Name: Kim Kibum
Type: Idol Group (SHINee)
김 기범AIM: #glassreflective
Age: 19
Year: 6th Year
Blood Status: Half-blood (father is a squib, mother is a pure-blood)
Country of Origin: Korea
Personality: Kibum is a very complex person, but at the very core, he has two very distinct sides to his personality. The side that's bratty and spoilt and expects nothing less than the best; and the side that desires to mother anyone younger than him.
The bratty side is the one that everyone knows about. It's his public persona, and he's not particularly shy about it. Kibum doesn't watch what he says, and doesn't think about the consequences of his words. If he hurts someone, he's quick to notice, but can be slow to apologise. It's not that he's rude - he's just extremely prideful. He won't apologize unless the situation really calls for it, and he always believes that he's right. Always. Because of his maternal grandparents' expectations, he feels awkward around muggles and muggle-borns so he tends to put on airs and tries to 'hang' with the pure-bloods and half-bloods instead. He hasn't told anyone of his father because he's still ashamed.
Underneath the sharp comments though, Kibum craves attention. He still thinks that he's been abandoned by his parents, and even though his grandmother bears no ill will towards him, his vendetta towards his parents has created a rift between him and his grandmother. He can't bear to forgive them, and as such tries to cover up this loneliness. He craves the sort of maternal (or paternal) attention that he thinks he deserves. Because he was bullied when he was younger, Kibum is no stranger to loneliness either. He spent years being bullied, and as a result he knows just how horrible it feels to be bullied, or to be alone. As such, when he sees someone who looks lonely or who's younger than him, he tries to take good care of them. Of course, if this other side of him got out it would ruin his reputation, and so only those whom he's close to are privy to his fussing and nagging.
With the people he's close to, Kibum doesn't have to hide. He behaves just like how he expects a mother to - he nags and scolds and reminds and brings poeple things that they've forgotten. Sometimes he overdoes it, but he never notices because he's too busy caring for the person. He doesn't care much for appearances around those he's close to, and tends to just let loose. He lazes around and gives up looking for attention.
Kibum doesn't judge things as being either 'right' or 'wrong' but tends to go with his gut. If he has to cheat to help a friend, he'll do it. He's very meticulous too, and takes good care of everything he owns. It's a habit from when he was a young child (because he was pampered and taught good manners).
Background: Kibum's early years were spent overseas. His father was a squib and had very nicely adapted to a more normal lifestyle as a member of an executive board of a successful shipping conglomerate. His mother, a pure-blood, was both his father's trophy wife and the daughter of a well-known wizarding family. By these standards, Kibum was practically royalty. Born to a squib father and pure-blood mother also meant that the moment Kibum displayed his magical ability (i.e. making pots and pans fly around the kitchen when he was four) he was treated like a prince. His grandparents - desperate for someone to carry on their magical lineage - doted on him and showered him with treats and toys. His parents - who up until that point had been extremely worried that he would be a squib like his father - spent every waking moment with him, and when they couldn't, they hired nannies to do so. In this way, Kibum lived in the lap of luxury and soon got used to getting whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted it.
When he was six however, Kibum threw a tantrum and nearly destroyed his classroom. His parents, disappointed in themselves, sent him to Korea to live with his grandmother. Suddenly he wasn't Kibum-the-rich-kid anymore, but an alien who was strange and who didn't fit in with school. His classmates, who didn't care about the fact that his family was rich, teased him endlessly because he didn't understand how the farm worked. Having to keep his magical ability a secret just made it worse for him, and Kibum developed grudges on the kids who teased him. As the years went on, and his grandmother's social standing didn't improve, he began to turn against her too, and hated both her and his parents for seemingly 'throwing him away'. He endured years of taunting, teasing and even a little bullying from his classmates. Until the day he received his letter. That day, he packed up his things and left his grandmother's house in the middle of the night.
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