SoulFighter: They fight because they ♥

Aug 16, 2009 09:35

Soulfighter Couple Talk from AADBSK III

A bit longer than the previous one; their talk clocks in at 26 min, 26 sec. JaeJoong likes to touch, ChangMin on the other hand...*sigh* that guy is a total failboat when it comes to skinship and fanservice.

Youtube Links for those who can't view the couple talk on mgoon:

part a | part b | part c | part d

{screencaps from the couple talk}

ChangMin, why are you always denying JaeJoong's advances, hmm?

It's so much more beautiful in motion. JaeJoong stopped when ChangMin pointed at the camera.
JaeJoong: *chuu chuu*
ChangMin: *push* *shove*

I'm not sure where these are from (it could be from the podo-namu talk part in AADBSK III), but there's so much love -not just JaeMin- in this one. Check out YooChun's blindingly, shiny forehead and doesn't his hairstyle remind you of the host from channel-a?

Aw, ChangMin is covering his smile/laugh, but the hand-holding is adorable :) MinSu ~ ♥ ~ ChangMin looks too happy owning JunSu in rock, paper, scissors.

My JaeMinHo-shipping heart skipped a beat when I saw this.

My favorite picture out of the bunch; it's that damn arm-behind-JaeJoong that got to me.

soulfighter hwaiting!

♥ ♥ ♥

joongsim for the images
leadtojs for the video
appkjj for the youtube videos

soulfighter, dbsk

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