Walid Shoebat talks with Jeff Kuhner about arming Syrian rebels.

Jun 20, 2013 21:04

No reports this is Jeff Kuhner - Boston bulldozer. Cleaning up the liberal balls. 6172666868. Is the number you can also text us 68680. And for those of you want Twitter. You can tweet us @thekuhnerreport. My friends. The war in Syria. Is now escalating. You have Russia. Iran and Hezbollah. Supporting. The regime of Bashar Asad. Iran is now purportedly sending 4000 troops. Hezbollah agents and operatives. Have now been involved in several major military operations within Syria. The saudis. Turkey and other Sunni Muslim states are backing the Islamic rebels. Obama has recently announced. That he will arm the Islamist rebels many of whom have ties to al-Qaeda. With small arms. So we are now essentially backing are very mortal enemies al-Qaeda. And joining us now to discuss these developments in Syria. He is none other than -- lead sure about who we've had on this show multiple times before he is a former member of the Muslim Brotherhood. Former terrorist who's now become a peace activist. An outspoken critic of radical Islam and one of the world's leading experts on terrorism and the Middle East. While lead thank you so much for coming back on the corner report. You bet. While we what do you make of what's taking place in Syria and in particular. The explosive. Allegation made by Vladimir Putin's. Which has been confirmed by other media reports in the Middle East. That there has been cannibalism. Being practiced by Islamist rebels that apparently the Islamic rebels that work arming. Have been have been caught on video eating their victims. Well level of the four what are the first to report on the kind of below the issue right. You know remember I monitored the Middle East street I don't moderate monitored you know middle west news media. I've been doing this for the last you know year watching the streets in Syria. Every single operations conducted about -- not just only cannibalism beheading. Them while -- killings of civilians. I mean this stuff is despicable buckles on and true to his right this is probably we should say Putin for president of the US next time. Because you know. -- you know what he -- what navigation he says obsolete correct you know his videos. Of not just cannibalism that's sad but. But this whole -- going on what's what. What the United States is effectively doing. Is not just only -- applies but also historians can confirm. The the United States into action in the last couple years have been. Eating the creation -- for re creation let's say over the Ottoman Empire. Turkey is very interested in Syria as well. So you know all -- Mom -- capacity Libya what the situation in Libya diplomats are monitored the streets. Killing every day spiking. Murder I mean the whole country is in -- met. You look at countries like Egypt you know Mohamed Morsi of course -- cutting ties with Syria. That's creating and major. -- -- within Egypt itself. In which you have Muslim Brotherhood -- set up -- you have persecution of coped. And the same situation is going on in Syria you can't. The Christian. Leading by the droves whoever has little money to leave the country. But it leaves -- ceding commissions and talked out of leaving by the droves ever since we removed from compensate. Would creating an imbalance in the entire Middle East the Middle East have some balance that he had balanced. There's many Christians do lose. -- house of cards you have it is certainly -- -- they would probably see working together. If you have an election in -- today. By far try to let them win the election the people walk and they'll -- have. The question is you know whether he used chemical weapons are not from my own investigation. It was a rebels used the crude chemical weapons. If buckshot at -- used chemical weapons it would be much much higher that's bold. That's talk about who the victims where in in that chemical attack they would. -- -- -- let the soldiers who died. There was testimony given ponder testimonies by victims who know who'll basically find out that crude chemical rockets there was also. I believe United Nations inspector Hulu who the couple months ago at least talked about. That that look and came from the rebels but of course you know there's -- came here. You know years ago we asked the question what and what about the -- had weapons of mass destruction turned out to be -- We removed from Buffett saying we have chaos and there are. While other Americans are asking if this investigation is bogus or not what evidence can the government provide. Also. If we are so intercept all the -- about a hundred or so victims and Padilla. And that we want to you know they need and at that apply them to bid to the world from -- -- -- that because we -- different. Why isn't. President Obama looking at. The right to -- by his family you know his brother works for the Sudanese government. So down -- Martin Bashir. Is wanted for seven counts. By the ICC international criminal court for genocide. It'll -- got you got over a million people genocide. But thought the year's B two million who knows in some done so you really want to think about the human it having an issue. What has the United States done about some doubt on the continent when