Title: Remember You Are Mortal
praiseofshadowsClaim: Light/Misa
Rating: Strong R (for sex, death, and just general dark themes)
Notes: Eh...spoilers for all of Deathnote (including "How to Read"), explicit Light/Misa relationship, abuse of parenthetical remarks and run-on sentences, & character death
Remember You Are Mortal )
Comments 12
Raito's still insane, Misa is still devoted and I think you have their relationship down.
XD; And even though Misa's character is annoying most of the time, 20 made me feel bad for her; it was amazing. :/ In the end, she was just a girl in love with Raito... And Raito had no problem using that to his full advantage.
Well done. :) I hope you keep writing--even if it's for these two! XD;
Because when it comes right down to it, she's messed up girl in love with probably one of the biggest users there is. Correction: biggest insane user. =D (So I'm very glad you thought I had their relationship down)
Anyway, my thanks for your kind words ^_^ (especially since neither you nor anybody else is actually a big fan of Raito/Misa; heck, even I'm not that big of a fan. ^_~)
P.S. Your icon is pure ♥
wanting to smack the Misa that lets herself get used by Light as he pretty much descends into madness Ditto! It's like all those abused!women novels...you just want to yank her by the arm and be like, "Stop! Don't do it! He's just a user!" (And yet you can't, and the story goes on T_T)
And I'm really glad you thought this "fit" the general tone of Deathnote! Thank you very muchly! =^_^= (Because it was lots of fun to write XD)
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Thanks for reading! ♥
But, you did an amazing job. As a big Light fan, you especially captured lots of little things that make a huge difference to him! I loved the glimpses of Light inside Kira... almost as much as I loved the images of Kira swallowing Light whole as time went on.
Beautiful job!
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