I've made some progress

May 22, 2010 21:58

I've also added a couple of things to the list, so here's all of my updates:

List is behind the cut.

Bold = completed
Italics = in progress

Completed:  10

Start Date: January 1, 2010
End Date: July 4, 2015

1. lose 25 pounds
2. lose 50 pounds
3. lose 100 pounds
4. develop an exercise routine and stick to it for 6 months (3/week, 60 min)
5. go skiing
6. find a yoga class
7. Physical & OB/GYN visit 2010
8. Physical & OB/GYN visit 2011
9. Physical & OB/GYN visit 2012
10. Physical & OB/GYN visit 2013
11. Physical & OB/GYN visit 2014
12. Physical & OB/GYN visit 2015
13. Finish 10 stitching project challenge  (2 of 10 completed)
14. Finish Apache Wedding Blessing
15. Finish Egyptian Sampler
16. Finish Floral Bellpull
17. Finish Cats on a Staircase
18. Finish Legends of the Dragons
19. Finish Spring Queen
20. Finish Autumn Queen
21. Finish I Love New England
22. Finish my own wedding sampler
23. Get the Castle professionally framed
24. Get Erich’s Star Wars sampler professionally framed
25. Redesign & establish a new organizational method for stitching stuff
26. Attend a stitcher’s retreat or show  (Reservation has been made for October 2010!)
27. Begin a project by Heaven and Earth Designs
28. Begin a project by Chatelaine
29. Learn to “bind off” knitting
30. Knit a hat
31. Knit mittens
32. Participate in a stitching round robin in 2010 or 2011  (Currently on round 2 of it)
33. Participate in a stitching round robin in 2012 or 2013
34. Participate in a stitching round robin in 2014 or 2015
35. Join or form a crafty guild (or regular Stitch ‘n Bitch group)
36. Learn to use a sewing machine
37. Repaint bedroom
38. Repaint bathroom
39. Repaint living room
40. Repaint sunroom
41. Repaint hallways
42. Put in 2nd bathroom
43. Create a useful storage/work space in the basement
44. Plant a vegetable garden  DONE!  May 2010
45. Plant a magnolia tree
46. Pull out overgrown plants and redesign the front of the house
47. Help Erich with his “mancave” creation
48. Install a new kitchen floor
49. Learn how to can veggies/pickles/sauce
50. Make homemade sauerkraut
51. Make Mom’s Chocolate Seduction on my own
52. Put $2,000 into my IRA
53. Create a personal cookbook with Mom’s & family/friend recipes
54. Cook every night for two weeks straight
55. Buy a snowblower
56. Replace windows in the house
57. Create a good address book (with birthdays & other important dates)
58. Complete a 50 book challenge
59. Read a novel in French
60. Read any Jane Austen novel  DONE - March 2010
61. Read an Agatha Christie novel
62. Audit a college class
63. Create a “must read” masterlist, to be edited as needed
64. Buff up my French
65. Buff up my Russian
66. Travel: Vermont
67. Travel: to see Dad
68. Travel: Scott’s wedding
69. Travel: back to the UK
70. Travel: Florida
71. Go to the Big E fair in Mass
72. Visit the Roger Williams Park zoo
73. Spend an afternoon at a museum in Boston
74. Attend Waterfire
75. Go on a romantic weekend getaway with Erich
76. Attend a Drum Corps show
77. Create an annual Yule dinner incorporating family traditions
78. Sit every sabbat for 2010  (3/8)
79. Sit every sabbat for 2011
80. Sit every sabbat for 2012
81. Sit every sabbat for 2013
82. Sit every sabbat for 2014
83. Sit Imbolc - Midsummer for 2015
84. Attend a drum circle
85. Attend an open circle ritual
86. Figure out whether I want to be part of a Pagan grove/coven, and if so - start pursuing membership
87. Go to a Pagan festival
88. Do the cross-country drive thing with Erich for a long “see the nation” vacation
89. Go see the sights in Washington, D.C.
90. Go sightseeing in NYC
91. Attend a professional-level play
92. Attend a Boston Symphony or Pops concert
