1. Kioto
2. Aoi
3. Akita
1. Number one, what was your childhood like?
Kioto: Hmm... My childhood was pretty happy until my little brother get sick and died couple months after. After that my life has been hell.
2. Character number three, if you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be? (It can be something regarding your personal history, or something that is in the history books.)
Akita: ...I would avoid to meet Komori.
3. Number two, would you rather be immortal and eternally miserable, or live a mortal, blissfully peaceful life?
Aoi: peaceful life...?
4. Say, character number three, how much do you weigh?
Akita: Hmm I'm not sure. Whatever it is, it's still way too much!
5. Have you ever loved and lost, number one? I'll bet it was your fault, wasn't it? Tsk tsk...
Kioto: Yeah. Well of course it wasn't my fault! Well... even tought my dad always tell me it was my fault...
6. Oh, no character two! You've just strolled into a department store to admire the lovely washing machines when a guy with a nylon stocking over his head runs in and holds the whole store at gunpoint! How will you save the day? (If you are a coward and do not wish to save the day, what do you do upon Stocking Head's arrival?)
Aoi: Umh... I will run...?
7. Number Three, tell your best "Yo Momma" joke.
Akita: ehm ...yo momma?
8. Who is the one person you cannot live without, character number one? Why? (Please don't say Oprah, please don't say Oprah...)
Kioto: Ehm... do I really have to say it out loud? I mean... yeah there is couple. Trinity is the other one and other one is... well I guess it would be pretty hard live without him.
9. Hey, number two, tell me one of your deepest, darkest secrets. To make you feel better, I'll tell one of mine: I don't have any deep, dark secrets.
Aoi: ...Do I have to... Well... Umh I have kissed a guy...well couple guys. And I think I enjoyed it.... But I'm not gay! Never! I was drunk!
10. All characters: What kind of music do you listen to? Do you play any instruments? If so, which ones? (Yes...the kazoo counts. Your nose, however,
does not.)
Kioto: Something sexy I can dance to. Like Jeffree Star, Lady GaGa and all kind of techno. I have played piano when I was small, but I haven't tried it to many years so I'm not sure about it.
Aoi: Screamo or emocore. Alesana, Bring me the Horizon, Bullet for my Valentine etc... I can play bass.
Akita: I don't listen just one genre, almoust everything goes. I can't play anything.
12. Finish the statement, number three: Art is...
Akita: air you breath. You can't live without it.
12. Finish the statement, number two: People are...
Aoi: ...self-centered monsters
13. Finish the statement, number one: Imagination...
Kioto: gives you a freedom.
14. All characters: Out of the three of you, who is the most outgoing? Reserved? Humorous? Stinky?
Kioto: Well, I'm most outgoing for sure. And humorous and handsome... Akita is most stinky.
Aoi: ....I'm most reserved.
15. Quick, Number three! Write a poem!
Akita: Hmm.... no.
16. What is your favorite word, number one?
Kioto: SEX. No I mean... Hmm... I don't know.
17. Character number three, what is one weird thing that you can do? (i.e. wiggle your ears, fold your tongue, play 'amazing grace' with your armpit...)
Akita: ....................... nothing special I guess.
18. Speak any other languages, Number Two?
Aoi: Russian veeery little.
19. What is your nationality, character number one?
Kioto: I'm dutch~
20. Pick, number two: asparagus or canned peas? Please elaborate.
Aoi: Eww... I would chose hampurger more likely.
21. What scares you the most, character three?
Akita: Umh... lose my final freedom.
22. All characters: What is one thing you would like the world to know about you?
Kioto: ....WHOLE WORLD? Whoa I have so much to tell, where to start...Hmm. Well I'm named after japanese town, I like pancakes and easiest way to win my heart is making food. I like to take bath and play videogames... *keep talking some nonesense*
Aoi: Ehmmm...world....? Ehm... I like Mischa *shy*
Akita: I hate Komori. Much.