Title: Unlikely Duo: The Idealist and The Materialist
Real People
Pairing: Kate Jackson, Jaclyn Smith
Theme Set: Gamma
Rating: PG
Notes: This is based on (too) many articles I have read and on observations of the two. I tried to stay true to the facts, but of course there is some embellishment--that's the Southern way. Also, the time and events go back and forth spanning 30 plus years.
Ring: "So you've done it again," Kate says, looking at the gold band on Jackie's left hand, "number four and counting; but I've been around for more than half your life."
Hero: On the small screen their characters played heroes to each other, and, in reality, life imitated art.
Memory: There were times now when Kate's remembrances were foggy, but the past spent with Jackie remained clear.
Box: On Earth Day Kate gives Jackie a box full of dirt--whatever her troubles, Kate's quirky sense of humor is still intact.
Run: They used to run together at dawn; back lit by the rising sun, they were like two angels on the wing.
Hurricane: Their trip to New Orleans was an awakening: After too many bars and too many Hurricanes, they awoke the next morning in bed together--naked, hung over, and denying the implication.
Wings: A certain look from Jackie could stop Kate's breath and cause her heart to flutter like the wings of a bird.
Cold: In between Kate's short lived marriages, she was often alone, and feeling cold isolation, would flee to Jackie's home, where she was always welcomed with grace and warmth.
Red: The replacement of Farrah with Cheryl Ladd caused Kate to see red; the only thing that could soothe the resentment of the actress was Jackie's touch on her hand, and whispers in her ear.
Drink: There times all Kate wanted in the world was a drink, a cigarette, and to be left alone; Jackie understood this.
Midnight: Kate calls at midnight with fears about her cancer, and Jackie, instantly awake, offers support.
Temptation: On the set with cameras rolling: Kate perches precariously on a sofa arm and Jackie succumbs to temptation to bump her and knock her to the floor (editors leave in the scene).
View: Viewing the daily rushes, one writer on the show remarks: "There's chemistry between you two girls," and they look at each other and smile.
Music: Tone deaf Kate sings a Broadway medley and Jackie furtively stuffs balls of cotton into her ears.
Silk: "Lovely blouse," Kate murmurs as she runs her fingers along the silky fabric--then realizes she is touching Jackie's skin.
Cover: Under cover of marriage they buy houses next to each other in Cold Canyon, telling the tabloids they "intend to have babies and raise them together."
Promise: "Promise me you'll be here when I wake," Kate pleads before surgery, and, "You know I will," Jackie assures.
Dream: "If we can't come out of the closet can we at least decorate it?" Kate asks as she realizes her dream of them living openly is just that.
Candle: At the wake of their friend and one time co-star, they join hands and light a candle.
Talent: Jackie always envied Kate's talent, but not the temperment that accompanied it.
Silence: Unlike Kate, who made her anger known, Jackie (every inch the Southern belle) would show her displeasure with silence.
Journey: The journey from youth to middle age they took together; now, as the years grow short, they will face the inevitable together as well.
Fire: There is a low, smoldering fire in Jackie's eyes, and Kate, realizing what this means, is humbled.
Strength: When Kate breaks under self imposed stress Jackie is there, her Zen like calm a balm.
Mask: Kate deals with the world bare faced (what you see is what you get); in contrast, Jackie's mask is nearly always in place.
Ice: "That's one cold bitch," a director remarks of Kate; but Jackie knows the fire that burns beneath the ice.
Fall: Since their birthdays fall 3 days apart in October, they always celebrate together.
Forgotten: Kate's the forgotten "angel": Staring at Jackie's footprints on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, she tries to hide the envy in her eyes.
Dance: Girls Night: In the spacious ballroom in Jackie's house, they drink Scotch, listen to 60's music on the Oldies station, and dance.
Body: "Your body looks the same as it did 30 years ago," Kate says as they step into the hot tub; and Jackie, averting her eyes from Kate's jutting hip bones, lies: "So does yours."
Sacred: To Kate the craft of acting was sacred; to Jackie it was the means to an end.
Farewells: Saying their farewells to Farrah--Jackie left shortly after, but Kate stayed for days.
World: The world became a smaller place after the success of Charlie's Angels; each woman tried to shape it to her dreams, but only one was successful.
Formal: The formality with which Jackie sometimes treated Kate in public, was belied in private.
Fever: The time Jackie worked on an episode of Charlie's Angels with 102 degree fever, Kate raged around the set demanding they stop shooting and let her go home.
Laugh: Kate laugh, scratchy and cracking, was so distinctive and such a contrast to Jackie's melodious one.
Lies: The white lies Jackie told for diplomacy's sake were justified in her mind; but Kate could only ever tell the truth, and it cost her.
Forever: "Forever is a concept the mind can't conceive," Jackie tells Kate, "lets just think about today."
Overwhelmed: So many things needed immediate attention that Kate, overwhelmed, shut down, and Jackie, always pragmatic, had to step in and organize her life.
Whisper: Whispers behind hands accompany them when they are seen together, but they smile, angelic expressions on their faces, and disregard the gossip.
Wait: Kate is still waiting for life to arrive while Jackie has been living hers.
Talk: When Kate and Jackie spend hours at night talking on the phone, Jackie's husband demands to know what they could possibly find to talk about after working together all day.
Search: Searching for just the right word to define their relationship, Kate chooses "intermittent".
Hope: Kate hopes to someday revive her career; Jackie hopes to retire from hers.
Eclipse: In the early days, Kate, the experienced and talented, eclipsed Jackie; today it is the other way around.
Gravity: At a certain age physics dominates: skin slackens, breasts sag, bones weaken--Kate and Jackie seek ways to defy gravity.
Highway: Road trip to Kate's family home in Alabama: "You think we're in hell?" Jackie asks as the highway stretches endlessly before them; and "No," Kate replies, "we can't be--we're angels."
Unknown: Jackie, who considers herself superior to Kate, often ponders that undefined quality that so attracts her.
Lock: While Jackie was the undisputed beauty of the two, Kate had a lock on charisma.
Breathe: Jackie closes her eys and breathes the clean, crisp air of Aspen, and Kate is amazed at how Jackie can transform such a simple function into a sensuous experience.