Phelps who's done what to do something. President Obama reprimand. South Sudan to stop but so what -- -- he ought to really. So you know the entire policy is all the United States government. Is critically -- and abetted terrorists want it is possible because. The United States thinks that -- on as the head of the snake so any allies to your dog must be squashed. And by pat you tip -- -- you picked at the -- against the Shia. But that creates an imbalance in the entire region as we -- country. The entire region is in balance. And of course Russia as its interest in the Mediterranean. It has to defend its interest. So this could -- the clash between the US and Russia I believe if Putin holds his ground. I think America will back off the issue I don't think it will be a war anytime soon eventually however. I think. Slowly to Middle East will -- in which she will be possibly we'll see but -- -- -- posted. And it's a new energy installed. And you would would be an -- -- -- part. We are talking with while lead sure bat one of the world's leading experts on the Middle East on radical Islam and on terrorism. While lead knowing that al-Qaeda. It's such a prominent part of the Islamist rebels and the opposition to Bashar silent. Why. Do you think Obama has decided to arm the rebels. Is it wag the dog is it to distract the American public from all of the scandals that are crippling his presidency. Or is this part of a larger agenda to enable radical Islam to come to power across the Middle East. Well perhaps if you -- the Middle East that question is what that will have you. They'll tell you that the western powers ought to you know afraid. Off. A secular Middle East. Gaining momentum. And you know getting a stronghold. The wanna keep it weak and that's. This sentiment in the Middle East. That if you have a purely Islamic regime controlling in the Middle East. It will weaken the Middle East we see what happens in Egypt Egypt has very -- The economy is deteriorating. The tourism industry is for the pot. The stock market is falling apart it's weak hitting the entire Middle -- That's the sentiment in the Middle East however I might disagree with that sentiment because you know -- I think it is. Could it be the problem that we help would be wrong you know we have all these boycotting it on its not working you know I'm still working their nuclear. They want to basically -- the -- Access or you know on. From -- talked to who. Syria to Lebanon Hezbollah because Hezbollah of course. There was the one that's aided the city and achieve. In -- -- in creating a local -- you know locals say it was taken by the rebels have become a long time and not -- -- record to all the southern. He has Nvidia is winning his city is establishing. Its position in the Middle East as effective route bridging. And -- United States. Basically want to remove that energy. And of course we have Israel also in the mix Israel but not once bush a lot of offense but of course -- -- -- -- -- -- Israel in this case. Because I look at the big picture. And the big picture is basically. What the United States wants to do is give the entire Middle East. Two with the Turks the -- the properties to basically to provide and maintain. And that they can control. They believe they can control Turkey. They believe they can control -- your debut but by far this could destabilize the entire region. In which you could how -- in the alliance forming in fact this is exactly what's happening. You have -- the alliance forming as a result of our intervention in the Middle East. Which will create a much big go to multiple -- Then what we -- with the Shia alliance. So movement as we see. That you brought an end to what the -- eight we will see Turkey's influence always. In in the in the at a much faster scale that we could ever dream in which it will basically. The tournament itself. And -- itself. In the region as these super power in the region. You know the whole thing was zero conflict and the look of -- Turkey is absolutely nonsense what we -- You know you know asking Turkey. Two. Stop its involvement as well in the Middle East Italy Turkey wants to become the lead in the whole region. Well he what are you in terms of Obama. Is is he ultimately. Do you think he. That does he fear Bashar Asad is it because he came out and drew that red line in the sand where he say you can't use chemical weapons. And so he put his prestige. And credibility on the line. Or do you think deep down this saudis are telling him we want Bishara sought to fall if that means arming al-Qaeda you warm al-Qaeda. I think they've got this correct though because a lot of Saudi Arabia has poems to influence on the United States. Seldom if it calls the shots. Also -- over the involved. You know Obama all legal -- who walked secede in the Middle East. To be weakened. And even if you have McCain it's not just Obama mean look at McCain McCain in the flamboyant. -- -- as Syrian -- much even worse than President Obama let's let's be honest about this and he's on the Republican side. It is always been -- mistake. That the United States always done that at the same mistake. When you dawn you know I don't got caught up you know shut -- -- of the ousted from you on that created The Who meeting between. When Reagan also. It'd