Another fic from me

Apr 22, 2008 12:27

Description: It’s right before Heero and Relena’s wedding, and some people have something to say to the bride and groom...


“This is your last chance to run.”

“No, Duo.”

“I’m just saying. If...”

”I wish you wouldn’t.”

“Wouldn’t what?”


Pause. “You’re set on going through with this?”

“Yes. I’m marrying Relena, and that’s it. End of discussion.”

“As long as you’re sure. I brought smelling salts in case you pass out when she’s walking up the aisle.”

Glare. “They won’t be necessary.”

“How can you be so calm!? You’re getting married! To the most famous woman in the Earth Sphere!”

“No, I’m getting married to Relena.”

“There’s a difference?”

“To me there is.”

“...If you say so, buddy. Maybe I’ll be the one needing smelling salts.”


The groom and his best man turned to look at the chief bridesmaid, Lucrezia Noin, who was standing in the doorway. She looked beautiful in a pale lilac dress. Neither of them had ever seen her wear a dress before.

“Duo, do you mind? I need to talk to Heero for a moment.”

“Yeah, sure. I just need to get a stiff drink and check that everything’s okay again.” Duo patted his pocket where the rings were for the nineteenth time that day and, reassured that he still had them, left the room, giving Noin a thumbs-up as he passed her. “Looking good!”

Noin shook her head at him, smiling. Her smile faded when she looked at Heero, and walked up to him, face serious. “Heero, I need to tell you something before you can marry Relena.”


Noin took a deep breath, and then plunged ahead. “Zechs won’t say this, because he’s still not sure how to fit into the big brother role, and there’s all the history between you two that he’s afraid is affecting his judgement, so I’m saying it instead, because I love Relena every bit as much as he does, but I actually quite like you as well.”

Heero blinked. “Okay...”

“I won’t threaten to do something horrible if you ever hurt her, because sometimes people can’t help hurting each other. I mean, if you weren’t happy with her and only stayed because you didn’t want to hurt her...”

“You don’t think that would hurt her, if she found out?”

Noin nodded. “Exactly. It’s a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation. And I don’t think you’d ever raise your hand to her, but what if she stumbled at the top of the stairs and you caught her but dislocated her arm in the process? So I’m going to modify that threat.” She paused, then looked him directly in the eyes. “If you ever intentionally cause her physical harm, you won’t live to regret it. Not that I think you will. And if you ever, ever make her feel small, I will personally rip your heart out.”

Heero looked down. Then he raised his gaze to hers again, and the intensity almost made Noin take a step back. “If I ever make her feel small, I don’t think I’d have much of a heart for you to rip out.”

Noin drew her breath in abruptly. Her face softened. She reached out a hand, but Heero caught he wrist before she could make contact with him. He regarded her steadily for maybe five seconds before releasing her. The spontaneity of the gesture was lost, but Noin ruffled his hair anyway. “Oh, you’re going to do just fine.”


Trowa Barton slipped out the door, completely unnoticed. He couldn’t help but think that the scene he’d just witnessed was deeply unfair. He’d just barely met Relena a few times, but he couldn’t see how anyone could make her feel small, and anyway, that wasn’t what Heero did. Heero made people feel like they weren’t as large as they could be, like they could grow.

But apparently warning people off was just something That Was Done, and Trowa was a bit worried about something. With this in mind, he made his way to the bride’s dressing room.

Relena blinked at him in confusion when he knocked on the open door. “Trowa?”

“I need to talk to you in private. Do you mind?”

“No, of course not. Hilde, Dorothy, would you...?”

The two junior bridesmaids left the room, Dorothy giving him a long look as she closed the door. Trowa ignored her.

“What was it you wanted to talk to me about?” Relena looked at him with those big, sincere eyes.

Trowa could be very blunt when he wanted to. “Be careful with him.”

“Excuse me?”

“Be careful with him. He’s a lot more fragile than he seems.”


“It’s not...easy...when you’ve never known affection, to suddenly have to deal with it. You could hurt Heero without even knowing you were doing it, and he wouldn’t know enough to tell you he was hurt, because he’s not used to people caring about him beyond how much use he’d be to them. He trusts you to know best.”

Relena looked away. “I know. It’s somewhat frightening, to have so much power over another person. It’s always going to be more difficult than me not wanting to force him to accompany me to some social function, and him thinking that means I don’t want him to come along. I can’t...I can’t promise that I won’t make mistakes. I can only promise that I will do my very best, and that I will encourage him to keep contact with people outside myself.”

“Heero’s very good at deciding his own course,” Trowa told her. “But when he feels someone else has more expertise, he’s all too happy to take the back seat. Don’t let him, too often.”

“I won’t.” Relena stood, walked over to him and took his hand. “Thank you for caring about him enough to come and talk to me.”

Trowa inclined his head briefly, before he turned and left the room.

A/N: Written in response to all the fics where Heero is warned off about hurting Relena’s feelings. I always thought that was unfair. She’s really a lot more emotionally healthy than he is.


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