What did one lipid say to the other lipid?
"Move your fatty acid out of my way!"
(As told by my BioPsych LA--a Neuro grad from William and Mary who I love.)
She also said that, "The action potential is like the bovine precipitation of the brain."
(When I told this to Nina last night, she was like, "What?" So I should explain. The action potential is the coolest thing ever because it's basically what people are talking about when they talk about neurons "firing." Not everyone in my class has learned about Action Potentials before, so when my prof was going over it she described it like so: "You know how when you're playing SimCity and you finally get the city to be self-sustaining and they don't complain at you that they want anything anymore? So you sit there for a few turns feeling self-satisfied until you get bored and then you're like, 'I'm bored... let's make it rain cows.' That's basically what the action potential is. The action potential is like the bovine precipitation of the brain.")
Yesterday I bought my dissection kit and squealed with excitement when I opened it. (Everything is all shiny and clean and gleaming, it makes me happy.) Then I showed it to one of my room-mates, who was very nervous about the fact that they just keep the kits in a box on a shelf next to the art supplies in the Bookstore.
(I harass her, but I don't mean to. By Thursday night--when I have my BioPsych lab--our other room-mate has already gone home, and I get really excited about my lab. So I show her pictures from my lab book and I try to tell her random things about the brain... she and her sisters take it in stride.)
I presented my idea to do my presentation on the neural bases of eating disorders at the end of the semester to my LA, but she didn't seem very interested or enthused. I'm interested and enthused, but maybe I should do it on something a little more normal with a little more fact, like
temporal lobe epilepsy or
Geschwind Syndrome, which are what first got me interested in the brain Freshman year of high school.