be mujahideen against. The Communist Russians. That basically created the -- and we did the same thing in Egypt and what that created with the Muslim Brotherhood if you look at every single scenario. It's the same policy. It is the way -- United States looks of things well you know what do we have here we have an enemy is cold here on what do we do. All this Shia who their enemy. Sunday that it -- certainly that's exactly what is happening. This same situation and that kind of stuff and we'd we -- we elect a Communist Russia. Let's ignore generating those sort of god creating god loving people they will fight them -- -- the Communist let's give them stinger missile. So the simple policy has always been the policy. -- Think you -- they should keep their hands all the middle. But -- the Middle East countries all the problems we can defeat in the Middle East and it is correct when the bit so we know what's happening now is that. You know middle easterners horse secularist hate America I -- you want to make friends in the Middle East. You if you should we should make friends with the guardian dissidents who dissatisfied with the Iran imaging which sort of under the ball. We're throwing all the sectors of the egyptians under the ball was going all the Christians billions of that the bought the ceding commissions under the -- We are creating enemies of our friends. So we happen to the Middle East. But we are causing them by Canadian by -- to hate us even more and -- that eating the islamists has got to make. -- more love but by god. This -- to use whoever wants to give that weapons and that's also itself would you need to Islamist giving them weapons. What will happen is that. They will begin you know many secularist will begin to -- -- that's what's going on exactly. In the Middle East. -- Islamist -- being accused of being agents. For the US and Egypt or Israel do you not think that the United States policies know that they know that. They do it on purpose. And so this creates a civil war within Muslim -- -- You know some might say this is the good thing. But in the long run who will support on the -- and the Christians of the minorities. The Middle East had balance and what we're doing is removing all the balance that is left. To cause revolutions unspeakable. Just wait to see you won't happen in Egypt to mark my -- among the air now. Egypt would have a civil war they're talking about the most recent at the end of the -- and Egypt you have senator and what party -- against. These Muslim brother that you have Muslim Brotherhood -- the fist against. How could this problem in an incident in the you know and in in in -- and Turkey all these things all these. -- getting. Who violence is gonna erupt like a mushroom -- very so. We are talking with while lead sure about one of the world's leading experts on terrorism. And the Middle East. Well lead before I let you go I have to ask you about John Kerry and who might have been the whom Aberdeen as you know and just inform our listeners -- was a former top aide to Hillary Clinton. Well lead do you believe that she had ties to the Muslim Brotherhood her family is known to have ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. And did she use her position as Hillary Clinton's top advisor. To influence our government. To swing our support around to the Muslim Brotherhood and undercut Egypt's former leader Hosni Mubarak. That's followed the last question we don't have direct evidence that nobody dean had influenced activities Clinton but. However. She was -- that -- -- -- and we do know that's -- have -- will probably look up below what policies he was one of -- -- problems of applied. This is no small issue. Have a brother works for kept her mother turned out to be not just a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. But a leader in the Muslim Brotherhood. Have all the -- a manifesto. For the Saudi government. Instituted by the Saudi government all of the folks in the country. To translate excerpts from that manifesto. Which polls for the is from my position not just of the United States but of the entire -- It discusses how they need to destroy. The American Jewish community. In order to basically -- -- Islamist cause in the United States that was her father. She walked. For the institute of mostly minority -- and by the way you know who gravity working for the institute of Muslim minority affairs is not the club. It's it's that jurisprudence. Many -- columns over the Middle East talks about using the Muslim minority affairs to a defense. That manifesto so it'd be able haven't caught. As well as the Muslim Brotherhood because in the United States so the evidence is absolutely overwhelming. That home -- everything was a key -- to that goal we have the membership cards. We have the relationships. We've housing associations. You know football was one of the major leaguers who basically. Was one of the content of a party. The to the major issue associations do count when it comes to that issue when you look for the government to the -- she goes for. President Barack Obama his brother his family his grandmother. You know his brother working for the Saudi government. The first target Sudanese government -- -- is a terror or stick it takes a very old content