and smiles: "It's okay to cry over ROCKY," she whispers.
Speed. The speed of light in a perfect vacuum can be figured with high accuracy, she thinks, but how does one measure the speed of dark?
Wind. Wind whips the straight black tresses around Sabrina's head, and she is Medusa reborn.
Freedom. They swim nude in the ocean one night, bathing in waves and moonlight.
Life. The life that someone gave her (she's never known who) she now gives to another.
Jealousy. Sometimes she sees Sabrina and her ex-husband talking, laughing, and though she knows they are just friends now, the imprints from her nails digging into her palms lasts for days.
Hands. Sabrina's hands are always in motion: on the job fiddling with chalk or a pen, expressing her thoughts with gestures; at home, stroking, kneading, tracing the contours of Kelly's flesh.
Devotion. Devotion to duty she understood, devotion to love was as yet uncharted territory.
Forever. Infinity was a concept she didn't consider; for now, warm flesh and affection was enough.
Blood. The monthly annoyance--the mess, the embarrassment--could never deter Sabrina's passion.
Sickness. Was it a sickness (this act that brought words like "hallelujah" and "glory" to her mind) or a cure?
Melody. Sabrina hums as they drive to the vacation resort and she smiles affectionately at her lover's cracking, scratchy, off key rendition of the Polonaise.
Star. As a child she was told that stars were God's windows to the world and He could see when little girls were "bad"; today she often wonders if He's still watching.
Home. "Forget the orphanage," Sabrina whispers to her as she wakes from yet another nightmare, "your home is here, now, with me," and she relaxes into the firm slender arms.
Confusion. Sabrina storms about the hospital waiting room after Kelly is shot, crying, shouting; Jill watches this over the top reaction in confusion.
Fear. Sometimes she believes the only thing Sabrina is afraid of is that she's afraid of nothing at all.
Lightning/Thunder. The lightning streaks green across the sky and the thunder which follows vibrates their bed coincidently in time with their climax.
Bonds. Sabrina's tongue is a balm tracing the indentations on Kelly's wrist left by the loosened rope.
Market. Early morning market--garden vegetables fresh from the soil, wrapped in a clean white handkerchief--the perfect thing for their dinner.
Technology. "Wouldn't it be great," Sabrina says, "if one day they miniaturize these monster computers and everybody has one?"
Gift. Shells along the beach, seaweed glittering in sunlight...gifts from the sea.
Smile. She loves Sabrina's smile, the small creases in the corner of her mouth, the way her bottom lip almost disappears when she is delighted...
Innocence. This life lesson she has learned: The end of innocence is also the end of guilt.
Completion. The completion of a case always leaves her exhausted but nervy; however, there is always Scotch and Sabrina to relieve the jitters.
Clouds. "I've looked at love from both sides now," sings Joni Mitchell in a club, and Sabrina looks at her across the table and winks.
Sky. Their first anniversary together Sabrina leads her outside and points to the sky where an airplane's contrails is writing S and K across the blue.
Heaven. How, with her past, did she stumble into heaven, she often wonders; then remembers she is, after all, an "angel."
Hell. "Hell would be the absence of your presence," Sabrina murmurs into her neck.
Sun. The sun bursts brown pigment against Sabrina's skin...her dark, dusky darling...
Moon. Through the lace curtain she can see the poxy face of the moon seeming to stare at them with disapproval.
Waves. The undulation of the waves casts a hypnotic spell and she contemplates the origin of life.
Hair. She is a little vain about her hair, brushing it 100 strokes a night while Sabrina complains of the delay.
Supernova. In galaxies light years away stars explode; a comparable burst of light occurs behind her eyes as Sabrina's lips touch hers.