Title: Breakfast Declarations (
AO3) (
hoc_volueruntPairing: Holmes/Watson
Length: 824 words
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Verse: Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson (1980)
Author's summary: Holmes makes a little confession over breakfast, and Watson does a lot of internal giggling.
Reccer's comments: The Whitehead and Pickering television adaptation of 1979/1980 is one of my favorite Holmes/Watson pairs -
scfrankles described them recently as "a charming version of Holmes and Watson-devoted to each other, with a nice line in banter," and I can't improve on that.
This little story is note-perfect in its execution of Whitehead and Pickering's teasing, affectionate push-pull. I'm of two minds as to whether Whitehead's Holmes would ever say "I love you" aloud, but if he did, this is precisely the way it would go down. Fans of the series will recognize these two as utterly themselves, but no specific knowledge of their canon is needed to appreciate this bit of humorous fluff: you only have to appreciate a Holmes and Watson who truly, sincerely, enjoy each other, and are not shy about letting it show.
Author's tags: First Kiss, Fluff, Humor