to qualified to be a terrorist state is only four countries. So that was one of the his brother is it is it is a US resident he should be arrested and thrown in prison. For all the 51 CC issues the IRS of course he did that that'd. His brother. We should ask the question you know. -- -- that's due vista's launch a lot of course they had you know or social Apollo. It's capable -- herself. Who would do with the blue floor of course the president. So we got to look at Obama all the relationship. Obama also gave a speech and he commended whom are we being thwarted. Because Obama is more most likely -- Cindy because he comes from us in the background. He loved it's in the -- he meets with them he does not like the Christian part of his family at all in any but he -- -- for Obama. Really. I have ever helped his brother George we'll handle. Georgia killed mother is Christian he didn't even care about his Christian brother so let's look at the relationships Obama has personal relationships and how he acted. Do count when it comes. To his aspirations and to his allegiances. We have been talking with while lead sure bat. One of the world's leading experts on the Middle East and terrorism. While lead working people go I read your stuff by the way all the time it's dynamite. But just I wanna give you a nice plug my friend have our readers our listeners forgive me read your stuff. They can go to what -- -- dot com correct. Just go -- shoe -- as Haiti although he bat like a baseball about one word chew -- dot com. While we practiced so much dynamite stuff buddy as usual. You -- governor thank you god bless you -- 6172666868. Is the number. You heard it for morally sure about were arming al-Qaeda in Syria. This is going to be an absolute disaster. We are creating a monster in the Middle East we are creating a monster in Syria. We're gonna see another Islamist state. Al-Qaeda will have another state that it will occupy. And this will be done thanks to American weapons and American tax dollars. That's the kind of traitor we have in the White House. And notice this my friends just stepped pile on to what what lead was sank. Remember the issue of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. And Saddam Hussein. Notice no one is asking this question about Syria. Weird it's Syria get its weapons of mass destruction. It was off the radar. Nobody before had said anything about Syria's weapons of mass destruction program chemical weapons biological -- our weapons. It was all. In secret nobody knew -- thing. And here is what I believe happened. In the lead up to the American invasion. There are numerous satellite photographs that were taken by the Pentagon the NSA and the CIA. Which show truck after truck after truck literally a line of trucks. Leaving you rock and going into Syria. And the reason why I notice. Is because I interviewed somebody by the name of Dave bobbitt's. And he was part of the special weapons of mass destruction team. Sent by the US government right in the wake of the invasion as our troops were descending in closing in on Baghdad. -- it's and his team were already on the ground. And here is what he told me and I -- relate that all of you. He said Jeff when we went to some of these deep underground bunkers. Which were literally. 20304050. Feet. Underneath the Euphrates River. We were confronted by -- local Iraqis. And Bob it's his blond hair blue whites you understand what this means in the second. They immediately thought he was Russian. And they want to speak to him and Russian and he said Norman American. And they -- all your blue on blue you you're you're blonde haired blue wide view you're tall you you look like a Russian. And they go why would you think I'm Russian. She goes because the Russians have been here for six months. While you were negotiating with Britain. To getting UN resolution when you were fighting this out in the UN to get UN approval for the invasion of Iraq the Russians have been here. Going in all of these underground bunkers and loading truck after truck after truck. With weapons that I of mass destruction with chemical weapons -- biological weapons and these trucks are gone. And so where did Saddam weapons and up I believe they ended up in Syria. I believe they ended up in the hands of the -- sought. Remember Bishara -- is a baathist. Just like Saddam was a baathist. They were in many ways ideological brother -- And so now the media is not asking the obvious question. All of these chemical weapons that they -- -- his use and I agree with -- lead I think the rebels used it but let that go. The big fear that the rebels are gonna get their hands on the weapons that Bashar Asad has weapons. -- -- these weapons come from. What they were just magically recreated out of thin and what they just waived the one. They were imported. And they were imported from Saddam Hussein. You wanna know what happened this OMB's. They ended up in Syria and now. Thanks to our government they could end up in the hands of al-Qaeda. 6172666868. Is the number. Should we arm the Syrian rebels. Is this another disastrous war. That our administration. Is embarking us on what do you say should we intervene should we not intervene in Syria. Your calls next.


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