93. Go to a Beanpot game
94. Go to a BU hockey game
95. Go to a Pat’s game
96. Go to a Red Sox game
97. Go to a Bruins game
98. Go to a Celtics game
99. Take an overnight train trip to New Orleans
100. Attend Weetacon
101. Attend ComicCon
102. Attend DragonCon
103. Attend Arisia
104. Attend WorldCon
105. Level another Horde character to 80
106. Level an Alliance character to 80
107. Level a Horde character to 85
108. Level an Alliance character to 85
109. Attend all three sorority degrees in a school year
110. Donate blood or platelets in 2010
111. Donate blood or platelets in 2011
112. Donate blood or platelets in 2012
113. Donate blood or platelets in 2013
114. Donate blood or platelets in 2014
115. Donate blood or platelets in 2015
116. Decide & act on final decision to have kids (whether yes or no)
117. Annual house cleanout - 2010
118. Annual house cleanout - 2011
119. Annual house cleanout - 2012
120. Annual house cleanout - 2013
121. Annual house cleanout - 2014
122. Annual house cleanout - 2015
123. Rebuild my Book of Shadows
124. Redevelop Reiki practice
125. Learn to read Tarot
126. Complete a 100 book challenge
127. Visit Block Island
128. Visit Nantucket
129. Visit Martha's Vineyard
130. Spend a week in Maine that doesn't involve a house project
131. Write a novel-length fanfic
132. Finish a new NaNoWriMo project
133. Revise and complete a previous NaNoWriMo attempt
134. Learn how to make maki rolls
135. Go dancing with Erich
136. Do a US Rt. 1 wander to NYC
137. Scan and digitally archive the old family photo albums
138. Take/audit a professional course
139. Make/get a cloak made that matches my Ren Faire clothing
140. Send 50 postcards via postcrossing  DONE May 2010
141. Reconnect with my favorite penpals via handwritten letters
142. Discover a new ethnic cuisine
143. Find a good Indian restaurant closer to Providence  DONE March 2010
144. Frame my posters from the RSC productions
145. Repair the wall in my office and repaint
146. Make chickenscratch towels for the kitchen
147. Buy retro decorations for the kitchen (cannisters, clock, etc.)
148. Buy an island for extra kitchen storage
149. Watch all of the Doctor Who episodes still in existence
150. Clean out my gmail inbox
151. Organize my gmail contacts
152. Run a Doctor Who RPG session
153. Take Erich to see Rocky Horror Picture Show
154. Attend a meeting of the New England Embroidery Guild
155. Attend the Brimfield Fair  DONE May 2010
156. Attend the URI Spring Fair  DONE May 2010
157. Buy a second composting bin
158. Develop a better composting/recycling habit
160. Learn to like myself (loving may still be a bit too hard)
161. Bake my own bread
162. Make an apple pie.
163. Make a shoefly pie DONE May 2010
164. Safeproof the house documents - either in a fireproof safe or a bank deposit box
165. Pay off my car loan
166. Help Erich pay down the credit card
167. Pay enough mortgage money to eliminate the PMI
168. Find a standing non-gaming activity to do with Erich on a regular basis  DONE - We're bowling!  APRIL 2010
169. Go to my 20th high school reunion
170. Take Erich to Yellowstone
171. Host a big friend hangout at the Florida house
172. Buy a matching sofa set for the living room
173. Get a set of chairs so we can actually dine in the dining room
174. Lighten the fuck up
175. Cook fresh veggies at least three times per week (i.e. not steamer/frozen bags)
176. Cut back the pop habit to no more than 2 cans per day
179. Update my branch of the family tree
180. Participate in a new round of Erich's RPG games
181. Attend Grandma Lillian's 90th birthday  DONE - April 2010
182. Attend Grandpa's 90th birthday

183 -210 are currently free.

progress... i has it!

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