Title: Lackey and Master
Fandom: Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
Pairing: Coconuts/Robotnik
Theme Set: Alpha
Rating: Anywhere from G to PG-13
Warnings: Mild sexual content, some corniness, and a several original scenarios, considering that Coconuts didn't appear in very many episodes.
Note: This is more of the hopelessly-devoted-lackey-and-somewhat-indifferent-master kind of relationship. Nothing too sexual... Oh, and I've gotten some wrong (say, that I was supposed to reference a quirk instead of an action), please let me know. The perfectionist in me will thank you.
#01 - Comfort: As Robotnik snapped the arms back in their sockets, one thought ran through the Coconuts's mind: He still cares.
#02 - Kiss: Robotnik had a devil of a time removing the lipstick smudges left over from Catella's, er, rather enthusiastic cuddle, and so he called upon Coconuts's expertise to rescue his beloved body suit.
#03 - Soft: Coconuts tried to keep his mop in good condition since these days it seemed to be the only true friend he had.
#04 - Pain: Robotnik would never realize it, even if he had created the world's first artificial emotions, but words like "hunk of junk" were like a punch in the capacitor--if not worse.
#05 - Potatoes: Sure, that gadget-loaded tank could cook a mean flapjack, but Coconuts knew Robotnik's favorite side dish: diced potatoes with roasted garlic.
#06 - Rain: "I'll never disappoint him again," Coconuts murmured, arms stretched to the raining heavens as he welcomed the first pockmarks of rust.
#07 - Chocolate: It would give him a serious case of indigestion later, but Robotnik just couldn't pass up the egg creme pie Coconuts had lovingly prepared for Robotnik Day.
#08 - Happiness: Though Robotnik would never admit it, even the smallest things Coconuts did around his fortress gave him a cozy feeling in his distended belly.
#09 - Telephone: This time I won't fail, Coconuts thought as he hung up the phone--which immediately canceled the stone spell cast on Sonic and Tails.
#10 - Ears: After picking up the low wheeze in Robotnik's breathing, Coconuts made a mental note to switch laundry detergent brands.
#11 - Name: The first name Robotnik gave to his monkey-bot just stuck; besides being whimsical, it was just plain better than "Bananas."
#12 - Sensual: The first time Coconuts accidentally caught Robotnik prancing in black leather underwear on the balcony was also the last.
#13 - Death: If I'm gone, would it matter to him? Coconuts wondered as he pushed his shovel through another foot of sewer filth.
#14 - Sex: With all the mess involved, Coconuts just couldn't understand why Catella wanted it from Robotnik.
#15 - Touch: The canary yellow cape had been restored to its downy touch after several long, careful washes with only the best detergent could buy.
#16 - Weakness: There were some secrets Scratch and Grounder would never know about Robotnik, which was one advantage Coconuts had over them.
#17 - Tears: After the massive explosion rendered his fortress temporarily unlivable, Robotnik collapsed into a quivering mass, with Coconuts wiping away his tears.
#18 - Speed: Scratch and Grounder were lousy when it came to chores, but Coconuts knew all the shortcuts and tricks; pre-soaking was his best friend.
#19 - Wind: As the wind swirled around the Egg-O-Matic, Coconuts huddled against the doctor's bulky form and allowed himself a contented smile.
#20 - Freedom: Just being able to enjoy an hour from the endless conveyor belt of chores was Coconuts's idea of freedom.
#21 - Life: Occasionally, Coconuts would watch Robotnik create robots in his laboratory, and wonder at the miracle of artificial life.
#22 - Jealousy: Scratch and Grounder were far less intelligent and barely capable of walking in straight lines, yet they were in charge of capturing that pesky hedgehog!
#23 - Hands: While the dexterous fingers massaged the dents out of his arms, Coconuts was once again grateful for the talented, steady hands of his glorious creator.
#24 - Taste: A heightened sense of taste might have been partially responsible for the tyrant's horrifying obesity, but Coconuts got a thrill when he watched his master enjoy himself during mealtimes.
#25 - Devotion: Even after all the threats and insults, Coconuts knew deep down inside that he would take a hedgehog spin-dash to the face for his creator.
#26 - Forever: Humans didn't have the capacity to live forever like robots did, which often stirred up doubts of surviving without Robotnik.
#27 - Blood: "Gee, Dr. Robotnik, you gotta be more careful with the Hyperslash Laser next time," Coconuts said, ignoring the man's screams as he dabbed the cut with an iodine-soaked cotton ball.
#28 - Sickness: Most robots would quit trying to win back their master's love and leave for scrap communities, and the more Coconuts thought about it, the more he worried that his wires were irrevocably crossed...
#29 - Melody: To his surprise, Robotnik found himself tapping his toes in rhythm to Coconuts's melodic hums as the monkey-bot swept the laboratory.
#30 - Star: If Coconuts ever captured that hyperactive pin cushion, he hoped to become Robotnik's favorite robot, and shine brighter than Scratch and Grounder after a fresh polish.
#31 - Home: Be it ever so humble--and dysfunctional, and rife with betrayal, and angstier than a bad teenage romance novel--Coconuts wouldn't trade the fortress for the highest tree in the jungle.
#32 - Confusion: Robotnik couldn't function without Coconuts's services, yet he would sooner throw him aside for a better robot.
#33 - Fear: When Robotnik screamed for him in the middle of the night, Coconuts dashed to the bedroom, blankie and a glass of warm milk in hand.
#34 - Lightning/Thunder: "But I just finished waxing the flying fortress!" Coconuts screamed at the approaching rainstorm.
#35 - Bonds: Just as a mother intuited her child's well-being, so did the lackey when it came to caring for the master.
#36 - Market: Haggling and scheming went hand in hand at the Mobius Farmers Market, where Coconuts got his best ideas hovering over the fresh eggs.
#37 - Technology: While he didn't possess any fancy gadgets, Coconuts was rather proud that he could calculate the skin cell content in dust within a .001-percent margin of error.
#38 - Gift: Coconuts stepped back and admired the bed's new sheets, knowing full well that Robotnik would appreciate egg-white silk.
#39 - Smile: Those moments when Robotnik smiled at Coconuts were so few and far between, more precious and rare than even the Chaos Emerald of Life itself.
#40 - Innocence: Coconuts hadn't even been present when Robotnik traded the gold-painted chili beans for a wagon full of stolen possessions, but he accepted the blame like the good butt monkey he was, and said little more than the occasional expletive as he mopped the entire second floor of the fortress.
#41 - Completion: "A monkey-bot's job is never done."
#42 - Clouds: "Quit moping as if you've got a raincloud over your head and fumigate my study!"
#43 - Sky: No one had ever asked him, but Coconuts so wanted to share with someone that his favorite pastime was watching the sky change colors.
#44 - Heaven: As Robotnik said the words "First Lieutenant", Coconuts realized that he had found heaven.
#45 - Hell: Sanitation duty was probably the lowest level of Coconuts's personal hell, but he would endure the filth demons and sulfuric air--all for Robotnik.
#46 - Sun: Robotnik's proud smile was like watching dawn breaking across the world for the first time.
#47 - Moon: With each unfortunate viewing of Robotnik's bare bottom came a new emotional scar.
#48 - Waves: Robotnik was almost tickled to watch Coconuts and the others race the waves at Emerald Coast Zone--that is, until they were swept out by a freak wave and had to be rescued from his robo-sharks.
#49 - Hair: "At least cleaning the tub is easy..."
#50 - Supernova: Never had Robotnik's rage reached supernova levels; still, there was a first time for everything.