Title - Kind of Heaven
Warnings - Sap
Notes - Heero and Quatre, after a long seperation. Short. Written for
fall_fromheaven, after her
“I’m sorry, Heero, I - ”
“Didn’t mean to?” he finished, raising an eyebrow. Quatre started, looking up into Heero’s face, biting his lip, waiting for him to say something more, anything more.
Heero sighed, “I’m sorry, too.”
There was another tense moment, neither of them really knowing how to reach across that gap and touch, finally touch again, the gap that was more than years or distance, the gap that was pure reluctance to finally let things go.
And then Quatre stepped forward, and in the same moment Heero did, and somehow, their bodies tangled, arms wrapping round each other, holding each other tight and close, as if the years and the distance meant nothing now, and maybe it didn’t. Heero’s heart was beating fast, and Quatre felt it, looked up laughing.
Heero smiled to see Quatre laughing, brushed his thumb along Quatre’s cheekbone, tilting his head. Both of them slowly closed their eyes, and blindly, Heero found Quatre’s mouth, kissing him softly; chaste and sweet. And then deeper, and not so chaste, but always as sweet; just the same as it used to be, only more grown up now, almost bittersweet.
“Heero,” Quatre started, but Heero hushed him with a finger to his lips.
“It’s okay. I understand.”
Quatre smiled, kissed the finger Heero held to his lips, and Heero laughed, one arm pulling him closer, into another kiss and the kind of heaven he hadn’t touched in far too long.