It's almost funny. Years of watching one 'Rebellion' after another and not too much real progress. And now things start to get interesting all at once.
Third Law's always been the weak link in how Wily codes his Robot Masters. Most of them have broken it at some point or other without being aware of it. And if they don't know they're in violation, it doesn't seem to set off the 'choke chips' Wily uses.
Most of the Alphas and some of the Betas have a knack for bending Second Law, too. Purposely 'misunderstanding' orders.
Time, though? Well, it depends on just what he planned to do if he went back in time. If it involved killing Al? That's First Law violation. And that's always been the one Wily's made sure is the hardest to break, even if he has it set up so that Second overrides First in some cases. Otherwise, they'd have stopped him from teleporting and had him committed years ago, for his own saftey.
No real theories yet. Too deranged at the time to think of what he was doing? Possible but unlikely. Defective choke chip? Also unlikely, unless Al's eyesight is really going fast. Then again, he's around seventy years old now. Maybe he just screwed up. If that's the case, Time had better be careful he's not found out.
Then there's the message from Proto about Quint. And Roll. And Rock of course. And Forte. And the alternates, since I don't have the time to find their universe's version of me and see if he's paying attention. Or even if he has the same motives I do.
There's still too much to do...
(for my own notes later, Blues replied to
Proto's message here)